![]() 6A Chapter by Cricket Kidd
One hundred four thousand fifty-six, one hundred four thousand fifty-seven, one hundred four thousand fifty-eight... I had started counting my steps as we walked. As soon as Jasymuri had heard the rest of the Prophesy he had insisted that we leave immediately. Each of us had a fairly large pack to carry, and I was exhausted. The path was steep and treacherous, and the only thing that kept me putting one foot in front of another was the fact that Shadow was right behind me, waiting for me to fail.
The mere thought of his name sent a new wave of angry energy coursing through my veins, and I found the strength to go on. One hundred Four thousand seventy, one hundred four thousand seventy-one.... I bumped into Emma, nearly pushing her over. She turned and glared. "We're stopping now, didn't you hear Jasymuri?" I shrugged apologetically. "No. Sorry Emma." "This is a good spot. Come have a look." Jasymuri said from the crest of the hill. I groaned with relief and pulled myself up the last few yards of the hill. We had arrived in a valley that was dotted with hundreds of little ponds and lakes. There was a small plateau in the very center that was covered with trees, obviously our destination. I groaned again, not happy this time. The wooded area was about a mile away. That meant more walking. "At least it isn't uphill." Sophie murmured quietly in my ear, she was as eager as I was to stop it seemed. Resigned, I started trudging down the steep slope after Jasymuri. We were nearing the bottom of the hill when my weary foot didn't quite clear a rock I had tried to step over. I whooped loudly as I fell, then kept falling down the hill. I twisted around and got my feet in front of me to stand up, but it was so steep and my backpack was so heavy that I couldn't right myself before I toppled over again. I didn't stop somersaulting until the ground leveled out at the bottom of the hill, I slid to halt on my stomach and just laid there, catching my breath. "Are you all right Cricket?" I heard Emma holler. There was a hint of laughter in her voice, And I could hear the others giggling as well. I was glad that they found my situation entertaining, I sure didn't. "I'm just Dandy! Why don't you try it? It is so much faster than walking!" I yelled back sarcastically, not bothering to get up. I would just wait for them right here, maybe even take a nap. I could feel the ache of the day combining with my tumble turning me into a large ouch, So big I don't think even a band-aid would help. I didn't think this day could get any worse. Then, with a whoosh of air, a hard yank on my pack, and the ground rapidly getting smaller beneath me, my day was full of a whole new level of worse. I got over my first initial shock and realized that I was being carried through the air by something very big. I squirmed around in the straps to catch a glimpse of my captor. I managed to see the scaled talons gripping my bag, but it was very brief. The ride wasn't exactly smooth. I writhed for another glance and saw a long, furry body. It was not a bird. There was a furious screech nearby, and the beast stopped short in the air. I guessed that Furry-with-the-talons and I weren't alone in the sky. I was right, because I saw it. It was a very large, very vicious looking eagle. Probably as big as the Not a Bird Kidnapping me. The name Roc came to mind, from a story I had read once, I think it was the Arabian nights or something like that. My big friend roared at the Roc and slashed out with one of it's forepaws. (Yes, Paws.) The Roc screeched back and made a swipe for me. Ha. I got it. They were fighting over diner. Me. The Furry thing dove down suddenly and tried to fly past the Roc, but it wasn't fast enough. The Roc flew underneath it and grabbed for me again, missing me and cutting through both the shoulder straps holding me up. Falling is a very interesting feeling. If you have ever been on one of those falling elevator sort of rides, you may think you know what it feels like, but you don't. Those things are Carousels compared to the real thing. I won't bother trying to describe my experience to you, just know that it involved lots of undignified screaming and upset stomach. I was however able to see Furry. It was a Griffin. Part lion, part bird. It was very impressive to see, especially the way it was diving for me. The Roc careened into The Griffin's side, and the two of them engaged in battle once more, forgetting completely about me. I managed to turn around and face the ground, to see what I was going to land on, maybe a huge pile of mattresses was just there for no reason