The Secret War

The Secret War

A Story by R. J. Griffin

The Secret War

By R.J. Gryffen




          In the eighteenth year of the reign of King Michael and Queen Gracelyn in the country of Kiolettea, the Princess Royal, Catherine died. Struck by this great tragedy the king changed his will so that each of his sons would inherit half of his kingdom, instead of his oldest son, Phillip, inheriting all of it. No one could understand why the king had done this, especially because Phillip had been trained his entire life to be king, whereas Thomas had been schooled as fit for his life as Duke of Cunson, and seemingly content with it.


          Shortly after the king changed his will, he died. Following this the queen remarried and had a child, living out her life as a duchess. The new kings married, both thinking of their country at the time. However, when Thomas married, he eventually found love with his new bride. Phillip married a woman whom he could have loved after time, but she died just after giving birth to their daughter.


          King Phillip had to watch as his brother and his sister-in-law had a son, and then a daughter. He had to watch as the young family grew in love and happiness. It killed him emotionally, just as seeing his daughter, seeing the ways he should have shown her he loved her killed him.  Seeing what he could have had, seeing what his brother had built up hatred inside him. Hatred strong enough to make him want to kill his brother, his father, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew.


          One day Phillip’s main spy, Oliver, reported that Queen Viola, Thomas’s wife, was pregnant again. This information put the king over the edge, and in a fit of rage he called for Le Tueur Assasain, the killer assasain. He ordered the man to kill King Thomas, Queen Viola, Prince James, and Princess Emma. James and Emma were, at the time, 11 and 9.


          When news came back to him two weeks later that Le Tueur Assasain was dead as well as King Thomas and Queen Viola, but not James and Emma, he threw a fit. Hurriedly, he put together an army of spies to follow them.  Somehow, they escaped him, again, and again, and again, and again. Seven times they escaped him, seven years they were free. He only had until James was 21, because then James would get the entire kingdom.






Chapter One

7 years later


James sighed, “I can’t do it Emma.” Emma looked at him, opening her mouth for, he was sure, some sarcastic comment, when they both heard footsteps. “Damn!” Emma muttered. He looked at her strangely and she rolled her eyes. He knew that she cursed, but it was still strange to hear his little sister say that.


          As the footsteps got louder, Emma shoved him aside and got to work on the lock. She had always had more of a natural talent for the thief, criminal type of thing. Personally, Emma thought he was just too kingly and good to even try to succeed in stealing, picking locks, and lying.


          “Yes!” she whisper shouted as the lock clicked open.


          “Just hurry Em!” James snapped in reply, hustling after her. They didn’t stop running until they couldn’t hear footsteps anymore, and then they walked. By the time they were sure it was safe to stop they were out of breath, thirsty, and extremely tired. After taking several deep, long breaths Emma asked him “Where do you think we are?”


          “I’m not sure.” he admitted. When Emma stared at him in astonishment he snapped. “I don’t know everything alright!”


           Emma bit her lip and sighed inwardly, her brother got extremely upset when he failed at anything. The only way to get him to stop pouting was to act like he was being ridiculous. She was good at acting like he was ridiculous.


          “Oh, come on Jamie, you’re being a fool.” She watched as his face grew a bit brighter. “Picking locks is the only thing you’re bad at.”


          “I guess.”

          “Jamie, we’d better get going if we’re gonna get to Perchoir Roost in time.” She’d been listening to the sounds coming from above them as she talked and was pretty sure they were by Quinton Street. When they had first entered the tunnel she had seen a cellar trap door with the Perchoir symbol on it.


          “Here.” she said already climbing onto the small stone ledge “Give me a boost.” Rolling his eyes, her brother did as she said.


          When her head poked through the top of the hidden door she saw a cellar, with a huge man in it.


          “Goodness highness!” said Queg “You gave me a fright, what with being down there so long.”


          “Queg!” Emma exclaimed in delight “Here, help me up.” She reached out her arms like a babe begging his mother to hold him. Their huge, strong, and yet teddy bearlike bodyguard had been around since before James was born. Father had always said that Queg must have been half giant because of how big and strong he was.


