I see in my sleep
Their a tree, on a high rocky plateau
Its all alone that my eyes see
But then again, I think, it’s not alone.
It has the wind, rain, snow and ice
even that stormy chilly weather
Its roots, they be in mother earth
another world not we
This tree is not alone,
the birds come and feed its fruits of life
Its leaves feed the earth
It takes in the bad, gives out good
We do not see, as we look
Each year it tells its own story
we do not hear, it’s all within
It sees more than humans will ever do
its trunk and branches are its eyes
But what of we our human cry
Do we see, like the tree
We must be content with what we have
I read of one, who said the human body
is split in two. The top half is good, bottom
half is bad.
I do not agree with what he preachers
Yes, a Holy man, would you believe
Evil is only for human minds
Mother Earth is only for good
My tree wants for nothing like humans wont
It has all it needs
It has mist and morning dew
It has rain, sun, wind and clean air too
At night it has the moon for light
It sleeps in winter, awakes in spring full of life
And what of our children flown
gone from the nest
They start a new life a change that is
Within never changes, spirit, soul that resides with us
We age on the outside
Our inner self never changes
Always beauty those that see
And what of love, feelings we have
We ache inside, longing so
Then we meet the one we seek
We talk, we like, and then date
If it feels right, we live together
Its only then we really know each other.
Love is good as nature shows
Theirs no bad or evil
Its only in human minds
I wonder why