Its funny that even after reading the title you decided to read further. But, I urge you to stop reading this article any further. Seriously, there is nothing interesting in this passage. There is no tell tale, no romance, no gossip, no diet meal plans, no blonde jokes, no celebrity wardrobe malfunction, no political mockery, no hidden sarcasm, and definitely no naughty bedroom secrets. There is practically no reason for you to go on any further, so Please stop reading NOW.
By now I presume that you are definitely not in a mood to listen. I wonder why you are reading this even after being obstructed repetitively. They say that the greatest need of the 21st century man is the need to be entertained, engaged and involved. People watch TV, wait in day long queues to buy a new mobile phone, flirt in clubs eyeing for a date, numb their senses over a cold beer in a sweaty concert, travel miles to visit an amusement park. You should stop reading this right away. Look away ! The only thing that catches my attention is that you could be doing anything else in the world right now, yet you chose to read something that you were specifically asked not to.
Among the sacrifices made to obey instructions there is not one that equals the pleasure obtained in outraging them.
Whoops..I thought about the Elephant....I wondered WHO made the bicycle. I suppose an Elephant does come with a built in pump...that trunk is amazing...I'm off now for a bike ride on the seafront....thanks for the entertainment sir..And you are right....My poem entitled..DONT READ THIS POEM..did very well on here
You make a very solid point with this piece, and what better way to get people to read something than to ask them not to...and you were so polite about it, too...Please Do Not Read's all right there in the title...Please...Do Not! And yet, 143 people, including myself, have read it. My own personal theory, going through the reviews of mainly women, is because you are a seriously sweet piece of eye candy...sure, there are some men who reviewed you, but I don't judge ;-) Now, strictly speaking about the writing, and not the ridiculously good looking author, I can honestly say, you have a truly unique voice I find refreshing. I enjoyed this piece immensely, and I thank you for sharing it with us. Now. Please DO NOT post any pictures of yourself with your shirt off. Please. Do Not. ;-)
I saw this in my read requests for 3 days. For those 3 days, I did not delete it. I simply left it up and moved on. Now I found myself here, commenting on this very good point you have brought to my attention. Curiosity has won. Thank you for sharing.