The Monster in me

The Monster in me

A Story by prince

This story is about the monster that's present in every human being. My question is, which monster are you carrying? Read on and find out yourself.


The monster in me

Part- 1



The babe:                            Ok sweety g2g.

The dude:                            Wait a minute. Let me give you the last goodbye kiss.

The babe:                            xoxoxoxo

The dude:                            Last night I was thinking about us. How strange it is. We met a year, haven’t ever seen each other and still fallen in love. Now the time has come when we have to separate. I am feeling like it just happen all of a sudden.

The babe:                            I too feel so. It’s just because by tomorrow we are gonne get married to some1 else.

The dude:                            I know that baby. Let’s think this was our destiny

The babe:                            I understand you sweetheart but still there is a way if we do what I told.

The dude:                            No! It would be cheating to our parents and the person who we are gonne get married. Besides how would I trust a girl whom I met online? I don’t even know your name.

The babe:                            I don’t care. I love you more than anything. I am even ready to leave the guy to whom I am gonna marry tomorrow.

The dude:                            how could you love me that much? You don’t even know my name; you don’t even know how I look like.

The babe:                            sweety! Love is blind. It doesn’t require a name or a face to love. It just needs a heart that could understand the love.

The dude:                            I love you!

The babe:                            that’s why I am saying; let’s run away somewhere far where there would be                                     just you and me.

The dude:                            I can’t live without you. You are my angel. But now, I am sorry to say that it’s over.

The babe:                            LLLL

The dude:                            Before leaving, can I know your name? Can I see just one pic of yours? Just to keep you alive in my memories.

The babe:                            Fine here is a deal. If you are ready to leave the girl you are gonna marry, and if you are ready to take with you far away from here, I’ll send you my whole biodata.

The dude:                            M sorry! I can’t do it. Please try n’ understand.

The babe:                            I will be waiting for your reply till the clock ticks its last second of the 24th hour.

The dude:                            No you can’t do this to me!

The baby:                            Goodbye dude. Have a good night sleep. Love you. Bigg kissss.

The babe signed out

I too signed out and closed the lid of the laptop with a “tab” voice, munching the KFC chicken leg pieces, which was in front of me, as hard as I could. It grabbed the attention of two of my friends, Manu and Rajendrapratap who boarded the train with me.

A guy sitting on the passage seat said to a girl sitting beside him, “Sapna, you are really beautiful and I am really in love with you”

She replied, “Excuse me! My name is not Sapna. I am Priyanka. And this is not the way you ask a girl for a date”.

It came to my notice as I always like the scene of couples uniting. But I was feeling jealous to see that scene. I still remembered that day. It was 25th October 2013. The next day I was going to get married to some stranger. That’s what the tradition in India is. If a guy and a girl like each other, they are not allowed to live with each other. We have to get married to the guy/girl that our parents choose.

The marriage was at two o clock in the afternoon. I was not even interested to go. But my mom insisted me to reach a day early so that I could dress up more nicely. How do I explain my mom that it’s just two hours journey from Ahmedabad to Baroda in a train! We can even find local trains to reach Baroda. And for more comfort we can even prefer a Luxury Volvo Air conditioned Video coach bus to Baroda from Ahmedabad which departs every half an hour till 10 o clock at night and the tickets are easily available. But my mom has a habit to make every event huge that is related to me. No one ever do that but my mom had already booked the train tickets two months ago. Even my dad had booked a luxurious banquet hall and around 50 rooms in a luxurious hotel of the city expecting the guests from abroad. The extreme part that I felt was, before boarding the train she insisted me to buy a chicken bucket only from a KFC store because that’s what is hygienic. But in actual that’s what is luxurious.

That’s right! I am in love with a girl whom I’ve never seen. We met a year ago on a yahoo chat room. We turned friends and then I fell in love with her. There were days and nights that we passed chatting. I never felt hunger or thirst when I use to talk with her. I’ve never known how far she is or how she looks like, but there is an incredible bond that kept us together. From her I came to know what true love is. Our heart talks while we are silent. I always used to ask her about her address and phone number. But she never gave me. Someone has truly said, ‘Girls are from Venus’. I’ve never known why she was not willing to show herself. She might be scared that my love might decrease if I see her. She might not be looking good enough or what so ever, I never mind. I never cared how she looked like, but my heart belongs to her. No one ever understood me like the way she did; not even my best of the friends. That’s the reason I never told them about our relationship.

One fine day she appeared from nowhere and that bloody day she disappeared into thin air. I tried taking my mind of her by trying to feel the taste of the chicken leg that I was eating. But it seemed tasteless. I tried gazing outside the window of the train but it was all dark out there. I even tried remembering the music that I liked but the only music that came to my mind was of pain.

