![]() A hidden SunshineA Story by Pri![]() SUPER DEPRESSING AND SAD. HAS DEATH. HAS HORROR CHARACTERS. IS PARTIALLY FANFICTION you have been warned![]() How did this even happen? Well, he knew how it happened. She was too trusting; someone had used her and… done this. He had dropped by out of boredom, per the usual, but she hadn’t responded to his call. His ears caught her breathing though, as faint as it was, and he’d rushed. Seeing her, stabbed in the gut, he froze, before rushing over. He was about to apply pressure, try and do something, but as soon as he touched her… God, how could she smile at him? He failed her. How could she smile at all, in such pain, in such a state. He held her, his eyes disappearing, the blood dripping. But beyond that… He was f*****g pissed. “I can’t help you but I swear to everything I am going to f*****g avenge you and whoever did this is going to meet the most terrible of fates.” It was hissed out, but his lowered ears showed there would be no action now. The anger faded into the pure pain of losing yet another loved one. He held her tight, just crying. He cried long enough for the blood of his tears to match in volume of the blood from her wound. He was drained, emotionally and at this point, physically. His soul burned in anger at whoever did this, but the weight of grief was greater. Still holding her cold body he dropped into a cold sleep, holding her as one would a teddy in his sleep. By the next morning, when he finally woke up, first thing was first. She deserved a funeral. A proper one, but he didn’t know who all knew her. He didn’t know if anyone knew her, really. And he was too exhausted to try and figure it out- it’s not like she’d been tech-savvy and had everyone’s phone numbers. But he’d still have a proper ceremony, and knew how to. At the same time, he couldn’t just… Leave her body in the puddle of her blood, on the floor. He wrapped the wound up, and sifted through her closet for something clean for her. With eyes closed he changed her outfit, keeping in mind the image of a ragdoll. At least this way she’d look like she was just sleeping peacefully, instead of… reality. He felt as if he should be crying, but no tears would come. Everything was just heavy, and empty. He stole some of her chips, munching through the bag as he tried to figure out the cause. It didn’t take long, however. A majority of her electronics had been sifted through, and all the newer models were gone. He disappeared, leaving the home as it was for a time being. She’d have the funeral he never got. He knocked on the Slender’s room door, eyes red. “Come in.” When BEN walked in, the down tilt of his ears and the subdued pace caused the slim featureless figure to stand and approach. This boy who always smiled was now frowning. “BENja- BEN, what’s wrong? What happened?”The tears started flowing again, and for a moment he stood just crying. The blood dripped of the statue’s chin and Slenderman crouched down, resisting the urge to search the boy’s thoughts. He’d be informed when he was ready. There was hesitation, before the pale figure gave BEN a light hug, surprised by how the action was returned. BEN pulled away a moment later, still unable to talk steady. “She… “he coughed, a small spurt of water coming from him as he did so. “I… I need you to help me hold a funeral.” The words were soft, but Slenderman heard. He stayed on his knees, at a nearer height to the ghost’s height. There was still a towering difference. “Someone f*****g murdered her and…” he swallowed, unable to continue speaking. “And you wish to give her a proper funeral. BEN, who is it? Who did you lose?” His tone was Gentle, but Slenderman knew how BEN worked. He knew that the boy would drive himself crazy trying to refuse the reality and it was best for him to accept it before then. There was silence in reply. Slenderman moved on, he’d ask again later. “Who else will be there? Surely there are others who need know of what has passed.” “She… I don’t know if she really knew anyone else. As far as I can tell, she… has no friends or relatives that would want to come.” And yet she probably loved the monster who had killed her. The kindness he’d received when he’d attacked her proved as much but… Just because she’d wish him well didn’t mean he would. The heaviness of the loss burned with anger, and the glare he began to give showed the fact that he’d moved on from denial to rage. “I see. I shall hold the ceremony then. But you should get some rest.” The reply was gentle, the intentions one spawned from worry. BEN just vanished at the comment, and the pale figure sighed inwardly, standing straight once more. He best get ready, after all. BEN had returned to Ten’s house, searching to see what had been taken and what had been left. He had no intentions on telling authorities- the criminal who did this was his. This stuffed dog was…
