![]() 5A Chapter by Cricket Kidd
A thud, a whoosh of running water, a gasp of air, pain, falling, nothing.
******* I Dreamed. A family on a camping trip. two small children, a boy in a red jacket and a girl in a green, playing near a river. it is a made up game with twigs and leaves. a voice, the boy's, is raised in frustration that the girl won't surrender a certain twig. the girl screeches angrily when he tries to take it by force and jumps away. unknowingly, the kids have been playing on an overhanging bank of earth over the river. the girl's jump causes the ground beneath her to fracture and tumble into the raging water, taking both her and the boy with it. the dream fades before they hit the water. it opens on a new scene. The girl stands next to her parents in a sodden green jacket, watching as a group of forest rangers pull an equally sodden red jacket out of the water. There is no body. He was never found. ******* I was woken by Shadow's voice. It was raised in anger so I had no trouble making out his words. "She's a menace to herself and to us! Why is she still here!?" "Because she is the last one of whom the prophecy speaks." That was Jasymuri "But--" "Shadow, we don't have time for this!" Theo interrupted, "We can't send her away just to find out we were wrong! We've wasted enough time already!" "He's right Shadow, we don't have time to search anymore." That was Emma's voice, "It just has to be Cricket. We don't have any other choice. Besides, she has Water Powers." "Ha! Some powers. All she can do is drown herself." There was a pause. Then Alder spoke. "Shadow, the first time you used your powers, you almost blinded everyone, not to mention you attracted an ogre." "And the first time I used my power, I grew Poison Ivy in my tent." Emma said, Laughing. Theo jumped in,"And I sprouted feathers." "You see Shadow," Jasymuri said patronizingly," Not one of you knew how to use your powers on the first try. It took some time." "Yes," he admitted, "but none of us resisted when you asked to read our minds either. We had nothing to hide anyway! Doesn't the fact that she won't let you Alarm anyone but me?! There is something wrong with her! I just know it!" That did it for me. I decided right then and there that I hated Shadow, and I always would too. I pushed the heap of blankets off, and stood up. Shadow froze at the rustling sound and turned to look at me. I could almost see the gears whirling in his head. "Did she hear what I said? Is she mad at me?" I'm sure he could feel my fury, a bright red that burned and froze at the same time. I almost saw remorse on his face, but he checked himself and changed it to anger. Pity, I was just starting to feel bad for him. "Well, it's true," he said defensively. "We can't trust you until Jasymuri does, And he can't do that until you let him read your mind." I glared until my fury turned white hot. I'm surprised that he wasn't burned to a crisp by my gaze. "Not, A, Chance." I said slowly and clearly. I wanted everyone to know, right here and now, that I would Not let anyone into my mind. N-e-v-e-r. Shadow met my eyes, an anger in his eyes that matched mine. I ended up looking away first because of those blasted blue eyes he had, they were creepy. "You might as well leave now," he said quietly, so quiet I wasn't sure anyone else heard. "You were probably going to run off anyway, most girls would." I had been planing to run away at the first chance I got, but now I knew I Couldn't, wouldn't, because If I gave up now, that would prove I was weaker than Shadow. Nope, I would stay. That would show him! "Nice try." I whispered angrily, equally quiet. I noticed that we had both been slowly moving towards each other, we were nearly nose to nose. "You aren't going to get rid of me that easily buster! I'm staying!" He snorted derisively. "You don't even know what we're doing, you just agreed to go on a quest that you don't know anything about." I paused, realizing that this was all too true. I stepped away from him and faced the rest of the group. "By the way guys," I said suppressing my anger and putting on a false cheerfulness, "what is this Quest for anyway?" ******* It took a full hour to explain, and I was still confused. Jasymuri was patiently answering my questions. I was just reviewing the facts, to make sure I understood everything. "We have to save the fairy race." I asked "Yes." replied Jasymuri "Most of them vanished." "Yes." "We don't know where they are." "I do believe that is what vanished means." "And we don't know who did all of this." "Yes." "we suspect that it may be some ancient evil, acting through a living person." "Yes." "But we don't know who it is." "Yes." "And all of us have powers." "Yes." "Mine is water." I shuddered involuntarily "Yes." "Sophie is darkness." "yes." "Emma is plants." "Yes." "Theo is birds." "Yes." "Alder is fire." "Yes." "Isn't Alder a kind of tree?" "Yes." "Okay, just checking. And Shadow is--" I tried to stifle a laugh, but it just turned into a snort, " And Shadow is Light." Jasymuri sighed, cursing my childish behavior no doubt. "Yes." "And we are doing this because of a Prophesy." "Yes." "But you can't remember the Prophesy." "Yes." I could sense that he was becoming weary with my questioning. I didn't blame him. "So we are basically clueless." "Yes! Do you have any more questions!" he snapped, obviously frustrated at where my questions were leading. I paused, wondering if it was safe to prod him further. I shrugged, what did I have to lose anyway. "Yeah. I have one more question. Are we pretty much doomed?" He snorted, stood up, and walked away, not answering my question. I could tell he was furious, not at me, but at the quest and the futility of it. Maybe at himself. Alder came and sat by me, and we watched Jasymuri as he faded into the undergrowth and trees. "It's not all as bad as you think," he said quietly. I looked at him closely for the first time, he hadn't said more than two words to me the whole time I had been here. He wasn't the noticeable type, mousey brown hair, average height, dull brown eyes, nothing that really stood out, except his name. "We do remember some of the Prophesy, most of it actually." "We do?" I asked, I had thought we didn't know any of it. I could remember only one stanza from the dream, and even that was hazy, not enough to say what was going on, or what to do. "Each of us only remembers only a little bit, but each bit is different. We've been talking while you were speaking with Jasymuri, and we want to know what you think." He nodded at the others, who until now had been sitting some ways away, watching us, and they came over. They sat in a complete circle, and shadow, attempting to sit as far away as possible, ended up straight across from me. "Okay, how much do we know of it?" I asked. "All of the beginning, but there is a gap near the end, and all of us feel it is important." said Emma. "Can you tell me what you know?" They nodded, and Theo started. "one life given, of royal blood, to save the world, and the people she loves." Sophie took over. "Summon six beings, of rival race, to bring back the light, and the dark away chase." Alder began to say his part. "One of Forest, One of Sky, One of Day, One of Night." Then it was Emma's turn. "One of Water, One of Flames, Guardian who heals all things." I had closed my eyes while they were reciting, and when Emma stopped I opened them sharply. I knew what came next, It was the only part I could remember. I recited it just like the others. "Of these Seven, One will part, Leaving Shattered Life And a Broken Heart." I could sense their excited eyes on me, I guessed that this was the part that they had been missing. Quietly, shadow finished the Prophesy, never once did his eyes leave mine. "They must be quick, They must be brave, For our world, Is theirs to save."
© 2010 Cricket Kidd |
Added on November 3, 2010 Last Updated on November 30, 2010 part one: The Quest Begins
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket KiddAuthorCricket Kiddsomwhere over the rainbow, UTAbouti like chocolate and fantasy. I don't believe in swearing, drinking, or doing any kind of drug. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I like giraffes (obviously) and I think dra.. more..Writing