At a point I thought of to pull the chain and run away into the dark to nowhere. But thinking that my friends might be penalised, I dropped the idea. The best idea was to start of my laptop and buzz her, but that would hurt my ego. Why should I show the love all the time; besides the fact that she is gone for ever. Seeing the couple chatting in front of me, a thought came into my mind that she too is getting married tomorrow? That’s the thing I never want to let it happen. How could I take the fact that some other guy is going to touch the girl I loved? My face was a hot iron and my hands and legs turned snow. I thought of calling my mom and telling her the fact that I love a girl and I wouldn’t marry tomorrow. But what will happen after that? Where would I go find her? After knowing that ‘I am in love with a girl’, the day before I am going to get married, my dad is going to disown me for sure.

I thought of an idea, to jump off from the moving train, but I was not sure whether the pain will be more than what I am feeling right now or not. Besides, why should I jump for a girl whom I’ve never met (Overlooking the fact of incredible bonding and other things I mentioned above)?

Then I thought of an option. What if I text the girl whom I am going to get married tomorrow that, “I am in love with some other girl. I am extremely sorry for turning away from this marriage”? but then I thought again, that after this, if I couldn’t find my internet lover, then I won’t even get that girl or my “gonne be” bride girl.

Finally I felt that my friends should know what I am being through. I can see the depression on the face of both of my friends because of my rude behaviour. At least they are my close friends. If they could not help me out, they can at least understand my feelings. A friend is always better than a lover. I know it for sure, they might be waiting to listen from me that, what’s wrong with me. But due to my attitude, they are not taking initiative to talk to me.

Before that, I must tell the readers how important Manu and Raj are in my life. My marriage was fixed a month ago. Manu’s father owns a proprietorship firm which does better in their area. Manu was the only son of his parents. But since few months his dad’s business was not going good and the debt was building up on his family. Because of these tensions, his dad had a severe heart attack a day before that day. On the next day I reminded him about my marriage. He came all the way to attain my marriage even though his father was in the ICU. That’s what a best friend is.

Raj is in the Indian army. He is serving our country since few years. His dad passed away during the Kargil war. During those days he was posted in Jammu and Kashmir. I called his mom a few weeks before my marriage and gave the message that, “my mom arranged a marriage for me so I want Raj to attain, and my sister is expecting a baby”. He dropped everything he was doing, took an urgent leave and came to see me. At that moment I came to know how important I am for him than the country.

Personally I am proud of both of my friends. Now it was the time when I tell my friends what I was going through. My heart was determined but my shoulders hanged down. I was afraid what will they think about me. A million thoughts were pouring on my head while I was gathering strength to speak. My mouth and head got still. My hunger vanished and the words went short. I leaned forward in the next moment and said, “Guys I really feel awkward telling this to you but…” Finally the words were empty in my head and I reached in a dumbstruck state of mind. I couldn’t speak another word.

Then I thought, “Do hell with the love”, threw away the chicken bucket out of the window and folded my hands waiting for what was going to come.



My dad owns a small scale wafer company that is much popular in Ahmedabad. Until last year, a tragedy came through and everyone’s life in our family changed, especially mine. It’s been a year and I still remember the day when that incident took place. I could never forget that nightmare and it still keeps haunting me in my dream.

My grandfather started a wafer factory in the year 1988, the year when I was born. He wanted his only son, my father, to take over the company after he passes away. So last year my grandfather wrote a will in the favour of my father mentioning that he would be the owner after he passes away. That day my dad was so happy. He invited lot of guests and served dishes like Christmas. The most special dish that night was the Chicken biriyan prepared by my mom herself. I still remember the taste of that chicken. Our whole family was a chicken lover. My grandfather was a crazy lover of chicken. He use to starve for two days before we plan for a chicken dish to be made at home. I still remember that day when he was the one holding the biggest plate in his hand for a big chicken treat.

Everything went good. The party was loved by all the guests who attended. The only thing they told while leaving was, “We really loved the biriyani; Thank you so much”. It didn’t even take an hour for the biriyani vessel to finish. Almost everyone ate the biriyani like devils.

All the vessels were empty accept the last miserable piece that someone had left uneaten in his plate. One out of a hundred pieces that went unbaked. Like an ungraceful piece waiting to take a life away.

We were waving goodbyes to the guests who came. Grandfather went to the kitchen to get some water to drink. We never knew what happen. When we went inside after farewells, we saw the devastating scene. We saw grandfather lying on the floor struggling for his life. We rushed him to the hospital. But on the way he said goodbye to the world. The doctor said he died of choking. The doctors found an uncooked piece of chicken born in the throat of my grandfather resulting in choking. There was a police case related to that.

The law found us clean but there was a natter between the people that my father killed my grandfather for the property. This incident left my dad devastating. Anyways that’s not something for me to regret. The disaster was yet to come.

From that day onwards, my dad has totally banned chicken at our house. No one from our family could ever eat chicken even if he or she is going to die. That was the last day when our family had some non-vegetarian food officially. From that day on we were not even allowed to smell or I must say ‘Speak’ non-vegetarian food.

