![]() Chapter 2: FreticA Chapter by Natasha![]() Samantha and Tyler get an interesting surprise.![]()
Chapter 2: Fretic
I got down on my knees and stared straight at Tyler’s head. What am I suppose to do. I think I saw this situation on Life Guard .7. First I have to see if his hearts still beating. So I put my hand on his heart. Bathump Bathump Bathump. Yup it seems to be working properly. Next check his eyes. So I lifted one eye lid, disgusted I let go of it. What next. Uhhh, see if the person can still respond to determine if they’re absolutely passed out.
“Tyler. Tyler. If you can here me raise your index finger in the air.” He didn’t respond.
What’s after that. Mouth to mouth resecation. Eww no, that must be if your drowning. If I’m grossed out by that Tyler should be too. Ha got an idea.
“Tyler are you ok. Oh no! I guess I have to do mouth to mouth on you.” I waited a little while just to see if he would react. Nothing.Maybe if I act like I’m going to do the mouth to mouth he’ll wake up. So I lowered my face to his. Slowly, slowly. Then one eye opened on Tyler’s face.
“Uhh, Samantha what are you doing?” I could feel his warm breath on my face. I blushed and got away from his face.
“I was going to, uhh, see if you had a-a fever. When people pass out they can sometimes contract fevers.” That was a nice save. He blinked and sat up. Now we were across from each other. He stared straight into my face.
“You know I could have sworn I heard you say you were going to do mouth to mouth on me” he said with a smirk on his face. I got up and walked to the door.
“Well since your up we can go through the door.” I waited for him to get up. He struggled a little bit muttering something about a concusion and finally joined me.
“Well are we going are what?” Appears like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the sewer floor. We walked through the door and entered another tunnel. Seriously enough with the tunnels. I was hoping the door would lead to some sort of room. I was a little saddened at first until I looked around at the tunnel. The walls and ceiling, even the floor was covered in granite. Shiny black and white granite. I looked down at the floor and was astonished to find that it was waxed. That reminded me of when I first entered the sewer. The walls had an appearance as if they were washed. I wonder if the situations are related. Tyler peeked at me to see my expression. Luckily because he peeked I saw his expression also. It looked just like my face.
Tired of waiting for Tyler to move I moved. I just walked right ahead of him. Apparently he followed because when I reached the end of the tunnel he was standing right next to me.
“Looks like it’s another door. What do you thinks behind this door?”I turned to Tyler and shrugged my shoulders.
“Maybe it’s another tunnel?” Again I turned to him and shrugged my shoulders. Theres only one way to find out.So I reached towards the door ready to turn the knob when I relized there was no door knob. Not even a handle.
“Uhhh, where’s the door knob?” Tyler asked.
“Does it look like I know?” I replied. He turned to look at me.
“Well I was just saying.” He didn’t seem to be paying anymore attention to what I said. He was looking at the door. So I leaned forward and tried to perceive what Tyler saw. And what do you know, there were tiny letters on the door. ‘Fretic’
“Fretic what the hell does Fretic mean?” I was getting annoyed real fast. I come down here in the sewers to find Tyler and I find him along with a door. I open the door Tyler gets knocked out for what three or four minutes. We go through the door and we end up at another door. With no knob or handle. All there is is this stupid word.
“Fretic! There I said it. Want me to say it some more? Fretic, Fretic, Fretic! Happy. Now open up door.” After yelling this I kicked the door. I could feel Tyler staring at me. Probably thinking I’ve gone pysco. But then the oddest thing happened. The door opened. It popped wide open for everything and everyone to see what’s behind it. Although I couldn’t see crap. When the door opened a blinding light coated the whole tunnel. I had to close my eyes than cover them with my arm. That’s how bright it was.
“Tyler can you see something. I can’t see anything.” I waited for his reply but he didn’t talk.
“Tyler?” I called out. Nothing. I took my arm away from my face and opened my eyes. I had to fight myself to not revert to closing and covering my eyes. Eventually my eyes got adjusted to the light. I turned my head to see if Tyler was gone. Sure enough he was gone.
How could he leave me like that. Most likely he went through the door…. Wait a sec what exactly is through that door. I was too busy thinking about where Tyler went that I didn’t even take a thought to what was behind the door. I decided to go take a look. I stepped out of the door and was instantly shocked.
“Could you have taken any longer?” I whirled around in time to find Tyler behind me. How in the- I don’t even want to know. Oh gosh it freezing. Ugh I h-hate the c-cold. Are my teeth chattering? It’s not even that- Oh ok now it’s really cold. I don’t even know how that happened. First it was just cold, but then it’s like the temperature dropped down to the temperature of an ice cube.
