![]() Chapter 3: BeastsA Chapter by Natasha![]() Wonder what sort of animals they are?![]()
Chapter 3: Beasts
I awoke to the sound of hushed voices.
“Who do you think they’re? Maybe there missionaries come to spy,” one voice said. Missionaires. What are they? Or what is it? Who are these people. I was afraid to open my eyes, in fear of what I would see. Then I heard another voice counter the first voice.
“No. The law the King and Queen just made prohibits missionaries to travel here. Remember?” King, Queen? Huh. What sort of loony bin are they running down here. Wait but where is here first of all? That question totally slipped through my mind ealier. I was to busy with convincing Tyler not to go home. Then the monster/beast or whatever it was showed up. I got this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach for a while. I don’t think we’re in Florida anymore. Or for that matter on Earth. We just left through the door all excited about an adventure. I don’t even like adventures. But I couldn’t let myself pass up this awesome opportunity. Never thinking about where we were. Just acting in the moment.
Then another thought flashed through my mind. How did we get here? I know we got here through the door, but how. The door had no handle not even a knob. Was the door magically opened. Oh I remember now. I said some word…well really screamed out some word. What was it. ‘Freeman, Father, Oreo, Fred, Fre..Fre, FRETIC’ Yeah that was the word. I said ‘Fretic’ and the door just magically opened. Is the word ‘Fretic’ magical? What am I thinking? I don’t even believe in magic, let alone a secret magical word. Or magical doors. What a bunch of hogwash.
My brain was going a mile a minute. May- my thought was interrupted by another talking man. How many men were there?
“Shake the child. We have to bring her to the Royal Palace for interrogation. Missionaires start young. I didn’t put it past Ontak to send a child to spy on us.” I was violently shaken until my eyes opened. I gasped aloud. The sight was so horrible it was beyond believable. These men weren’t human men. They were monstrous. Red eyes, hairy all over, gargantuous feet (with sharp claws), Brown fingernailess hands (also containg sharp claws), they barely had lips, and the nose was sort of like the nose of squidwars in spongebob. Except it was bigger and green. Their fur was black, the nails were green and thir breath smelled like an animal died inside their mouth. I don’t even think they have the right to be called men.
One monster lifted me up. I started to panick. Well do you know what happens when I start to panick. I kick and scream. Sometimes I even punch. So here I was kicking this behemoth and screaming like a mad lady. The thing freaked and dropped me. I landed on my butt. I rolled over and jumped up. Sort of like what a ninja would do except in times of danger. I turned to look at Tyler but he wasn’t there. Did they take him already?
“Where’s my friend!” I yelled at the beasts. They looked at me confused. Did Tyler leave before they got here? Or did they decide one was enough for interrogation and killed Tyler for food? Two of the beasts gave each other a secret signal.
“AHHHH!!!!” I was grabbed from behind without me knowing. The monsters seemed pleased at my reaction to this.
“You two, take the girl to the dungeon at the Palace. Me and the others will search for the other child. Here’s a map so you won’t get lost in the forest.” I stared directly at the monster who said it. It must be the leader. I can match the voice to the monster who told everybody else about the new law the Queen and King made. This thing was also the one who ordered me to be shaken awake. Not that I wasn’t already awake. As the beasts took me away I kicked and screamed hopeing that someone normal would hear my plead and rescue me.
© 2009 NatashaAuthor's Note
Added on February 20, 2009 Last Updated on February 20, 2009 Author![]() NatashaThe city of wonder, NY, JapanAboutNoooooooooooooooooo,dont read this biography.jk,life is wonderful.Neway,I'm a person named a name that you wont know unless you add me.Then I will then get to know you,yaaaayyy.Im a fun lovin person a.. more..Writing