My dad just put me into his own shoes. What he felt about his dad’s death was the same I was feeling without chickens. That had shattered me for ever. I felt like a cow when I realize I am leaving upon vegetables. I never understood what sin I have done to deserve this punishment. I keep struggling to myself whole night and missing the hilarious taste of chicken legs. This led me to think that I am suffering from this just because my grandfather was a greedy old man. He could have sacrificed that one uncooked leg piece lying in a used plate of guest. That might have saved me from this trauma. But somehow it was written somewhere that my grandfather would have his last bite of death.

25th October 2013; I was in a train with my best friends Romi and Rajendrapratap Singh. I can smell the fresh KFC chicken pieces on which Romi was munching. Those chicken pieces led me to my flashback and you know the rest. I was not able to take my eyes from those shining orange chicken Romi was eating. I concentrated very deeply and I even heard the crispy sound of the outer layer of those fried chickens when he chews on them.

I cursed my grandfather every time Romi took a bite of that chicken. Why God did give him a chicken death? He died of choking; what if he got choked by some other things and died? I would be having a chicken bucket as of now. A thought just came into my mind. What if a robber might have broken down on that fateful night and killed my grandfather rather being dead by chicken choking. We might have enjoyed chicken curry on his funeral. But that didn’t happen. He has to chew that raw chicken and bring his death because of which my life was in misery.

Here I am stuck with a life time without chickens. Sometimes I wish I pray looking at the sky and there might be a rain of chicken from the heaven. But that never happened. In a fear that someone would catch an old man sneaking chicken from the waste plate, he might have eaten it in a hurry. And that caused his death. What if the guest who had thrown that chicken piece in the waste basket would have eaten it fully; so that my grandfather might have survived and I would be enjoying chicken now? That guest was a murderer. He murdered my grandfather and also dragged me away from my love. Whoever he was I wish he was never invited. He ruined the taste of chicken from my life, from my family for ever. He is never going to be forgiven.

I know you might not believe but due to lack of chickens I even had sleepless nights. Even when I sleep, I have horrible dreams. I dream of walking into a huge field. The field producing fresh hot and fried chicken. I even smell the burning spices on the pieces of chickens when I walk through that field. The field is irrigated by fresh tomato ketchup. I go inside to collect some pieces to eat. But suddenly I see a soldier coming on a horse from far away. I rush to collect as many pieces as I could. But before I reach my hand on them, the horse stands in front of me. The soldier gets down in the suit of a chef holding a sharp knife used to cut chickens. As soon as I am going to have my first bite, he chops out my hand from my shoulder and the dream ends. It has become a nightmare for me.

I never understood what went wrong in my relationship with the chickens. My grandfather tried to eat an uncooked chicken, was that the problem? That night he didn’t find a raw potato, or a cauliflower. Not even an apple or a banana to get choked. He just found that chicken to die. I believe he might be having delicious tasty and juicy chicken leg pieces in the heavens and left me alone to die dry.

I believe now it’s the time to make the confession. Since my grandfather died, our wafer business was not doing that good. It hardly made a profit of 10000 Rupees a month. And that is the best time for me. I have been walking in my grandfather’s footsteps. I use to starve by the end of the month, and on the day when we earn the profit; I spend the whole money in Mc Donald’s or KFC having the most delicious chicken in the world. I never cared about how my family survived with such low income but I enjoy the luxury of having delicious chicken every end of the month hiding little money from the total profit earned from our business. I know it sound selfish and rude but banning chicken for ever just because of a greedy old man doesn’t seem rude? Due to the increase in debts my father just had a heart attack few days before Romi’s marriage.

I received a call from Romi the day after my dad had the stroke. I was able to think nothing other than the food to be served during his marriage. I left my dad in the ICU and came to attain Romi’s marriage just because of the food that is going to get served. I agree that my dad needs me today but the reason he is been left alone is he himself.

My head went blank and my mouth run watering from the time he took out the KFC chicken bucket from his bag. My eyes stayed steady on the chicken pieces in the bucked, very patiently waiting for him to offer one of them.

“Sir Have you seen my daughter?” a voice came from the side of me. A man from his 30s was searching for his daughter in the train. From the time I saw the chicken bucket, I was able to see nothing other than the chickens. I can even see the white silky fibres when he pulls the chicken pieces between his teeth. From the first bite itself the juice might have spread all over his mouth giving a fantastic thrilling taste. Delicious chickens kept running over my head and my eyes locked on those chicken pieces.

After a while Romi bend forward and I was damn sure he is going to offer me his chicken bucket. I won’t be missing a slice of whatever I put in my mouth. I am going to grab the taste of each and every bite I was going to have.

In a shivering voice, Romi said, “Guys I really feel awkward telling this to you but…” He stopped in between. Then I came to know he was feeling awkward because of me peeping into his plate of chicken. His silence continued and my guilt kept on increasing. I was able to think nothing. My tongue went numb. Then what happen next was horrific. He just took his uneaten chicken bucket and threw it out of the window. My heart missed a beat and I was finding hard to breath. Anxiety took control over me and my body went numb. I’ve never felt such horrific.