          After he set Emma down beside some wine barrels, he bent down to pull James out of the tunnel. Meanwhile, she examined their surroundings.  Sounds of pots and pans clanging told her they were in a rich person’s home. Looking closely at the seal on the wine barrels, she saw that they were in the Duke of Carrae’s home.


          The duke had been a close friend of her grandfather’s and had been given a title for fighting in the war.  Seeing the current king’s growing insanity, he had decided to help Emma and James in the hopes that the kingdom would be put in steady, sane hands. She heard a grunt behind her and turned to find her brother and Queg standing beside each other talking quietly. Seeing her watching them, James spoke up louder.


          “Shall we get going Em?” Emma nodded and led the way out of the cellar silently.


          By the time they got to the kitchen, a footman had seen them and been sent to notify the duke that they were in the house. The duke had in turn sent a messenger to Lizzie, the cook.


          As soon as James and Emma entered the kitchen they were enveloped in a floury hug.


“Oh, me dears!” Lizzie said lovingly “You scared me ‘alf to death.” “Now!” she continued briskly “What did you find out?”



Chapter Two


          “We found a way in...” James started, but then there was an interruption. Two men dressed in the dukes colors came in carrying a squeaky, midget of a man… otherwise known as Percival, one of there best spies.


          “What... Percy what are you doing here?” Emma asked, slightly worried about the answer.


          “Wait, highness, do you know this midget?” asked one of the guards “Well of course I do.” Emma replied. In response, the guards put down the spy, bowed, and left the kitchen.

          Immediately after the guards left, Percy straightened up and made a few minor changes to his hair and clothing. These seemingly inconsequential changes made him look like a completely different man.


          “Highness” he said bowing to Emma and James “I interrupted a correspondence between King Phillip and his main spy.” With that he paused looking around at their audience. When it became clear to James that he wouldn’t continue unless he was ordered or everyone else left, James spoke up, eyebrows raised “Continue Percy, they are safe and besides, they know everything.” He emphasized the end of his sentence by looking rather amused at the spy’s concern. Percy nodded, reassured and began to read from the letter in his hand.


Dear Mr.  Phillips,

                        I am very unsure about the matter that we discussed. When you said that many had failed I took it as prideful that you then came to me. However I am now nervous that I will fail as well. What if they kill me? You assured me this would not happen but I take a great risk even considering the job. They are after all almost royalty, and have many who would stand up for them. In conclusion, I do not think I will be able to perform this service for you. I shall not tell a soul of what I know, of course.

Your servant,

Hugh Warren


       They all stood in stunned silence, processing what they had just heard. Finally, Emma spoke “So they’re trying to kill us…again.” Queg spoke grimly “Seems like. But ya know this Hugh Warren guy is lucky we intercepted the letter. I mean, if that had gotten to the king he’d be dead.”


          “Yes, well we had better get to the roost to fill in the rest.” James remarked, helping them all keep their minds off the fact that someone was trying to kill him and Emma. With that they slipped out of the duke’s town house and through the woods.


When they got to the lone oak Liam, the 13 year old sentry who desperately wanted to prove himself, popped out of the tree.


          “Oh, I’m glad you’re back!” he chattered “I had a great day, Christian finally started teaching me archery and…” he would have blabbed on if Queg hadn’t interrupted him saying “Sentry report!” in a brisk military tone. There was an instant change in Liam and he began talking in what seemed to Emma like code. She started wondering why her grandfather had changed his will and how her life would have been if he hadn’t, would she even be alive?


          Emma only came to when James nudged her forward towards Queg, who was moving towards camp. As they neared Perchoir Roost she heard the familiar sounds of their hideout. Perchoir Roost was a stone castle with more twists and turns than a maze. The castle was heavily guarded by an outer wall, defense towers, an inner wall, a village, and then the château. The complex, defensive castle had been designed by the late Lord Richard Nadel.


 Lord Nadel had died around the same time her parents had died. He left behind him his wife, Lady Lillian Nadel, and a son, Lord Christian Nadel.  Christian was the heir and had been two when his father died. For three years he waited for his father to come back, not understanding that he was dead until he saw his father’s grave in the cemetery. He had only been two at his father’s funeral, and his mother had been very protective of him since.


