![]() 1A Chapter by Cricket Kidd
It had been a week since I'd had the strange dream. For some reason I couldn't get it out of my head! There was always this strange tickle in the back of my brain, never quite letting me forget it. It was like when you know that you've forgotten something, but you can't remember what you are forgetting. Only this was about a hundred fifty-seven times worse. Very annoying.
I glared at my math paper, trying for the umpteenth time to focus on my work. I was fine for about two minutes. Then My thoughts decided that they didn't like math, and began to float away to the land of unicorns and fairies. AGAIN. It was just a silly dream! I thought to myself. Yes, but it seemed so Real! Myself responded. DUH! Fairies aren't real! Neither are Unicorns! Especially not ones named Jazzy-Marie! Still... you have to wonder... I don't wonder anymore! Not since -- I stopped, suppressing the painful memory. Still... I groaned and smacked my head onto my desk. This Dream was driving me insane! Now I was having arguments with myself! "Cricket? Do you need help?" asked my teacher, Mr. Fleckenstein. "No sir." I replied, my head still planted firmly on the desktop. Today was not a good day. "Well, if you actually look at the assignment, it might be a tad easier," said a boy behind me. A few of the kids around us giggled. My face flushed red with anger as I turned to face him. I intended to give him a death glare, but was startled into speech by the unfamiliar face. "Who are you and How long have you been sitting there!?" I asked, shocked I hadn't noticed him before. He wasn't the type you could easily overlook either. He was slumped down in his chair, and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with the hood pulled down over his face. His hair was black, and just long enough to cover his eyes. The first time I Actually saw his eyes was when he looked up to glare at me. They were a bright blue. I didn't like him one bit. "My name is Shadow and i've been sitting here for the past three days. Where have you been?" he answered sarcastically? More people laughed this time. I turned back to my homework, humiliated. "Oh-No." I whispered when I saw my paper. Today was most definently not a good day. I had drawn a picture of a unicorn on my math worksheet. And a name was written at the bottom. Jasymuri Then I felt the paper pulled out from under my arm. Oh Crumbs. I said in my head as I looked up at Mr. Fleckenstein. Today was probably the worst day of my life. Well, at least it can't get any worse. "Class, It seems that Cricket has much more important things on her mind than her work." Mr. Fleckenstein said as he held up my artwork. Perhaps a few minutes after class will help sort out her priorities. I'd spoken too soon. *CRASH!!* I jumped and whirled around the noise behind me. the desk right behind me was toppled onto its side, and shadow was sprawled underneath it. he was staring at Mr. Fleckenstein in shock. no... not Mr. Fleckenstein, he was staring at my-- Why is he looking at the picture like that!? I thought. instantly, almost as if he could read my mind, his attention snapped to me. and he glared, as if I had done something unforgivable. The bell rang. everyone began to file out the door and go to lunch. most of the kids looked at me sympathetically, but some made horsey noises as they passed my desk. shadow righted his desk, gathered his stuff off the floor, and left with the others, all the while glaring at me. What's with him? I thought after he left. I decided that thinking about it would just make my brain hurt more. I already had enough problems, he didn't have to be one of them unless I chose for him to be. reasured, I turned to my paper and tried yet again to finish my homework. Mr. Fleckenstien forgot about me for about five minutes passed when I was supposed to leave. I had finished my homework and was alternating between looking at him and the clock. For some reason, I felt rushed. like I needed to be somewhere, even though I didn't. Finally, I cleared my throat loudly to get his attention. he looked up, startled, then he nodded at me to go.
I sure didn't wait around. Books in hand, I walked out into the hallway and to my locker nearby. I deposited my books and retrieved my sack lunch. It was only when I was turning to leave when I noticed him. "that was some picture you drew." Shadow said, leaning on the wall opposite my locker. "have you been there the whole time!?" I asked, purposely ignoring his interest in the unicorn doodle. "Where did you get the idea for it?" He asked casually, purposely ignoring myquestion. "Are you stalking me!?" I countered "Will you just answer the question!?" he snapped at me. "Where did you get the Idea?" For some reason, I stopped and looked more closely at him. he was glaring (of course) but for some reason, He seemed completely serious, like he actually, genuinely wanted to know. I narrowed my eyes. "Why do you care?" I asked suspiciously. "It was a dream. wasn't it." he said quietly. His piercing blue eyes seemed to peer into my very soul. It took me a moment to realize That my mouth was open. I shut it hastily. "How did--" "How did I know about the dream?" he interrupted quietly, still staring with those extraordinary blue eyes of his. I nodded. "Because..." His voice cracked a bit. I wondered if it was just on accident or if he was nervous. he cleared his throat and recomposed himself again before continuing "Because I had it too." ********** I ran. I don't know exactly why, but I ran. He didn't follow me, I looked back once just to make sure, he was leaning against the wall just as he was before. those eyes locked on me. Even now, several hallways and one floor between us, I could still feel his gaze. I finally found myself near the lunch room. people crowded the area here, and for once, I felt safe among them. it's not that they are bad people, I'm just not a people person. I'd rather be alone. I ducked into the library, which was slightly less crowded. I had found refuge here more than once. I walked swiftly to my favorite couch and sat, trying to slow my heartbeat. My thoughts calmed. I convinced myself that I had no reason to worry, that it was just a coincidence. Some coincidence. my brain responded Go Away. I thought back. My brain was right though. how could that have been a coincidence? We had had the exact same dream!! My heart began racing again. it didn't help that he walked into the library just then. My throat made a small involuntary meep sound. So small that I am not sure how he heard it. but he did. Why do his eyes have to be so Blue!? He started towards me, never looking away. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... the bell rang. I ran again. © 2010 Cricket KiddReviews
2 Reviews Added on June 30, 2010 Last Updated on November 30, 2010 Previous Versions part one: The Quest Begins
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket KiddAuthorCricket Kiddsomwhere over the rainbow, UTAbouti like chocolate and fantasy. I don't believe in swearing, drinking, or doing any kind of drug. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I like giraffes (obviously) and I think dra.. more..Writing