![]() 8A Chapter by Cricket Kidd
"...I know Cricket has had a hard time Emma, but does she have to be so... Horrid?"
"No. she shouldn't be. I don't understand it either, It feels as if there is something missing, something that would explain everything, although I have absolutely no idea what it could be." "I wish she would let Jasymuri read her mind. I would fell a whole lot better if at least he knew why she acts the way she does." There was a pause, then Sophie continued. "I can't help thinking about the part of the prophesy that says "Of these six, one will part, leaving--" "Shattered life and a broken heart." Emma interrupted. "I know, I've been thinking about that too. Although I don't think Cricket would do that." "Are you sure?" Emma sighed. "No. I'm not." There was a thoughtful pause, then she continued. "You know, in stories, the prophesies always seem to have words with double meanings and trick phrases." "How many double meanings are there to shattered life and broken heart?" the two of them both went silent, And I decided I had heard enough. We were camping next to a small lake near the end of the valley, And I left the side of the girls' tent to sit by the water. it was so peaceful, still. How could something so tranquil be a killer? I answered My question immediately with an accidentally remembered memory. The ground fracturing beneath my feet, a cry of fear, seeing Peregrine falling above me, And the wicked, wicked torrents pulling us beneath the surface. A soaked red jacket. I felt warm tears creep down my cheek. I tried to stop them but they only increased, falling to the ground before I could catch them. I knew I had been acting ridiculous today. some of that could be attributed to the shock of being hauled out into the big wide world of fantasy to go camping with fairies and monsters. but when it really came down to it, the real problem was me. I couldn't help the way I was. Everything I did was tainted by my grief and guilt, and nothing I did was changing that. What was I supposed to do? tell them? Yeah, that would be an interesting dinner conversation. "Oh, by the way everyone, Do you want to know why I can't get along with all of you? My twin brother is dead because of me. It makes me feel sad. Pass me another roll would you." I knew I would never admit the truth. it was better for my friends to think I was a self centered jerk, than to know I was a murderer. if it was even possible, the night got darker, the air got colder, and the tears fell more thickly. I tucked my knees into my chest and hid my face in the warm hollow they made. my body shook with silent sobs. I had never felt more alone. ******* The next day started better, with hot chocolate and bacon for breakfast. I don't think it is possible for anyone not to feel better when they wake up to the scent of bacon grease in the air. Actually, scratch that. There was one person. Shadow. I wondered if he had gotten any sleep at all last night, even after we had been replaced by Emma and Theo around midnight. he certainly didn't seem as if he had gotten any rest, every other second he was snapping at someone or other for no good reason. "Quit making the smoke blow in my face Alder! I know it's you!" "Stop staring at me Cricket!" "Why do we have to be up so early Jasymuri?" "I hate bacon." "Sophie! You left your jacket on my stump!" "Emma! You put too much cocoa in my hot chocolate! Now it tastes gross!" "I left my shoes out last night, and now their all wet. CRICKET!" In fact, the only person he didn't yell at was Theo, who was wisely staying out of it. (By the way, I didn't actually have anything to do with his wet shoes, he left them out and they got soaked by dew. Everyone else had wisely kept their shoes inside their tents, but no one mentioned this.) I leaned over to Emma and asked. "Do you think he got up on the wrong side of the tent?" 'Nah." She said calmly. "He's just not a morning person." My hot chocolate suddenly didn't taste so good. "You mean he's like this all the time!?" "Umm, yeah? don't you... Oh! You were either sleeping in or unconscious during this! you missed his crabby spells." she sighed. then whispered something under her breath that sounded like 'lucky'. "Okay. I'm going for a walk." I said, standing up and stepping into the trees that grew on the edge of the lake, and leaving before anyone could argue. The tall, thin trees pressed in on all sides, making me feel slightly claustrophobic. They thinned quickly after a short while, and revealed a small pool. the water was a crisp, clear blue, and the bottom was covered with fine white sand. one large, lonely, green and gold fish swam along lazily. as my shadow passed over the pool and fell over the creature, it didn't dart away as I expected it to, it stopped its circling and floated up, as if to meet me. tentatively, I barely touched the top of the glassy smooth pond, sending small ripples all across the surface. the fish swam to my fingers, and rubbed its head against them its eyes were a deep gold. You're the one. "GHAA!" I screamed, jumping up and whirling around at the voice. There was no one there. I looked all around, left, right, up, and then back down. the fish looked amused, if that was even possible. Cautiously, I closed my eyes and put my hand back into the water. Wow. Someone is jumpy today. I didn't have to open my eyes to know that there wasn't anyone else in the clearing. I was able to tell that the voice was in my head this time, And I was almost positive that it had been the fish. I've been waiting for you. For a very long time. I looked down at the fish. It was smiling. Before my eyes, it began to change, growing larger and longer. its fins transformed into arms and legs, and standing in the pool was a tall, delicate looking woman with golden blonde hair. She was clothed in a teal green dress with translucent long sleeves. her eyes were the same gold that had gazed knowingly from the fish. "My name is Arlyn." the dazzling woman said. "Uh... You're a fish." I burst out, eyes wide. "Not the most flattering form, I know, but you can't be too careful these days." Arlyn said, stepping out of the water and shaking droplets from her feet. she looked at the startled expression on my face and laughed. "After everything that has happened to you, are you really that surprised at a simple transformation?" "Ye-- Wait." I stood, suddenly suspicious. "How do you know what I've been through? How the heck do you even know who I am!?" "Oh, I have a gift. You see, I'm a seer. The moment your shadow touched me, I knew you were a friend. as soon as I touched your hand, I Knew that you were the one I had been waiting for." "O...Kay." I said. "Can I ask you a very personal question?" "shoot." "What are you?" "I'm an ondine, a water spirit with the ability to change into a human." "Oh, okay. What exactly were you waiting for me for?" I asked. "I've been called, in a dream, by the queen for a very special purpose." She said, looking directly into my eyes. "I'm here to train you." "Whoa! kay!" this was unexpected. "Is this, like, some part of the whole quest thing that everyone forgot to tell me about? is everyone getting trained?" I asked. "Nope. just you. but you need it especially." "Thanks. that makes me feel good about myself." I instantly felt my self esteem drop a few points. Personally, I thought I'd been doing okay with my terrifying powers, except for when I almost accidentally drowned myself. "Oh! No-no-no-no! that's not what I meant!" she said, laughing. "You need it because you--" she cut the word short and blushed. "Because I what?" If I wasn't a pathetic kid who seriously needed help with my powers, why did She want to train me? "Oh, Nothing. Forget I said that." Arlyn said guiltily. I glared at her. I hated all of this mysteriousness. "Okay, We should start." she said. "wait, now?" I exclaimed, "Shouldn't I go tell my friends where I am?" "They'll be fine, trust me!" she said, grabbing my hands and pulling me into the shallow pool. "This is your first lesson." And my head was suddenly below water. © 2011 Cricket KiddAuthor's Note
Added on December 3, 2010 Last Updated on April 8, 2011 Previous Versions part one: The Quest Begins
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket KiddAuthorCricket Kiddsomwhere over the rainbow, UTAbouti like chocolate and fantasy. I don't believe in swearing, drinking, or doing any kind of drug. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I like giraffes (obviously) and I think dra.. more..Writing