![]() The creature kingA Story by CharlieNessa has black hair she is smart has a lot of freinds and she is the leader of the book club but thats all going to change. Nessa walking home from book club. She decide to take the shortcut because its a cold windy winter.Through the cold woods she went and in the corner of her eye she sees a huge black beast. it has big orange eyes and yellow teeth. She was smart and immeditly started to run the other direction. Her breath brething the speed of light. She finally arrived home and slammed the door behind her. "Mom mom!" She yelled. "What what. Theres this big creature in the woods with orange eyes. "Dont be silly theres no such thing." Mom I swear I saw it. "Nessa dont be silly theres no such thing." Then Nessa got up and went to watch some tv. All she could think about was that thing she saw in the woods. Was she crazy she thought. She started talking to herself and started to pace. "It was huge mean looking. "Nessa who are you talking too?" Her mom questioned. "No one its just the tv". she lied. "Ok just checking." The next day Nessa went to school. "Hi Nessa how are you." Her freind Shelly said. Shelly has long honey gold hair and she can be a little bit snobby sometimes. "I am fine but I saw something creepy." Nessa said. "What." I dont know but it was big as a mountain and had orange eyes the size of plates." Please dont try to scare me Nessa." No it true I saw it. "RIIING! The bell went then both girls started to head to class. "Ok come with me to the wood today and see if i can find it Shelly." OK." Shelly said. Then the girls seperated and headed to there right classes. Later that day finally school ended and shelly went to call her mom. "Are you sure this is not some type of prank?" Shelly asked. No I am pretty sure its realy I saw it with my own eyes. Nessa said. "Ok wahtever you say." Finally the girls arrived to the woods. Then they started to search. "AWWWWW." Shelly screamed. "What what! Nessa asked nervausley. "I stepped in a yucky slug." Stop being such a scaredy cat. Shelly gave the evil glance to Nessa. Then they continued there search. "Its cold I want to go home." Shelly wined. "Lets give it an hour." Nessa said. "Fine." They kept looking and all a sudden a big black thing with orange eyes came out and started snarling at them with its huge sharp yellow teeth. "AWWWW!" Shelly screamed and started to sprint like a cheeta out of the woods. "Come back Shelly." Nessa saying running after her. The big black creature went back into the deep dark foresty woods. Finally both of them arrived at Shellys home. "WHAT WAS THAT!" Shelly practically screamed. "I dont know but lets ask creepy Mitchell. Mitchell is a girl that goes to there school she has black hair and is intersted in dark deep spiritual creataures. Its actually hard to belive that she funny smart and bright. "I will call her." Nessa said. Nessa picked up the phone and started to call. "Hi Mitchell." "Hi whats up." "I have a question." "What?" Mitchell said exciditly. "Umm I saw this big dog looking dark creture in the woods." All a sudden Mitchell just hanged up. "HELLLLOOOO." Nessa said. "Dang it she just hanged up. "I guess I will have to ask her tommrow. "The weirdo." Shelly said. "She not weird.'' "She talks about weird stuff." Then Nessa gave her glare. "I have to go." "Bye Nessa." Then Nessa walked out the door. She was all excited to talk to Mitchell tommrow. Sometimes she thinks Mitchell is a better freind then Shelly. Shelly can be so glumly somtimes. The next morning she immediately rushed to school to talk to Mitchell about it."Hi Mitchell." She said. "Oh Hi Nessa." "So do you know what that creature is?" "Yes and its very serious." "Oh my what is it." Nessa was staring at Michell while chewing on her teeth. "Its called the Nocte creature means night in latin." That creature is known to be on the land of Siberith."" The Noctes master is dangreous as hurricanes." He comes to earth and chooses a bride. "Your time has come I bet.' Then she put her hand on Nessa and said good luck. Then she turned her back and started to walk away. "WAIT MICHELL WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME!" She yelled after her. Then Michell grabed her by the shirt and whisperd "we cant talk her." Gulp went Nessa's throat. "When should we talk." Nessa throat gave barley a whisper. "After school."" My house." "Ok." Then Nessa walked to her class. She finally arrived to class and her sweart hand grabbed the seat near Shelly. "What did crazy Mitchell say?" She asked. "I dont want to talk about." it Nessa almost yelled." "She is not crazy"" Ok whatever you say maniac." "You can be so Narcissistic." Then she got up and went to go grab another open seat. Class is finally over andshe grabbed her backpack and started to head for the door." Riiing." The bell went and she quickly left. She started rushing to Michell house without thinking twice calling her mom. "Where you going?" Shelly yelled running after her. She ignored Shelly cries and kept running to Michell house. "Fine ignore me you can be such a b***h sometimes." Then Shelly started walking away. Finally Nessa arrived too Michell house. She sees Michell leaning on the door chewing on a pice of gum."I see you finally arrived."" Ya sorry Shelly was kinda of keeping me back." "Oh the brat come on you better hurry this is urgent." Nessa went in MIchell's house. Her house was comforting and cute till you go to Michell's room. Her room is full of magical mystical gagets and movie posters. "This is whats going to happen." Michell said."The ruler of Siberith is going to keep sending Noctes and other strange creatures." "Why didnt the Nocte attack me." "Well its because there actually spies and there orange eyes are the crystal ball of the Siberith leader." Why didnt the Nocte drag me to the leader since there big?" She asked again. "It is because its observing you."What happens after the Noctes'?" "Well they will be chasing you till they catch you but they dont want to make it obvious there around."Why me as the bride?" Well its' because your strong and you are perfect obiviously."BUT IM A MORTAL." "Umm your blood must have some relations." 