![]() PrologueA Chapter by Cricket Kidd
the Queen of the fairies looked at her last remaining subjects. there were only twelve left, four tree nymphs, two gnomes, three dwarves, a unicorn, and two fairies. each was dirty, sooty, cut and bruised. they were silent, looking towards her with respect. another tear ran down her cheek as she saw the trust in their eyes, they would follow her to the ends of the earth if she asked them to. contrary to what the others thought, her people were still strong, and this war was far from over.
"What do you wish of us, Queen?" asked Jasymuri, the unicorn. He had a gash on his shoulder and his horn was chipped, gruesome effects of the recent battle. His silver blood dripped slowly from the wound, but he would live. She was about to answer when one of the tree nymphs screamed out in pain, collapsing to the ground. The others gathered around her, but there was nothing they could do. "Her tree has been cut down," one of the nymphs said sadly, "she is dead," they stood in a respectful circle around their fallen comrade and recited the rhyme of passing as her body vanished, leaving a dark spot of tree sap in her place. If this place was left undisturbed for long enough, a new tree would grow and she would live again, but this place was the last safe haven of the fairies, it would not stay safe for very much longer. The Queen cleared her throat, drawing attention back to the matter at hand. "I am sorry for the loss of another nymph, but we have something to do." the remaining eleven creatures gave their full attention. "We are dying. We have used every strategy possible to avoid this war, but it has been in vain. we must use our last resort." she paused, dreading what she was about to say. "We must begin the prophesy." there was a moment of silence, then everyone burst out in protest. "No Queen! we need you!" Jasymuri cried out in distress. "We can live somewhere else!" one of the gnomes, Agez,said desperately. "Where else could we live?!" exclaimed the Queen, exasperated. "It is better this way, for everyone!" "but not for you!" Agez blurted out. "we could go into hiding, all of us! as long as we didn't have to lose you!" "Yes! we could go underground, in the hills! anything! just not this!" Ardon, one of the dwarves, suggested. "No! we will not hide anymore!" Jasymuri snorted, stamping his hooves in anger and frustration. "we will fight until the end!" This Idea was met with enthusiastic cheers from the others, showing just how desperate they all were for any other solution. The Queen put her head in her hands, and wept. she did not want to do this, she didn't want to leave her friends, even if It would save them. when she lifted her head, she was smiling compassionately at them through her tears. "I thank you all. You are all so loyal to me, I am touched by how much you care about me. But this is the better way." they all hung their heads, knowing that nothing they could say would change her mind. most of them began weeping as well. The queen walked to the three tree nymphs. she lifted each of their faces in turn, and kissed them on the forehead. they smiled, grasping her hand for a brief moment, whispering a small plea of "don't leave us." the Queen answered with a simple "I must, It is for the best" she did the same with the fairies, then kneeled on the mossy ground for the gnomes and the dwarves, every time saying "it is for the best." last of all she approached Jasymuri. his head was low, almost touching the ground. gently the Queen stroked his soft mane and the side of his neck. she glanced at the gash on his leg, and sent a small spark of energy through her fingers and along the cut, sealing it shut to stop the bleeding. Jasymuri looked up with alarm, glanced at the cut, then at his Queen. "you need to save your magic for yourself queen! why did you waste it on me?" She ignored his question, and looked him in the eyes. carefully, he laid his horn on the top of her head. instantly their thoughts mingled together. "Jasymuri, I am scared. I don't want to do this." "Then don't! I don't want you to do it, they don't want you to do it, YOU don't want to do it, so don't! like the others said, we can hide some more." "you know I have to, and I have already made up my mind." she paused in her thoughts. "I fear it may not work, What if the ones I summon won't know what to do?" "I will take care of them. they will be safe." relief spread through the Queen's heart. her worries vanished and she made one last request to her friend. "please give me courage Jasymuri, I can't do this alone." "Of course my Queen." With this thought, a feeling of strength infused her. and she pulled away from the unicorn, turning to the others. "It is time." she said. the creatures moved slowly and mechanically, surrounding her in a circle. each of them held hands (or in Jasymuri's case, touched his shoulders) and looked at the Queen. with one last glance at each creature, the queen began to say the prophesy. One life given of Royal blood, To save the world and the people she loves, Summon six beings of rival race to bring back the light and the dark away chase, One of forest, One of sky, One of day, One of night, One of water, One of flames, Guardian who heals all things... She finished chanting the rest of the prophesy, but by now the magical energy had built up, and it was impossible to hear the rest of it. When she finished, the Queen reached into the energy surrounding her, and began the magic that would probably destroy her, but save the entire Fairy race from extinction. She whispered the ancient words each Princess learned from the previous Queen, hoping beyond hope that they would not be the one to use them. in her mind she saw seven faces. she paled when she realized they were all children, and they were all human, Three girls, Three boys, and Jasymuri. she began to doubt whether this was a good Idea, but she had already begun her magic, It was too late to turn back now. "forest" she whispered, and a ball of light emerged from her chest. "Sky" and another ball of light came out of her, and floated next to the first. "day" "Night" "water" "flames" Each time, a ball of light appeared, then it hovered next to the previous ball of light. When the ball for Flames appeared, it completed the circle around the Queen. To finish the spell, the Queen began to sing. none of the other creatures had ever heard any thing so beautiful, it seemed to enter into their hearts and calm their troubled minds. They all closed their eyes and savored the safe, warm feeling. Janini, one of the fairies, was the first to look up. She screamed in horror at the sight of their Fallen leader, crumpled in a heap on the ground. Jasymuri was the first to reach her. he gently turned her over with his horn and gazed into her open eyes. to his relief, she was still alive, but only just. he put his horn on the top of her head, letting thoughts mix. "Jasymuri, I did it!" Jasymuri was worried how weak she sounded, even in her thoughts. "you did it Queen. Are you all right? can you get up?" "I don't think so my friend. The spell took up all of my magic, I don't think I will be here for long." Jasymuri looked up at the rest of the group, sorrow in his eyes. "She is alive, but not for much longer." he told them. "she is very weak, her magic has been used up." one of the tree nymphs began sobbing, the rest just looked on in blank shock. Jasymuri put his horn back on her head. "Let me speak to my subjects through you Jasymuri." he paused, then he opened his mouth, and the Queen's voice came out instead. It was an old unicorn trick. "My subjects, I thank you." she paused. "I must leave you now. Jasymuri is to be the guardian to the rest of the Questors. I have one last request, keep the Six safe. I have seen them, and they are only children, human children to be exact." there was a gasp of dismay at this revelation, but it was short. they had no time to waste with their Queen dying. "Be kind to them, fight with them, they are fighting for you. then, when their mission is over, bring them to me. this may not be the last time I will speak to you again." then, Quietly, she told them one of the most secret things the Queen of the fairies could ever tell. "My name is Breen." With those last words, the Queen of the fairies eyes closed, her heart stopped beating, and the only sounds were the quiet tears of the group. And battle cries in the distance. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At that instant, in various places around the world, six children suddenly woke up. Our story begins one week later, with a girl named Cricket.
© 2010 Cricket KiddReviews
5 Reviews Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 3, 2010Last Updated on November 30, 2010 Previous Versions part one: The Quest Begins
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket Kidd
By Cricket KiddAuthorCricket Kiddsomwhere over the rainbow, UTAbouti like chocolate and fantasy. I don't believe in swearing, drinking, or doing any kind of drug. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I like giraffes (obviously) and I think dra.. more..Writing
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