          Although she would never admit it to any other soul, Emma adored Christian. He had taken care of her when she first got to Nadel Manor, as it had been called then, and helped her get over her parents death. She would never forget how when she first got there and tumbled, crying, out of her aunt’s arms how he had followed her to the lone oak, and held her close, telling her that she was safe now, that he understood. She had believed him, and now she couldn’t realize why she had believed him, why she had thought he would be different.


For about two weeks he had helped her understand her parents’ death, and find her way around the castle. Then he started ignoring her, acting like she didn’t exist. At that point, she had started retreating into herself, giving the treatment he had given her to others. That had been when she started hiding away in the church. Over time, she had started cleaning it herself and adding little personal touches, like; a portrait of her parents, curtains, a bed with her favorite quilt on it, and some of her mother’s old dresses that still smelled like Viola’s gardenia perfume.


             When she entered the church attic, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the handsome, dark haired, hazel eyed young man that sat in the window seat, gazing out. Therefore she gave a start when she went to sit in her favorite spot, and found it occupied.


             “For the love of god Christian!” she shrieked, startled “What are you doing up here?” He turned to look at her, smirking arrogantly in a way that made her heart twist.


             “I’m the one who owns this place.” he said in a superior tone “Besides; I was the one who showed this place to you, remember.” Pain fleetingly crossed her face, as she remembered.














7 years ago






                “Alright Em, I’m gonna show you my secret hiding place.” Emma skipped along beside Christian as he held her hand, leading her away from the castle. He was so nice to her that when she was with him she forgot about her mother and father’s death. She didn’t know it yet, but she would follow him blindly. In those first few months they were a package deal, wherever he was, she was.  As he walked beside her, she realized they were heading towards the church, in the village. From there they went up some stairs and into the attic.


             “What is this place?” she asked wonderingly


             “This is my sanctuary.” he proclaimed proudly. Then he looked at her, secretly nervous of how his little darling would react.


             “It… it’s amazing.” She gasped, slowly walking around the attic, running her fingertips over the wood of the window seat, boxes, and bookshelf.


             He laughed, saying to her “Most girls would run screaming from a dusty church attic, but then again, you’ve never been most girls.”


             She’d smiled at him impishly, remarking “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” It was just a few days later that he started ignoring her and shooing her off when she followed him.      




             She saw from his face that he must have remembered too. Why had he needed to bring this up? Whenever Emma thought about those last few days, she would lose herself thinking about how he had betrayed her. With those thoughts came the wondering of how someone could do that to a nine year old girl whose parents had just died. She looked up and was startled by the fact that he was laughing.


             “God Christian! What is wrong with you?!” she shrieked all of her emotions bubbling up “You always do this sort of thing! You play with feelings, with trust and...And you just ruin it!” by now he was staring at her in a mixture of confusion and sorrow. “I was nine, only nine, my parents had just died and the one person in the entire world I trusted was you.” She paused for a few seconds, to catch her breath, and then continued. “You shoved me away, and for no reason!” Finally getting control of her emotions, she spoke again. “It’d be really nice if you could just leave me alone for now on.” she snapped sarcastically, walking away.












Chapter Three


        When she left the church, she was so upset that she just started walking blindly. Before she knew it, the sun was going down and she had no idea where she was. The only place to go was the caves. The caves were dreaded by all, and on the very edge of the farmland surrounding the Roost.


             With a sigh, she trudged on to the caves. With every step the caves seemed to move farther and farther away. Finally, she got there, exhausted and hungry.


             No one would notice she was gone, especially since it looked like she didn’t come out of her room for days. Besides, only Christian knew that the attic was where she actually spent all of her time. Chances were that he wouldn’t tell anyone about the attic or that she had stormed off. Even if he did tell everyone, it would take days to find her.


             Suddenly she heard a sharp noise coming from the cave behind her. Emma released a dagger from a sheath on her wrist and tensed, ready to fight. The man, whoever he was, bumped into her. She grabbed his wrist tightly, ready to twist it.


             “Who are you?” she asked the caves had been cleared just a few weeks ago in search of spies, so this man must be new.