at all. That would be really nice, I searched hopefully. No such luck. The way I was falling right now, I would probably land in the medium sized lake directly below me. I sighed, why did it have to be water? The impact would probably hurt me as much as if I was to fall onto solid ground, I mean, doing a belly flop from only a few feet above the water hurt, what would this feel like? I looked up at my flying buddies, hoping one of them might catch me or at least slow my free fall. no luck there either, they were still fighting, too far away to... Wait, even as I thought those words, the giant bird broke away, screaming victory. The griffin flew away in retreat. Then after a moments pause, the Roc was obviously scanning for the missing prey (Still me) it dove. It was fast, a lot faster than I had thought it might be. In fact, it might catch me. Ha-ha. I was stuck between a Roc and a Hard Spot. Literally. I started laughing at my wit, A high pitched hysterical sound. I was either going to be smashed to bits by water, or I was going to be eaten by a big bird. Another moment later, I knew it was going to be the bird. It would make it before... Yeah. that changed really quickly too. the griffin came back, knocking the Roc in the side. I was sure they were going to fight again, but I don't know who won. Because right then, I hit the water. ******* I really have to stop being knocked unconscious. It can't be too good for my brain. Was my last thought before everything was plunged into utter darkness.
I awoke (again). But I wasn't sure for a while if I was alive. Everything I saw had this weird shimmery outline, and it was all tinged blue and green. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I realized why. I was in a bubble. Underwater. I was so lucky! (did you catch the sarcasm? 'cause if you didn't, just know it was there.) A figure swam into my vision, half human-ish, half fish. A mermaid. It burbled in excitement, and to my surprise, I could sort of understand it. It said something along the lines of "It's alive! I told you so!" Another mermaid came into view, much larger than the first. The smaller one turned to the big one and asked "Can I keep it? Please?" 'It' was me of course. But at least this time the creatures in question weren't trying to eat me. That was a bonus. The bigger one, The smaller one's parent I think, shook its head. "You would have to clean out the bubble every day, and add fresh air every other. All I can see happening is you getting tired of it and neglecting it. I won't take care of it for you." A third mermaid entered. The other parent. "No, I won't allow it. Remember what happened to the last one?" "You're right." Said the first parent. "You should just go put it back where you found it." The small one slumped with disappointment, and took my bubble out of the sea cave that was their home. with one last sad look at me, it popped the bubble, and swam back into the cave without a backwards glance. I gasped for the quickly dissipating air, but it was already gone. All I found was water. My heart began to beat faster with fear, which wasn't good, because that made me want to breathe even more. Finally, I could hold it no longer, I inhaled violently. Water rushed into my lungs. I tried to cough it out, but that was pretty pointless. I inhaled again, and again found water. But this time, for some reason, it felt better. I didn't feel like coughing anymore. I held very still, knowing that I was going to die, and waited. And waited. And waited. Why hadn't I drowned yet? I had been inhaling water for a while now. it didn't hurt anymore, In fact, each breath of water made me feel better. The full implications of this suddenly hit me. I could breathe water. Delightful. For a few moments I pondered what to do. I had to get back to the group, and that meant getting above water. I kicked my legs to propel me towards the surface, but I didn't get too far, I had never learned how to swim. I wished that the water would just push me to the surface-- Responding to my thought, an enormous current scooped me up and shot towards the darkening sunlight above. With a mighty FWOOSH it spat me out of the water and onto the shore, a little more violently than I would have preferred, but at least I was out of the lake. I spent a whole minute getting the water out of my system, then I looked around, getting my bearings. I was pretty close to the Plateau, and I could see a hint of fire among the deepening shadows of the trees. The sun was just setting, and I figured I had about twenty minutes to get to my friends. With no more further adieu, I stood up and started