'We better hurry you got to leave Ohio." "My mom will kill me if she finds out if I leave state." "You have too otherwise they will get you." Michell picked up a suitcase and put blankets and random clothes. Then she went to the kitchen and put food in the suitcase. "leave your cell here." She said." Then they got on the street and started to walk. Three hours later her mom called Shelly and asked if she was there. "Umm no. Shelly said. Then Nessa mom frantically called 911. Meanwhile Michell and Nessa arrived to Indiana. "Ok we should be carefull." Michell said."Let no one see us they could be spies." "Ok." Nessa responded. Then they kept walking untill they arrived to this little shack. There is a sighn on the shack that says Ted glass shack. "Quickly get inside." Michell said." They went inside the shack looked like it was going to fall and it was very musty inside. "Hello Michell ."Ted said." "Hi ted." responded Michell. "How do you know him?" Old freind responded ted to Nessa. "Hey ted we have a problem Michell started to say." "What." The leader Siberiths are chasing Nessa we need to find out what kind of creatures are chasing her." Ted stood there looking shocked then a tear started coming down his face. "Ok we better hurry" He responded. Then he took them to a dark purple glowing room. he started to put his hands on this wine glass. "Oh this is bad."The leader is here in Indiana."" GIRLS GET IN MY TRUCK NOW!" Then all of the rushed to his rusty blue pickup truck. Slam went all there doors and started speeding down the road. They finally arrived at this big mall. "Why are we here?" Nessa asked. "SHH dont ask questions now we better hurry." Michell said grabbing Nessa hand and started to run in the mall. They finally arrived at this strange looking petstore with big snakes and weird strange fish. Ted immidetly grabbed his wallet and pointed to the store keeper to the purple snake." "AWWWWW! The people screamed all around. Then this black smoke appeard alll around them. Ted grabbed the purple snake and picked up the girls and started to run to the stairs. The black mist is all around they went to the stairs and the black mist was coming up the stairs. Then ted turned and started to run the other direction with them. They finally got down the stairs and rushed to the blue truck. Ted started gunning the truck and they sped off. " What was that?" Nessa asked. "That was the leader Michell whispered."" We better hurry." four hours later they finally arrived at this cheap motel. They open there motel room it was disgusting there is mold and a stain on the bed. "EWWW." Nessa said. All of them finally setteld down. Then Nessa asked Ted a question. Why was there a tear coming down your eye when we talked about the Siberith leader?" "My daughter was taken." "What happend to her since he is looking for a new bride." "Well she was used as a source to help him gain power." Then I never seen her again. Nessa was shocked and she started to shiver. Then Michell put her arms around Nessa and started to comfer her.Then Ted started petting the purple snake turned of the motel lamp and said goodnight. "GOOD MORNING!" Ted yelled. What it is only four in the morning." Michell said. There coming we better hurry all a sudden there motel room shook and weird laughing surrounded them. All these little black dust bunny things came out. Chanting He is coming. "Crap where too late." Ted said banging his head. Then all a sudden this black wind twirled in there room. Then this tall slender creature appeared. He looked like has a cape and his nails where long and black. "Its time Michell." The creature said. "What I thought you where going for Nessa?" Replied puzzled Michell. "You see I fooled you thinking I was going to take Nessa but it was really you the whole time."I knew you would try guide Nessa to safety. Then he swung Ted to the wall. "Thank you Ted your daughter gave me a lot of power but her time came to an end now it is time for Mitchell." You will never take mitchell then he threw the snake at the leader.The siberith leader doged it and grabbed mitchell and took her into the portal."Noo help! She screamed in terror. Nessa did a brave thing and jumped in. She landed on a cloud and grabbed this sharp metal object.She ran after the Siberith creature. The creature kept running with Mithcell in his dark spooky hands. Michell screaming and kicking in the leaders arms. Nessa jumped on the same cloud as the Siberith leader and stabbed him the foot. The leader pushed her off the cloud. She fell hard on another one. "HAHA." He laughed evily. "She is all mine. Then he dissaperd into is dark grey casle. Nessa started jumping cloud to cloud. Hearing the desperate cry's from her freind. The leader dragged Michell into a spookey grey dark dungeon. "You will be mine." the leader hissed. "No Nessa coming for me." We will see about that." The the leader slammed the dungeon door. Then he walked out of his castle. He started throwing orange furry things down at Nessa. Nessa started to doged the furry orange things and started jumping and climbing higher then ever. She almost reached to the top. Then this huge brown red eyed creature garbbed her. Then the leader yelled. "Nessa meet Grindi my sirpes creature. A sirpes creature is a creature with big wings and big claws. The Sirpes creature growled. Then it took its claws big as a huge knife and started to rip Nessa's back and dragged her to the castle. "You arrived." The creature said. Blood is swirving down nessa face and she sees her freind rapped with vines in a chair in a black gown. "Your missing the wedding." Then the creature put her in a chair and the vines started to rap her in. Just one kiss and she mine and you will never see her again. The creture hissed. Then Nessa eyes widened as the creature gave Mitchell a nasty wet kiss. Something started to spread on Mitchells arms then they both dissapred as nothing happend. Next day she woke up with a major headache and heard whispers. She is gone they kept saying , NOOOO.
© 2012 CharlieAuthor's Note
Added on June 5, 2012 Last Updated on July 15, 2012 Author![]() Charliebristow, VAAboutHi I love animals and someday want to be a zoologist. Right now I am 18 and in college. I also like to ride horses and I play guitar more..Writing