I pulled myself together and sat there folding my arms. It was a terrible act he just did. There was nothing I could do when a half filled chicken bucked just went out of the train’s window other than waiting for the next day meal during the marriage.

Rajendrapratap Singh

My name is Rajendrapratap Singh. My friends call me Raj. But I like to be called Rajendrapratap Singh; because it holds the legacy of me being an army man. My father too was in the army so I have the army discipline in me from birth.

Personally I don’t feel I was born to serve the army. I always wanted to be a doctor. I like the way they follow their hygiene. I like how they take care about a human body. They know every aspect of how to keep a human body fit enough. But it’s because of my dad that I was stuck in a wrong job. For a soldier, his biggest enemy is the neighbouring nation’s army. But mine was my own boss. I couldn’t resist myself from saying that my captain was the biggest jerk in the whole word.

It was because of him that I am facing the unbearable pain since 3 month. I pretend to be happy but from deep inside I am feeling suffocated. There comes many times when I really feel to end up my miserable life. Since last three months I am struggling with my bureaucrat captain.

I still remember that day when all this started. “I have never expected this from you Mr Singh”, this was a scream from my captain when I came out of the bathroom from the shower whole naked after patrolling a 2500 meter tall mountain located somewhere in Jammu and Kashmir. We were allocated our privet rooms which were shared by three people if you hold a junior rank, and you can enjoy our complete privacy if you hold a high rank. He was absolutely not mad at me for being naked. As soon as I turned around, I saw the most nerve cracking site. All my seniors were standing around me in my room and I was the one who was completely naked. I was totally confused whether to cover myself or to shoot them a salute. My mind was numb and I stood there naked saluting my seniors like a dumb. I was not able to make a minor eye contact after all that happen. The captain continued, “You should be ashamed to call yourself the son of Lft. Virendrapratap Singh”. Even seeing me naked with a wet towel, he bothered to ask me, “What the hell were you doing here”. In a nervous tone, I replied, “I was having a shower”. He approached me and walking around me he said, “Don’t you realize that our country’s safety is more important than your personal hygiene?” I could barely speak anything so I just nodded. “You missed a very important briefing just to have a shower?” he said. I didn’t know the answer to that question. The only thing that ran on my mind was the time when I was a 6 year old kid and I liked to play outdoor games. It was 8 ‘o’ clock in the evening and it started raining heavily. I couldn’t resist myself from playing in the rain. As I was a kid I didn’t know where the time ran away and it was 9 ‘o’ clock. As my dad was having army disciplines, so it was compulsory for me to reach home by 7 in the evening. That was the day when I had one of the most horrible butt whip for not being home on time, for not having my regular 8 o’ clock bath and to stay late in the rain. From that day till today I had never missed a single shower at 8 o’ clock in my life. And that day I really wish I would have missed one. The captain said, “I find it a very serious offence to bunk my briefing. For this you will be punished. For the next six months Lft. Rajendrapratap Singh is not allowed to bath in this camp. The water supply in your room is now put on hold. If you are found having a bath anywhere during your duty, you will be boycotted from this camp. Now you may be able to focus in work Mr Raj”. They went out of my room and I stood there naked and shattered.

That was the day when I was thrown to the no bath zone. That’s right readers; I haven’t had a bath since last 3 months.

Last week I got a call from my mom. She gave me a message that Romi gave her. She told me that Romi’s mother is pregnant and his sister has arranged a marriage for herself. I didn’t give a second thought on this and caught a train to Ahmedabad. Finally I found a ray of hope. Now I will get a chance to bath. I was in the train and was heading to Baroda.

My dream was going to come true. All I packed from J&K was few towels and 10 soaps of different brands; for health, for cleanliness, for fragrance and for satisfaction. I also packed hair shampoos, body lotions, fairness creams for men and body brushes. I was all set to play in the water for centuries. With a hope to have the first drop of water on my body, I landed at Romi’s house. I was not expecting a room at his house. I was just curious enough to find a bathroom and have a long refreshing shower. But I never knew my expectations were going to be shattered. As soon as I reached Romi’s house, him and Manu were locking the door. They were getting ready to precede Baroda. I wanted to cry out loud but can’t do it. I wanted to mourn but cannot. I was not able to have a bath because it seems shameful to ask time for a shower. With a lot of pain, I supressed my urge to have a bath and joined the duo.

I then boarded the train with lot of dirt and germs. I was able to feel the germs crawling over my skin. In the past three months I use to have dreams every night in which I see myself in a very clean room. The fresh painted walls, the colourful and shining furniture, glowing curtains and a huge round bed with clean sheets. I was surrounded with lot of cleanliness. I head over to the bed to have a nap with a very pleasing heart. As soon as I lay down on the bed, there is a rain of millions of insects and creatures like cockroaches, snakes, rodents, snails and some creature that I’ve never seen in real life. It looked so scary and dirty. This dream never allowed me a good sleep since last 3 months. In the camp, water was prohibited for me. I was forced to use the water only for drinking. Even they replaced my bathroom tap with tissue paper rolls.