He squeezed it, about to throw the stuffed animal to the wall but stopped, frowning. She’d cared for it much more than anything else she’d had. She’d cared for this stuffed dog, and for that one weird mask. She deserved to be buried with her prized items. He held it gently now, and removed the Mask that had been on display. With a heavy heart he wrapped her arm around the doggy, and placed the mask besides her head on the pillow. His eyes were dry, and he hated how numb he felt to her death at this point. Instead his thoughts were on the one who did this, his mind filling with the ideas as to what to do. [They’ll burn, just to be patched up, to burn again… but the fire won’t be the death, no… I can gouge out the eyes, use the same blade that did this to slowly skin them, tear out the hair, have them begging for the mercy they won’t get. And when they finally stop surviving, I’ll give the parts to Jack, to do as he pleases. ]He continued searching for clues, and found a bit of fabric that had caught on the door. With Jeff and Smiley’s help, this was enough to track them down. He grabbed it with a pair of tweasers, putting it in a bag and his pocket. Back to the funeral. He already had her as ready to go as she’d ever be. What more can you do for the dead? All that was left was to dig the hole and have the actual ceremony. BEN felt sick. How could something so terrible seem to come to an end so quick? How could life be snuffed out so easily? Well, he knew how fragile life was. He’d experienced its end himself before but… there was no karmic reasoning for this. There was no reason for her to have had any enemies who’d do this. There was nothing that answered why, other than petty materialism. There was nothing that could justify this. The heat at his fingertips surprised him- never before had his feelings called forth his fire. He made a fist, quenching the flame as he stepped outside, looking into the forest. He hears something moving out there, but it wasn’t walking. Still, he needed something to distract himself, and he floated after the sounds, only to see something to cause him to blink. Two snake men… not the weirdest things in the world, for sure. “What are you doing here?” They both jumped, the long green one hissing, and they turned to see BEN drifting just above the ground. “I could ask the same of you. Not like you live in this forest.” “You’re right. I don’t live here. But my friend does, and as far as I knew, she didn’t really know anyone… and you’re awfully close to her home.” “Her? Wait, are you talking about Ten? And why do you smell of blood?” it was the smaller one speaking, his orange tail and brown hair shivering. At least he was wearing a shirt. BEN didn’t like the fact these strangers both knew her name and could smell that sharply. Then again, it’s not like he’d washed very thoroughly. “How do you know Ten? Knowing her I can believe odd creatures could be acquaintances but… that doesn’t answer as to how.” He was in no mood for this, but if they truly knew her then… “Well, I met her when-“The blond green long one began, but was cut off by a hand on the mouth. “It’ll probably be best for me to summarize. Sam here was checking my traps- live ones, for animals. We have to eat- I’m Carson, by the way. One day Ten had found herself caught in one and she accompanied him as he check the other traps. She… didn’t fear us, or hate us for what we were.” He tactfully left out many of the details of her encounter with Sam. “Since she was there, I went ahead and cooked some of the catch for her too and… since then, we’d visit her on the rare occasion, although more often than not, she’d be the one out and about and one of us would come across her. If you don’t believe me, then I don’t know what to say.” BEN could tell there was truth in this snake-man’s voice. He was enough of a liar he could read lies, and while details were being hidden he nodded his hand, landing on the ground once more. “Then… I have some bad news for you both.” He swallowed, and they didn’t ask any questions. They just listened, waiting for him to continue. He continued, ignoring the surprised hisses at his eyes going red. “Yesterday someone stabbed her and… I arrived just to see her die. I had thought the funeral would be just me and Slenderman but… if you really did know her, you should be there too.” Both looked distraught, and the smaller one stopped Sam as he had begun to move his tail. There were tears in both of their eyes. Finally, the brunette spoke. “Can we see her now?” BEN hesitated, as if letting them in the house would finalize it. But… he’d want the same. He slowly began walking without an answer, aware of them following. “Don’t… don’t touch her. She finally looks like she’s at peace instead of…” they nodded in understanding. Eyes met, and where there had been wariness before suddenly was the bond made through grief. “It’s not your first rodeo either then, huh?” it was whispered, but the message went across. BEN sat on the couch, suddenly trusting these two snake men. He heard them begin crying, and a hiss of outrage from one of them. There was muttering, but he wasn’t paying attention to them. He was just so tired. His eyes closed, but he made himself listen to them to stay awake. “Sam, you can’t go in pursuit of who did this. Whoever did it would probably not live in the woods, and people don’t like things like us.” “I don’t care I want to teach them a lesson-“ “Wouldn’t that make you just as bad as them? I’m angry too, but we have to be rational. Anyways, the strangers scent is faint. That kid’s been around too much for it to be tracked anyways.” He opened an eye as they began to leave, stopping them. “You guys don’t need to worry about tracking the f****r who did this down. I’m already on it- and whoever did this is going to burn.” There was cold certainty in his eyes, but BEN was caught off guard by the replies he got. “I get how you feel. I want to eat them but… that makes us no better than the rest of the world. And…” Sam couldn’t continue, but Carson did. “Let’s be honest. Ten would hug them. She probably forgave them as she was bleeding.” The worst part about hearing this is that it’s exactly what BEN had been ignoring. “Shut-up.” “No, you know it’s true. Carson left out the detail of when I found her on that trap I swallowed her alive. Not that I hurt people when I do so but… you know what she was concerned about while she was in my stomach? Me. She was worried she was bothering me. Whoever killed her was a good person in her eyes.” “Shut up. It’s… I have to!” if he couldn’t blame the killer then… they two snake men didn’t press, as they left. “The funeral will be here at noon. If you’re coming, that is.” “We’ll be there.”