              My name is John.” he whined. John’s voice was squeaky, like Percy’s when he was undercover. She twisted her hand slightly, and he whined “I’ve just come to help!” that stopped her


              With widened eyes, she stopped twisting, instead pulling him up, and hissing “Help with what, exactly?” 


             “You know,” he whined when she didn’t respond, he sighed, saying “the rebellion.”  Her face paled as she shoved him to the floor. In desperation she remembered helping clear out the caves. Christian had put a box of signal fireworks in the corner just in case.


             Quickly, she walked to the corner, grabbed a firework and went to the edge of the cage. Opening her lock pick set, she took a match and lit the firework, throwing it far into the sky. For a few seconds, she watched the beauty of it.


             Returning to the cave, she took a rope from the box and beckoned to John. “Cone here and let me put this on your hands. When that was finished, she led him out. They both sat on a ledge and looked up at the stars in the sky. 




After a little while, Emma heard hooves pounding on the dry, dusty turf. She turned slowly, stretching her neck. Standing before her was her Aunt Juliet.


             “Um... hey Auntie! Good to see you again.” her aunt was glaring at her, obviously frustrated, when Juliet opened her mouth, angry words came pouring out “ You said you would be careful Em! You and Jamie both did! Now you’re running off to the caves and finding strange men!”


             Emma was looking at the ground thoroughly chastened. Juliet saw, and sighed to herself. Her niece was far more adventurous than her nephew. When she looked at Emma, she saw Queen Gracelyn. Gracelyn had looked exactly like Emma when she was younger, and was just as adventurous. Although it hadn’t happened often, before they joined the rebel’s cause, the children had gone to visit their grandmother. Now it was much too dangerous, for them and for her.


             Juliet sighed “Come on Em, I’ve got your horse and a man at arms, for the prisoner.” Emma looked at her aunt ecstatically, glad that her adventure in the caves was over.




Chapter Four



             Christian paced the floor, deeply in thought. Should he have told Juliet about the attic? It might help her find Emma faster, but then, he would’ve had to tell her about the fight. It would be so much easier if Emma had just giggled and nodded when he reminded her of the day he showed her the attic. Instead she had to go all...all “Emma” on him. He thought that by now he knew how she would react, but she always surprised him.


             Suddenly, he heard a commotion in the courtyard. Racing down the stairs, he stopped right where he knew whoever it was couldn’t see him and listened.


             “…arranged marriage will be set, soon.” “You know, she’s a very easy target.” A male voice said


             “That’s true Byron. Well, it will be as long as Master Christian doesn’t involve himself.” The steward named Emmett responded


              Then the man called Byron asked “Why would he bother? Besides, soon enough he’ll have Princess Nicole on his hands.”


             “Perhaps.” Murmured Emmett. Christian slumped to the floor. He had no doubt that “she” was Emma. How was he supposed to talk to her when she wouldn’t talk to him? Who was he supposed to tell? How did Byron get in the castle and who was Byron?


             “Christian! Darling where are you?” his mother called. Christian thought about heading to the attic, but as the sound of her footsteps grew louder, he knew he had to see her. 


             He sighed “I’m right here Mother.”  “Oh thank goodness. Juliet found Emma with some man out in the caves.” she chattered “Now you and Queg must interrogate him.”


             A few hours later, Christian came out of the rustic barn alongside Queg. Both men had wet hands and set, grim faces.


             “Well, do you think he’s a spy?”  Queg asked Christian thought for awhile before responding. “I’m not sure. He didn’t find Emma by accident though. I do know that.”


             When the two men approached the courtyard, the sun was beginning to set. Lady Lillian had told them both to be at the table at 7 o’clock for dinner, but it was 7:10 and they still had to change.  By the time Christian reached his rooms, he was extremely tired. He sent a maid to tell his mother that he wasn’t feeling well, and waited for his manservant, Pierce.


             When Pierce came in, Christian was obviously lost in thought. Pierce knew his master well, so he asked what troubled him. The two men had known each other since they were little, so Christian decided to tell Pierce the whole story.


