![]() ONEA Chapter by Deepankar![]() First Day of the College![]()
It was college. Hopes, passions and madness at its peak. But this ain’t about some gurugyan and about cracking NET or GATE tips nor it’s anything but inspirational to anyone. Well it’s just a part of life that everyone goes thru and experiences it at some point of their life, up to some extent I guess. Either they agree to it or not, but certainly can’t discard it. It’s about falling in LOVE. Which ofcourse, is, as said by many as the best thing that has been given to the so called Homo sapiens by GOD to fall into. Or is it?????? So here’s the thing…………………… It was the first day of my college. Everybody remembers their first day of the college quite vividly. Rite? Isn’t it. Just the sheer excitement of being free and ready to blast. Adrenaline pumping. Thinking this is the time we live. Thoughts of meeting their future in terms of profession, love etcetera etcetera. Kinof’ a childhood dream coming through, where we would all be dressed up in our fancy attires and be free of uniforms and stinking ties. But it wasn’t anything close to that for me. I had to join the college after a week the session started. And there is an even longer story to that. So let’s keep it aside. It was a blazing hot day and I was perspiring like anything but human. None of my old school friends were there with me. I was all alone. I was quite a stupid to take an admission in that f*****g college. I thought that atleast hitherto. So as soon as I entered the premises everything went numb for me. There were guys and girls loitering and scampering around. I could see beautiful girls, okie dokie girls to horrible girls. Tall girls, short girls; from being a perfectly angelic girls to not being girls at all girls. To be honest guys that’s the only thing our eyes start to scan around. Nevertheless, there were people from almost all part of India. And I was frankly surprised to see them here. I thought why the f**k they’ve come here. It’s a f*****g place and a f*****g college yaaar. I shouted within. But that piece of advice vagued out as I had to get a batch and an ID card. I loitered around for an hour and could'nt find the admission room where I was supposed to hand out the admission number.. I lay there exhausted and hungry in a seriously hot weather. Nobody helped me out nor was I able to communicate with anyone. Then out of the blue moon I said, “Excuse me” to a girl who happened to pass by me at that moment of time. She turned and grinned and a little amused said, “Ya”. I asked her “Where is the admission block out here??” She pointed out towards the hallway opposite to where I was standing and just smiled again and went away. I didn’t happen to thank her and straight away ran towards the pointed side. And atlast I went in and started the formalities required. As I lay standing there the picture of that girl flashed in front of me. The way she smiled was unique and yet so much known. As after that I was heading towards the class which I’d been allotted, that girl was still afresh in my mind. I perfectly remembered those “Big brown sparkling eyes, the curviest of lips, long rust colored hair flowing across her glowing face, maroon kurti, a black earring hanging like a limped moving back and forth, copies wrapped around her arms .………” She was amazing even though it didn’t matter to me at that point of time but soon it was going to be. I would change forever. My life would change forever and the way I perceive life would forever be changed. But for now my classes went by and the days, and so was weeks. I forgot that girl. I met new friends. Study was secondary. All other things came first, OH functional groups certainly toppd’ the list. We would party all night long and be in sound mind and health for the class next morning. That much was for our stamina. As of 2 months passed by I didn’t see her a single time in the premises or else. As if she vanished in thin air. And I certainly had no memory of her or was I thinking about her. Then came the day when I saw her again. I was walking alone in the premises exhausted after 3 hour class. I saw her again. White t-shirt and a blue jeans. That’s what she was wearing. Suddenly all those memories of our first and brief mulakat came whistling back to me. She was all by herself and as we moved towards each other she looked at me and smiled. I was so blown away that I didn’t even passed back a smile to her. Yet she passed me with a smile on her face. As she passed me I thought, “What a dick I am”. I looked her from behind as she walked away and she was gone. I thought, “Damn she’s beautiful.” Then I just shook my head and walked away. But still the image of her face, the way she looks, her smile remained afresh in my memory for couple of days. An uneasy yet so pleasing sensation would run through my body. As these days were going by the Judgement Days were beginning to unfold i.e. EXAMS. It got me so tensed and fucked up that I was literally thinking of committing a suicide. Neither could I’ve continued studying that vigorously like my other friends did nor could I’ve left it and went back home… But the tragedy lies in the fact that even after completely submerging myself in studies I wasn’t able to combat an evil thing called grades and criticism. It was awful. So the romanticity with this girl was definitely over and I was deeply rooted to the primary factor for which I was here for, which ofcourse was studies. So the exams came and passed by and semester break was there to look forward to. I’d completely lost track of her and wasn’t thinking about her. Results of the semester was to be declared after the break which was terrorizing for us. But I knew I’d done preeeeety well. © 2016 Deepankar |
Added on April 17, 2016 Last Updated on April 17, 2016 AuthorDeepankarGangtok, Gangtok, IndiaAboutA complete emotional freak.... I know very less about myself so as to say. & I'm trying to find myself from deep within which hitherto may have been trapped by myself. Really interested in stor.. more..Writing