Most often I feel like the kid whose butt was whipped for having a bath. Even the pool of dirty water felt like heavens for me. I became that helpless man waiting for a chance to have a bath



Finally the day has come. After a long interval, I am going to have chicken again. I was hanging around the kitchen from the time I entered the banquet hall. It was merely 2 in the morning when we reached Baroda. I didn’t slept as there was only chicken biriyani in my mind. All the arrangements in the hall were very pleasing. The table cloths were clean and shining. A bowl of onion was arranged on every table as an unknown Indian tradition. The long tables were arranged in 10 to 15 rows. The chairs were kept only on the one side of the table. The other side was kept empty for the waiters to serve. There was no doubt that I was the one who had a seat on the front row of the table. The chicken biriyani are made in huge bowls of approximately a meter and half diameter known as the cooking vessel. They are been kept on the fire and the mouth of the bowl sealed so that the vapour do not release. The hot vapour and fire from the bottom makes a perfect biriyani. Once they are prepared, it’s been distributed to the waiters either in a bowl which could be hold by two waiters or big dishes hold by one waiter and he, serving all the dishes. That would be called the serving vessels. He serves two 9 ¼ X 2 15/16 inches spoons of biriyani in every plate. After this, they come for a second round if the guests need excess biriyani.

Empty dishes were kept in front of every guest. I seated myself exactly on the middle of the first row. That is because I know the drill. The waiters first take the biriyani in the serving vessels. Once it is half filled, they use to sprinkle the excess rice in it, so that they could maintain the quantity of chicken in the bowl. Once the chicken is over from the biriyani, it’s of no value. It will be just a plain rice dish. I placed myself in the middle of the row so strategically that I might get few huge, giant piece of chicken, because the once sitting in the front will be getting only rice that is sprinkled above.

On one side of me was a nervous fat lady in her teens and on the other side was a well-dressed pleasant gentleman in his mid-50s. The serving of chicken biriyani was started. The first dish of the party was served and my disappointment started. The one sitting in the beginning got two juicy pieces of chicken already. That had upset my plan. The waiter didn’t fill up the serving vessel as I thought. But as soon as he entered the room with the vessel, I have already found out the chicken piece that belongs to me. A young, fresh, well cooked, crispy chicken leg piece was between the layers of rice. It was not even a nano second I took my eyes of her.  Plates being served and layers were getting thinner and thinner. My dream of months was coming to me in the serving vessel in the waiter’s hands. 4 to go; 3 to go; 2 to go. My eyes started filling with tears and I was barely able to see. My heart was filled with joy that I closed my eyes. A tinkling voice from my plate made me realize that the chicken leg for which I was dreaming is finally on my plate. I opened my eyes just for disgust. As expected, my dreams just shattered again. The chicken leg that I was expecting to come in my plate just I guess jumped in that gentleman’s plate. My calculation just went wrong. The waiter served the chicken in his plate. I checked my plate for further disappointment to find out that there was a very small chicken piece in my plate along with the rice. My hunger was insulted. The fat girl sitting on the other side was just looking at her plate thinking whether to eat or not. But my complete focus was on that man’s plate. After leaving my dad dying, tempting months for chicken, travelling 300 kilometres from home just to have bunch of rice didn’t seemed acceptable to me. My inside just started crying out loud. It was just tearing me apart.

It wasn’t late the monster in me just woke up. I forgot everything around me and the only thing that ran around my mind was the chicken leg in my neighbour’s plate. Without any shame and hesitation, I took away the chicken leg lying in his plate. I was even ready to kill him if he asks it back. I robbed the chicken from his plate and started munching on it. He started looking at me but didn’t say a word. I too kept looking at him and kept on munching to the chicken like I was ready to fight for that little piece. His smile vanished and he kept eyeballing on me. I didn’t stop munching. It was a real pleasure. I felt like making love to an insanely beautiful girl in the middle of a war. His eye balls were the shooting guns and the chicken was the beautiful girl for me. It took no time for me to finish every slice of meat in that bone. The taste just kept playing over my tongue and I was sitting there like a moron with the bone in my hand and the owner of the chicken looking at me.

It was not me who ate the chicken. It was the monster in me who ate it. After eating the chicken, the monster slept leaving me ashamed of what I did. My eyes didn’t move from his eyes till that time. Then it filled with shame and bowed down. That man was a gentle man. He didn’t spoke a word but his expression stated that he was not happy for what I did. He then took his plate and bottomed up in my plate. Then he stood up and walked away. I didn’t have any idea what to do. I was still sitting there with the chicken leg bone in my hand and seeing him walk away.


Rajendrapratap Singh

My leave ends with the marriage. I have to go back and join the no bath movement in the camp. This was my only hope. I didn’t find any chance to wash myself during the last 12 hours. And now I am in the banquet hall for the lunch. My hunger and thirst have already vanished as cleanliness, the food of the body, was miles away from me. Before the waiter served the food, I got up of the table. It was a huge crowed so no one might feel rude of my behaviour. I was totally left alone with my sorrow and was hanging on the gate of the hotel. I even was afraid to mingle with other guests because only I know how horrible I smell. So that other guests could eat peacefully, I disjoined them finding pleasure in my own loneliness and filthiness.