He hated the words the snake men had said. He hated them for the truth they rang with. But, if one death offset the balance then someone else would have to survive to keep things set. With that, would it be too hard for Slender to…? No, Slenderman wouldn’t resurrect someone; just cause another to survive instead of die. But still, maybe… it wouldn’t be the first time rules had been bent. And it was worth it- there’d be no way for Ten to even know of what he’d done… And if Slenderman wouldn’t resurrect her, he… He did know someone who would. He began walking, searching her house for pen and paper. The b*****d kept contracts, right? He’d write it out and accept no other offer. Slender… Jeff would understand. They’d have to. If they didn’t… He found the piece of paper. He began writing, ignoring the dull weight in the center of his back. For Ten to be brought back and revived I am willing to return. As long as she is alive, like nothing had ever happened, and you leave her alone, I can come back. If you let me visit her, keep her out of all of the mess I’m willing to… He stopped, quickly scratching it out till nearly illegible. How could he even think of that? How could he ever imagine that… he’d survive under those conditions? Or that he’d manage a signed contract with no alterations before hand? He quickly set the paper on fire, trashing the ash. The tears welled in his eyes again, but he blinked them back. Suddenly the little home felt much too small, and he had to get out. He left, going into the woods, to sit on a stone. Thoughts crowded him, but he didn’t want to listen. He didn’t want to think. He pulled his Ocarina out of his hat, beginning to play. He messed around for awhile, uncertain as to what to play.then he settled on a tune, going through various songs just to have something to do. He closed his eyes, oblivious to time as he kept playing, kept playing, just to avoid thinking. To avoid recognizing the truth. He forced himself to focus on the notes, and nothing else. He ignored the blood that dripped down his cheeks, as he kept playing. Finally he had no songs to play, and the ocarina fell from his lips, and the bloody tears continued to drip. They continued to fall, and he slid off of the rock to the grass below, looking at the moon. A full moon- how mocking. It illuminated the forest in eerie shadows, and lying there, with his back against the cold stone, his eyes closed. It was water that woke him up-and his bolted open as the rain began to pour. He stood up about to run but… the fear etched away. Why not just lie back down and open his damn mouth? There, that’s one answer for this. He stood in the rain, just… thinking. The sky was grey, so that meant it was day. he shook his head, his eyes darkening as the rain continued to fall, but there was none of the normal effort to avoid it. Where there’d normally be anxiety he just felt numb, and cold. He walked slowly back to Ten’s home. The funeral would be today. She was gone, and there was nothing to do about it. Ten wouldn’t want him to hurt another, especially not in her name. Ten wouldn’t want him to give up- she’d be the one to send in that cliché kitten. But that didn’t change the fact there was no conceivable way of bringing her back, of… he shivered, something that BEN didn’t know he could still do. He… he was glad it was raining. If the sun had been shining, it would have just been wrong. The rain felt like the tears that the world should be shedding. The world that didn’t realize what it was missing was still able to realize it lost something and that… A small laugh escaped his lips. BEN DROWNED, taking solace in the rain. Who would have thought the day would come? When he finally found his way back to Ten’s house, he saw Slenderman already waiting at the door, seemingly waiting. “Uh, you’re early.” The other turned swiftly, startled, then surprised at how BEN didn’t hold even an umbrella, or float, or something. “BEN, are you alright? You’re a tad… wet.” There was concern in the voice. “I’m f*****g dandy! The best thing I’ve had in ages has only been taken away from me permanently. Hate to pull this on you, but I found out yesterday she did know someone else but I don’t think you need to bother about glamour. They’re not exactly normal either.” He snapped, knowing full well what Slenderman meant but… right now, he just didn’t care. The old stick ended up holding his spare umbrella over the ghost anyways, and BEN didn’t move to get be away from the cover. Why couldn’t she just still be alive? Why couldn’t she still be around to smile, to put out those innocent naïve ideas, to brighten the world up? “Isn’t there anything you could do?” “I’m sorry BEN. But there is nothing to be done.” “That’s a lie but… I know you think it isn’t.” BEN walked to the door, opening it. The umbrella Slender held followed him. “Come on in if you want. It’s a bit low, but it’s raining out there.” He said it so blankly, and it just made the slender figure worry. BEN hasn’t been anywhere near getting over his hydrophobia. And here he is now, walking in the rain, not even caring to dry himself off and just… Slenderman had no words to say to the hurting soul. He had no words, but he had the ability to be there. As such he ducked down into the doorway, basically left to crawl through the building. He sat near the doorway, his legs crossed and his torso leaned