             “Well…” Pierce began “that’s a lot to take in, did you tell her why?” Christian looked at him sarcastically.  “No! Are you crazy? Did you even listen to what I said before?!” he exclaimed.

             “Relax” Pierce responded “You don’t need to freak out. All I’m saying is that she might understand.”


             Christian sighed. Pierce was always calm, cool, and rational. Even when they were younger, Pierce had been the one to remember Mother’s birthday, dinnertime, and to finish their lessons. Christian had always wanted to go for one more ride, climb one more tree, or jump one more fence.


             “Suppose you’re right and she would listen.” Christian hesitated, “What would I say?”


             Pierce had his back to Christian when he said this, and slowly grinned. His old friend loved the girl, even if he didn’t know it.


             For hours the men talked, one was building up his courage, the other reminiscing the old days. When they finally finished, it was one in the morning. Pierce and Christian both went to their rooms to sleep until nine a.m.







Chapter Five



             On the other side of the castle, Emma was dressed and ready to go out for a ride. As she headed towards the servants’ stair, she was spotted.


             “Emma!” John called out. Bracing herself, Emma turned, putting a smile on her face.


             “John! It’s good to see you. I...” Emma trailed off. Before her, was John with an entire face was black and blue, his lip fat, and his arm in a sling.


             “What happened?” Emma gasped


             John smiled grimly “They didn’t tell you? Your friends paid me a visit last night before dinner.”


             Emma’s face quickly went to pale with anger. “I’ll be right back.” she hissed quietly




Chapter Six


             Bang! Bang! Bang!


             “I’m coming! Just relax!” yelled Christian. Whoever the god forsaken visitor was, apparently his mission was to wake people up at nine in the morning.


             Quickly opening the door, Christian saw not a servant with an angry note from his mother, but Emma.


              “What is such a big problem that you just had to wake me up?” he asked angrily


             In return, Emma rolled her eyes and snapped at him “John came to see me. He was all black and blue! What in hell did you do?”


             “Oh come on Em. You know we have to interrogate every new person. John appearing in the caves, while you were there, made him even more suspicious.”      


              Emma sighed, “Look, John might seem pretty suspicious, but he brought me back safe.” “Besides, you’ve never beaten up someone that badly before!”


             Christian looked her, “I’m sorry Em, I really am. All Queg and I were trying to do was protect you and Jamie. Every action we take affects the rebellion. He seemed like a danger to us, so we made sure he wasn’t.”


             “I get it, I really do, I just…” Emma trailed off, then starting again “Oh, by the way I’m really sorry about what happened yesterday, it’s just that…it’s my parents wedding anniversary and, well you know how it is. It makes me think about them.”


             Christian smiled at her grimly, “I understand, and I’m sorry if I was a jerk too, but staying here all the time, I guess it gets to me.”


             “I guess misery really does love company.” Emma said, making both of them smile for the first time in days.


             That night at dinner, everyone was in a bad mood. Lady Lillian was upset with her son because she felt that her guest shouldn’t have been taken into the barn so quickly and Christian was upset because Emma was fawning over the visitor. Emma, in turn, was upset that John was hurt, and James was angry because he felt he should have been told about John sooner. However, John’s happy, infectious behavior soon made everyone laugh.


             Early the next morning, Queg, Christian, and James were out on the edge of the woods practicing archery when John and Emma went riding by, close together and obviously happy. In his jealousy, Christian's arrow went way off and into a tree. Even when this happened, Emma didn't look away from John. 



"Relax." James said, taking the bow away from him " She can't actually like that scrawny little man." Even as he spoke, the thought of his sister alone with that man made his face twist in hate.





© 2010 R. J. Griffin

Author's Note

R. J. Griffin
This isn't finished :)

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heehee quegggg good story :))) i dont understand it all tht well. but i kinda get it. how long ishhhh it gonna be???

Posted 14 Years Ago

Story is amazing. The movement was very good. You set-up each event properly. I like the description of locations and people. Sent me a read request. I would be honor to read the story. A outstanding story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 4, 2010
Last Updated on March 22, 2010
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R. J. Griffin
R. J. Griffin

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I want to write to get out of my life. Please tell me if my writing is horrible or not. Thank you. more..