Then I heard the voice other than the cry from my heart. A tap of water was splashing somewhere. I followed the voice and saw a man just walking out with a tissue paper in his hand. That day, nothing but just the water attracted me. I went on to find out where it was coming from. As I peeked into the room from where the man came out, I found something amazing. A Jackpot. It was the restroom. There were broken glasses, rusted taps and nails, spider webs all over the roof, extremely dirty and slippery floors and 3 dirty pots. I thought to myself, this room is grosser than me, but it was a door to my freedom. The only thing I was concern was the running water.

Then at a point I had a control on myself and realized it was a public toilet. It would take 30 minutes for me to bath and if there are any diabetic patients among the guest, it would be troublesome for them. I kept a control on me and started to walk out of the lavatory. No sooner did I hear the voice of two people talking to each other and approaching the toilet. I heard them saying, “This hall is awesome. They have just one common washroom for ladies and gents”. Then they appeared on the door and me standing inside. I was carrying an embracing expression on my face since last 3 months. I use to be in fear of what if someone comes to know I haven’t had a bath since 3 months? With same fearful eyes I was looking at them and they were looking at me like they are trying to figure out something. There was a moment of silence. All of a sudden one of them said, “Yaaak!!! Oh my God, this place smells like s**t”. The other one supporting him said, “I bet they haven’t spent much money on the maintenance”. The other one said, “Let’s get out of here” and they started walking away. But the stares were so high that the voice of people talking use to echo. I heard the voice in which one of them said, “All these smell come out of human body itself. The decaying of stuff in our body and finally they smell so bad”.

Those words did hurt me. I understood he was pointing to me with that statement. I feel so painful after hearing that. My eyes filled with tears and my heart with vengeance. I lost control on my mind I slammed the door hard. May be that was the maximum I could do and leaned over the basin with those words running on my mind. It was not late that the monster in me woke up. The people don’t care to speak then why should I care about the people. My mind went blank and the monster took over me. I could find a hook in the bathroom which would help me hang my cloths. I undressed myself to sit underneath the tap. There was no shower as in was a restroom. So the tap may make me feel like a shower. The first few drops on my head were so satisfactory and pleasing. I didn’t wait to start the broken tap at its fullest. The water started splashing on my head and I was able to feel each and every drop of water making love to me. The water finding its way to reach each and every corner of my body and I sat there with my eyes closed enjoying the water. It was like a bath of century I had that day. I was not able to shut down the water tap as I was enjoying like a hungry having a food after weeks. I looked around and to my luck I found a small piece of soap. I didn’t mind to get to my bag and finding the flavoured soaps I brought with me. That piece of soap brought peace in my life. I didn’t miss a corner of my body to apply soap. I even washed my hair with that bat soap. I had a complete wash of my body. I was so happy to have that memorable bath. I even made soap bubbles with my hands and played for a while. It reminded me about the 1st bath I had after the butt whip I had from my dad. The restroom was almost a pool of soap water making it very slippery. The soap that I applied on my body almost turned brown of dirt. I scrubbed my body like people do it with their toilet. I didn’t bothered for where I was and what I was but it gave me a real pleasure. I just felt to stay beneath the tap and sleep over there in exchange of the sleepless nights I had and the nightmares that didn’t let me sleep. While enjoying the bath, a sudden thought came into my mind. How do I get out of here without a towel and wear the same dirty clothes that I haven’t changed since days. Before I finished thinking, I just heard a thug and it was the door being opened. A disaster just opened the door and not missing the fact that I was clothless. S**t… who am I seeing…



We finally made up to the banquet hall. I have all my relatives and friends around me. I even have my future in-laws. For that one day I was the centre of attention for everybody. But only I could feel the loneliness in my heart. I just left that beautiful girl who loved me like heaven and whom I’ve never seen; and going to marry whom I’ve never known. I marked that feeling. That was going to be the lifetime pain. I myself have murdered the feeling of love in my heart. For a second I even thought what if I’ve agreed to her wish of running away and make our own different world with me, her and a lot of love.

To take my mind off, I opened my facebook page and started reading the ‘congratulations’ messages from my friends who didn’t make it. Suddenly my attention just diverted to a conversation that my dad was having with one of his office colleague. I never knew his name but he always appears in one or the other occasion in our family. He always had a -eye on me. So I named him Mr. Green. “You have a much disciplined son I must say”, said Mr. Green showing his jealous feeling in a sugar coating. My dad, like always replied, “Yes he is. I am proud of him”. Mr. Green then opened dirty mouth saying, “Actually the youngsters you know how they are. Parents would never know how many girlfriends they have.” having a sip of tea he continued, “No matter how hard you tie the string on your pet dog’s neck, you are never going to know how many b*****s he will be hanging around with”. That was the point I lost patience. I kept my laptop aside and yelled out, “Nice to have you here Sir. So when are you planning to bring the groom of your son home?” That reaction was a monumental and I couldn’t miss it. I came to know the fact that Mr. Green’s son was a gay from the normal office gossips dad use to share at home. Mr. Green literally turned green and red. Even the sweat drops started falling in the tea he was sipping. “Oh I think Mr. Gupta is here. Let me check did he found a new wife after his break up or not” said Mr. Green and slipped away from that scene. I did an eye on him to indicate not to appear again. As I was eyeing on him, I was distracted by a tab on my shoulder by my father. He said in a sympathizing tone, “Never mind son. He is an idiot. He knows very well how good dog trainer I am”.