forward. There was a good ten minutes of silence. “Have you decided where to bury her?” “I… I had been…” he sighed, shaking his head. If he had a friend make her a doll he’d… he’d lose it. The tears filled his eyes, but he blinked them back. “Maybe her other friends will have an idea. They know the forest better than I do.” Slenderman nodded, and they sat in silence for a while longer. The rain began to thin, and cleared just as the two snake guys knocked on the door. BEN stood and headed down the hall, and Slenderman opened the door. The two slithered back some in surprise (Sam let out a hiss of alarm), but neither left. “Sorry to have startled you. BEN asked me to hold the ceremony. He’s gathering her body as we speak. If I may…” The two scooted from the entrance as Slenderman made his way through the doorway, both staring as he stood up straight. He readjusted his tie and walked a slight distance off, then turned to wait. There was a table behind where he stood. Soon BEN came outside, carrying Ten’s body bridal style. His eyes were black and red, and as he set her on that table… the blood began to flow again. He stepped back, to avoid dirtying her with the drops that fell from his chin. The other two approached some, uncertain as to what this sort of ‘funeral’ would entail. It wasn’t a costume they were used to… “I’m assuming this is all attending. I did not know Ten well, but I had seen her roaming before, and have heard stories. In a way, I wish I had taken the opportunity to meet her while I could. From what I understand, she was a special human: A sweet soul that this world tries to crush, a sweet soul who had the intelligence to not care about race or species. Her death is a loss to this world, be it acknowledged or not. The people in attendance today are proof enough she did good in the time allotted to her.” He paused, before asking. “Would any of you like to speak?” There was a moment of silence, before Carson rose to the occasion. He slithered closer to Slenderman, facing the others. There were tears on his cheeks, and it took him a moment to actually begin to talk. “Ten gave me a hope I didn’t previously have. The hope of living- not just surviving. Every time one of us found a human they’d… be fearful. There weren’t other nagas in the area for us to know, it’s always just been Sam and I. although I… I didn’t let him know but… day after day, of checking traps, taking care of the garden, hunting maybe, it… I couldn’t take it. It felt so pointless. Then…” Carson looked to his brother, the tears falling fresh again. “Like always, this idiot brought his human catch back in his stomach but… there was no fear. She didn’t have anything negative towards us, she…” he wiped at his eyes, unable to continue for a moment. “Ten would look for us after that she… true she didn’t try and avoid the traps now that she knew they were around but… I’m going to miss her so much. Even though Ten was human instead of snake I… I saw Lana in her.” He choked up, going back to his brother, who held him close. Slenderman turned to BEN, half expectantly, half wondering. BEN didn’t move from where he was, and the blood was flowing freely from his sockets. He was doing his best to be quiet, but couldn’t hold back. He began to cough, the harsh sound catching the attention of all present, and the water being spewed out worrying all parties. Slenderman began to approach but a hand stopped him, as BEN crouch to the ground, holding himself. He kept crying, kept coughing, and hiccupping and the water ran, the blood ran. There was a puddle at his feet, his boots were ruined, his tunic was ruined, but hedidn’t Care. What did it matter? What the hell was the point? He finally began to breath normally again, and he had no more tears to shed. Everything was numb, and he wasn’t even aware that his eyes were missing. He continued to sit there for a second, examining his hands. He stood, shakily. He began to fall but ended up catching himself as he floated an inch off the ground. “We should bury her. I… had no ideas as to where to put her. Did you?” “We’d assumed you’d had an idea but…” Sam couldn’t finish. It was a morbid thought, yet one that had to be discussed all the same. There was an uncomfortable pause, and Slenderman spoke up. “How about cremation? That way the wind can let her travel the world.” There was a pause, and then there was a nod. “I… I can do that. You guys may want to stand back.” There was silent obedience, and slowly a flame began to creep along her body. As it covered her, however, the heat increased and the smell of burning flesh began. Sam and Carson had to cover their noses and scooted back, but soon enough the task was done. The bones had taken awhile, but now there was just ash on the scorched table. Ben stared at it, his eyes finally returning. The wind hadn’t been strong, just a breeze here and there, but as they began to go their separate ways a giant gust. BEN turned to see the ash flying away and an impulse had him jump, chasing after it for a moment, before stopping, watching as it was carried away and scattered. She’d always been so curious- now she could watch and learn. Ten was really gone. She’d want BEN to live on. Even if he couldn’t live, she’d still expect him to keep trying. For the first time in a few days, BEN smiled softly. “Have fun, Ten. Stay safe.” It was whispered to the wind as the ash went out of sight. It would take ages for him to truly heal, but the fact was he’d accepted what had happened. He’d never let go, but he finally could accept it. © 2017 PriAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on January 17, 2017 Last Updated on January 17, 2017 |