walking. My legs ached from the effort of today, and I had to stop often, but eventually I made it to the bottom of the hill and started up. I had to hurry if I wanted to still be able to see where I was going when I got there, I didn't like the idea of wandering around here in the dark. I got near the top when I began to hear the murmur of voices. I went limp with relief when I recognized them as my friends, and almost let go of the hill. That would have been interesting. I gathered some more of my remaining energy and heaved myself over the last bit of earth and onto the plateau. I laid there, exhausted and triumphant, for a few moments and listened to what they were saying. "I tried to catch her! Really! I did! But that stupid Griffin came back and distracted me. I didn't even see where she landed." "We know Theo. You've told us. Multiple times." Emma replied tiredly. "We'll look for her body in the morning." Shadow replied, also tired. This was a chilling statement. I wonder who's body they were talking about. Wait a second... They were talking about me. They thought I was dead. The other confusing thing, What was theo talking about? He mentioned the Griffin and trying to catch me. But how? -- I wracked my tired brains for Theo's power, going through the part of the Prophesy that talked about our powers. One of forest one of-- Sky. Theo could turn into birds, He had been the Roc! The realization warmed me a little bit, my friends had tried to save me. How nice of them! I went back to listening to the conversation. "We don't know that she is dead Shadow! Don't be such a pessimist!" this was Sophie, but even so, there wasn't too much hope in her voice. "I was so close--" Theo whispered in despair. He obviously blamed himself for my supposed death. Emma spoke, "I feel really bad about teasing her earlier, when she tripped down the hill." There was a remorseful pause, they had all laughed at me. "She didn't really want to come on this quest either," Sophie said sorrowfully, "I made her come." There was another pause, interrupted only but Theo's Anguished whisper of "So close..." "Supposing she is alive, where do you think she is?" Asked Alder. I had rested enough, and although it was interesting to hear them talk about me this way, I decided to reveal myself now. I stood up. "Oh, I suppose I would be right here." I said calmly. I wish I had had a camera at that moment. Their expressions were priceless. "CRICKET!" Emma yelled, jumping to her feet and promptly stumbling over everyone else to envelope me in a great, big bear hug. "You're alive!" she sobbed into my already wet shoulder. "What happened?" Asked Shadow, looking at me in shock. The events of the past 24 hours, including the manticore attack, flooded into my brain. For some reason, I was filled with such a fury that it scared me. "What happened?" I asked quietly, incredulously, "What happened! Over the past twenty four hours, I have been nearly eaten by a poisonous porcupine lion, knocked unconscious, a unicorn wanted to read my mind, I found out I have the terrifying power of controlling water, was knocked unconscious again, walked for who knows how many miles uphill, tripped down a mountain, carried off by a flying cat with claws, fought over by the afore mentioned cat thing and a giant bird, fell thousands of feet out of the air into a lake, got knocked unconscious AGAIN, a mermaid child tried to keep me as a pet, them tried to drown me, I found out i could breathe water, got to the surface, climbed the plateau, All of which adds up to me being one, Big, Bruise." I took a breath to calm down, smiled, and continued in a quiet, falsely happy voice. "I am going to go to bed now. And when I wake up, I want to be in my own bed, at home, because I am hoping that this has all been A REALLY BAD DREAM!!!" I shouted the last bit for emphasis, then spun on my heel towards where they had set up the tents, I saw that they had even set up mine. That was nice of them, considering they had thought I was dead. I pushed inside and fell on the cot, not bothering to remove my wet clothes. For the first time since this whole crazy thing had begun, I fell asleep instead of unconscious. © 2010 Cricket Kidd |
Added on November 25, 2010 Last Updated on December 8, 2010 Previous Versions part one: The Quest Begins
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket KiddAuthorCricket Kiddsomwhere over the rainbow, UTAbouti like chocolate and fantasy. I don't believe in swearing, drinking, or doing any kind of drug. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I like giraffes (obviously) and I think dra.. more..Writing