Did I just hear what my own dad said to me? What was that supposed to me? I literally felt like a dog at that moment. I realized I was a real dog who lived the life as trained. Marrying a girl decide by my parents. They hold the string tied to my neck. They train to bark, they train to sit, and finally they had decided to get me married. I felt ashamed of myself to sacrifice my love for the people who treat me like a dog.

That was the extreme point for me. Not late the monster in me just woke up. I must do what I have to do. Or live the rest of my life like a trained dog.

The dude: You der??

The babe: M here sweety.

The dude: I have decided. World is a b***h. Let’s go far away from this world. We will make our own world with you, me and love.

The babe:            It’s too late honey. I will be getting married in few hours.

The dude:            No don’t do it. You gave me 24 hours and there’s still 9 hours left.

The babe:            How could I make it? I am already in my bride’s dress and the guests are all around.

The dude:            Tell me where you are. Honey I can come over at any corner of the world and pick you up but I am never gonna marry this girl.

The babe:            what about your parents? What about the girl?

The dude:            Screw them all. I don’t care what happens to them but I am coming for you.

The babe:            Can I trust you?

The dude:            Baby I’ve lost trust from the entire world. Now you are the only person I trust. You are my world

The babe:            Hw swt honey.

The babe:            ok I am in. I’ll come with you. Take me away my love.

The dude:            Ok so now it’s fixed can you send me your photo? So that I can recognize you when I come to pick you up?

The babe:            Sure sweety… here you go.

The babe:            *bing*

I got the photo and was left flabbergasted. I can’t believe what I am seeing. What did I just see?




We went back to Ahmedabad by the next day’s train. No one got married that day. I saw the disastrous view of all the guest leaving the banquet hall because of me. The moment when the person from whose plate I sneaked out a chicken leg left the table, I heard someone telling him, “congratulation for your daughter’s wedding”.He didn’t say a word and kept walking. I realized he was the future father in law of my friend. I learned that something big was about to come. I wasn’t having the guts to apologise. Neither was I able to bring out the partially digested chicken leg out of my tummy. I don’t know what to say. The only thing I was able to do was to sit there and see the consequences. My ill-mannered greedy behaviour ended up in the cancellation of the wedding. I was proved to be a disgrace to my parents, to my friends and to myself. I was solely responsible for what just happened. We were in the train and Romi said nothing to me. He just kept quiet. Or he was giving me the silent treatment. I was guilty. It was not because of me. It was because of the monster in me. So I decided to kill it for ever. That day I swore to myself, not to touch a chicken, dead or alive for my entire life.

Rajendrapratap Singh

I feel like I am being cursed. Some one or the other always catches me naked where ever I go for a bath. I wished someone else would have opened the door when I was in the bathroom. We went back to Ahmedabad. No wedding ceremony took place that day. I realize how selfish I am. I was so desperate that I was able to see nothing other than myself. That incident; that monster woke me up from the deep sleep of selfish desperation. That moment when I was thinking how I would get out of here without a towel, I realize I was so blind to lock the door. I forgot it was a public restroom. Someone just opened the door. It was a lady in her 50s. I was not able to say a word. I don’t even know how I would explain the situation. The only that happened after that was, me looking at her eyes fully naked with embarrassment and she looking at me like I was the most ridiculous creature in the world. Her expressions showed that she was someone with lot of authority but couldn’t figure out which. She didn’t speak a word and left.

It was then I came to know how big the monster in me was. I asked someone who she was. He replied, “She is the bride’s mother”. I replied, “What bride? I think Romi’s sister is going to get married”. He replied in a humorous tone, “When I saw you in the bathroom, that moment only I came to know that there is some problem in your upstairs. Romi is… sorry was going to get married. Now I don’t think it would happen. The bride’s mother hates perverts”.  I didn’t take time to explain that I was not a pervert. The only thing I came to know was he is not going to get married anymore. And that’s because of me. I was solely responsible for cancellation of the marriage. I was on that train and I was not able to look into his eyes anymore. I am a disgrace to my camp, to my dead father and to my friends. I then decided to kill the monster. I swore to myself I won’t be having a bath till the time my punishment don’t get over. I will follow the punishment for the rest of the time honestly. I won’t bath even if I get a chance. This thing will always haunt me that I ruined my friend’s life.