“Is it just me or is it really freezing?” Tyler shook his head and let his arms cover his body. His body shook for a few seconds and then he said
“I t-think we should h-head home.” I was shocked. The great adventuer Tyler said he wanted to go home. I will have no such thing.
“Tyler! How could you say such a thing. I thought we came down here for an adventure. And here we are in this strange place just screaming for adventure. How could you want to go home now?” I said sarcasticly. I’m stick it to him. He wanted an adventure he’s going to get one. I’m not letting him go home no matter how much he wants to. I’m going to let him beg and plead.
“Your right. But I’m cold and so are you. How are we going to go on in the cold? We might get hypothermia or something even worse. We need to at least go home and get some sweaters or something.” Not so fast Tyler.
“But if we go home I’ll be tempted to stay. I wont want to go back into the sewers and back through the doors to this very spot. Don’t get me wrong this was fun, but it was a little to much. I know you’ll want to stay home too. I know this was to much for you also.
Don’t take the chance of not coming back.” He stared at me appalled. Guess he never thought I was the adventure type. This summer has been pretty boring, and this adventure was fun. Why should I give up the fun for boring. Plus Tyler thinks he’s all cool because he goes on adventures. Well I’m not going to let him miss the biggest adventure of his life.
Tyler the adventure of our life begins. Don’t let me down.
“I guess your right. W-well let’s home this place i-isn’t uninhabited. We need s-s-s” I interrupted him saying
“Spit it out already.”
“We need some warmth.” He finally spat out. Well than we better hurry up cause I feel a cold coming on.
“Well come o-on.” My teeth started to chatter again. I think Tyler noticed because he gave me hug. A long warmth filled hug. Yeah….wait eww. I squirmed away from his hug.
“Thanks for the uhh, hug. But I’m not as cold as you think.” Oh know, I think I blushed.
He shrugged his shoulders and started walking. I followed him.
RAWWWRRRR. Uhhhhhhh what was that?
“Tyler what was that?” He turned to reply. But nothing came out. All I saw was this expression that could melt steel. I rotated my body to see what he was looking at.
“Don’t scream.”
“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Oopps I screamed.
“Why did you scream?” Tyler asked questioningly.
“You whispered that in my ear. I was surprised.”
Time to run. So I ran. I could here feet persuing me. Oh no! Is it the monster. I didn’t want to find out, and yet I ended up finding out. Just like how in horror movies when the girl falls just as the monsters on her tail I fell. To my surprise I fell in snow. For the first time I looked around to take in my scenery. I noticed the ground was covered in snow and surrounding us was trees. Though the trees leaves were blue and purple. How abnormal. Mmm the snow so soft and fluffy. I could just-
“ Come on get up. That thing or whatever it is is on our tails.” Tyler held his hand out for me to grab. I took his hand and he lifted me up.
“Tyler look at the landscape isn’t it beautiful,” I said disregarding the fact that a horrible monster was after us.
“Oh yeah. Come to think of it it is beautiful. I can’t believe I was to busy running from some crazed animal to not notice it,” Tyler said sardonically. Whatever, you’re the one-
RAWWWWRR. Ater hereing that familiar sound Tyler broke out in a run pulling me along. Haha guess I forgot to let go of his hand after he lifted me up. We kept running inhaling the cool air. It didn’t feel as icy as before. Maybe it’s because were dashing through the forest creating body heat.
The forest blurred by as we gained speed. Our adrenaline finally kicking in. We traveled through twists and turns. Ups and downs all the while maintaining not to fall over a cliff. I’m surprised we didn’t. Finally Tyler stopped in a clearing. He collapsed on the soft fluffy snow relaxing. Trying to catch his breath. I watched him take in quick breaths and exhale the cold air slowly. I plopped myself on the ground next to him. Deciding to sit instead of lay. The clearing was like any normal clearing. Trees surrounding a small empty circle. Finally having enough of the silence I said
“So quiet a run, huh. Think we escaped from the beast?” Tyler didn’t answer. I tilted my head in his direction and found that he was sleeping. Couldn’t blame him. We had a pretty exhausting day. I let felt myself lean backwards; I didn’t try to stop myself. I just let my back hit the snow. So soft like a blanket. I didn’t even notice the cold. Was it heating up? At this point I don’t even care. All I wanna do is sleep.
© 2009 NatashaAuthor's Note
Added on February 20, 2009 Last Updated on February 20, 2009 Author![]() NatashaThe city of wonder, NY, JapanAboutNoooooooooooooooooo,dont read this biography.jk,life is wonderful.Neway,I'm a person named a name that you wont know unless you add me.Then I will then get to know you,yaaaayyy.Im a fun lovin person a.. more..Writing