Yes! That’s right. We are going back home. Back to the routine day. Everything just happens all of a sudden. We are in the train back to Ahmedabad. Girls have two faces. One, the good face that shows how much they love you, they can live without you, they can die for you etc; and the second one that makes you realize what a moron you are to believe all that. That day when I was chatting with her online, she did send me a photo of her. I was shocked to see her face. More of I was happy to see who she was. It made me so excited. I felt like the sky that I was trying to reach just came down to earth. My eyes filled with tears and heart with joy. All my worries and tension just ended after seeing her. It was more of a relief for me.

The girl with whom I was chatting online, with whom I fell in love a year ago, the one who was my world, the one who send me her photo was the same girl whom I was going to get married. I was not able to believe that all this time I was chatting with the girl whom I was going to get married. I was chatting from my laptop and she was chatting from her mobile from the same banquet hall. We both were going to get married on the same day; it was not a coincidence. We were going to marry each other but not with some other; was a coincidence. I was sure she will be as happy as I am when she will come to know that she was going to marry the guy whom she loved. With all the excitement in my heart and tears of joy, I ran all the way to the 2nd floor of the banquet hall where she was sitting. The joy in my heart gave enough strength to open the door with a bang to grab the attention of all her friends and relatives sitting with her. I felt like a Bollywood hero who came to take away the love of her life in front of the entire world. All the eyes were on me. They looked at me like I was going to propose her in front of everybody. I was breathing heavily for coming all the way running. I stabled myself. With a strange smile on my face, I said, “Baby I am the one. Your love of your life, your world, your heartbeat”. She showed an embarrassing smile and said after taking a pause, “Ohh yes I know. We are going to get married. You are happy, it’s all fine. I know that”. I was sure she understood nothing so it was the time for me to break it down. I said with everyone watching me, “Honey, it’s me whom you were talking to. I am the one whom you have fallen in love. I am the one with whom you’ve fallen in love online”. She looked surprised. Her face was totally blank when I told her everything. She said, “I have no idea what you are talking about”. I thought I must break it down more for her. My excitement was diminishing in a faster rate. I said, “Few minutes ago we were chatting online. I guess I told you that we both may elope somewhere far away from this world and make our own world. I also told you that I will come where ever you are to pick you up. You gave me a dead line of 24 hours to decide. Last but not the least you send me your photo in bridal dress which I believe is taken recently”.

It was like all my shock was passed on to her. I was seeing the surprised feeling on her face. I was also able to hear the “Hooooooo” sound from the people who were around which indicates they too were surprised to know whatever I said. The murmuring was already started. Both of us kept quiet for a while to listen what people are murmuring. But it was useless. I was looking at her expecting her first reaction after she had come to know that she was going to marry the guy whom she was in love with. She broke the silence and said something in a very inaudible tone, “Hofffff”. I said, “Beg your pardon?” She then broke out, “I said you are hopeless”. My jaws dropped on the floor. I was not able to figure out what exactly she wanted to say. I kept quiet so that she could finish. She continued, “You were ready to leave the girl whom you are going to get married for just some girl whom you met on the internet?” “Unless that girl is you” I said in my defence. She said, “You didn’t know that it was me. What if tomorrow you fall in love with some other girl on the internet and fell in love with her. Where would I go?” I don’t know what to say but I must admit that she was make one of the most awesome silly point. There was nothing for me to say. I started fumbling, “but baby…. Baby….” She replied in the same temper, “Stop babying me, will you? Mr Romi Merchant. I am sorry; I am not willing to marry you anymore. And I regret that I have fallen in love with you, “Online”.

As my excitement was running negative, I heard a voice from my back, “my daughter is right”, I turned around to find that it was her father. He continued, “We are not willing to send our daughter to a family who don’t have enough table manners. We are not ready to bond up with a chicken greedy family”. I have no idea what he was saying but I was traumatized about the thing she did to me. “Let’s go baby” A voice of a lady just grabbed my attention and found out that it was her mother. She continued, “If we stay here longer then everyone from their family will start strip dances like I just saw in the toilet”.

I have no idea why her mom and dad were pissed off. My only concern was I lost the girl whom I was going to get married only because of the monster in me. On that moment, if I wouldn’t have talked to that girl on the internet, I would have married the one whom I loved accidently. From that day, I have decided to kill the monster in me. I swore to myself never to fall in love again.

© 2014 prince

Author's Note

Dear Readers
many readers may find this story too long but this was the best i could do to give a perfect description and justice to the title. Though this story is a fiction but it is inspired by true events. Please ignore the grammar errors as the editing is yet to be done. I am planning to publish a novel with the collections of these short stories. so please read and review.

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Added on June 11, 2014
Last Updated on June 11, 2014
Tags: The monster



Gujarat, Ahmedabad, India

My name is Prince. I am from india. I want to be a story teller. I always dreamed to tell my stories by movie making. That needs much resources and money. I am short of both of them. Then i discovered.. more..

Dead For a Day Dead For a Day

A Story by prince