Political Assassins

Political Assassins

A Poem by John Meisenheimer

If our gait guides stray bullets,
Ricocheting off sign posts,
Fragmenting the lives of inner-city innocence,
How should we the people respond
To those boundless renegades,
Those rogue bandits
Cowering behind the blinding light of their shield?
How else should the people respond
When a child dies,
1-8-7 from a black and white,
Who brandished a candy bar
In dawns early chill?
How can the people respond
Short of the answer : “KILL! KILL! KILL!”
When the asphalt drenched crimson
Screams for remission
Of this disease clad in blue?


How then can society be mad at you,
Who, menace of the psyche,
Tiptoe fresh Nike’s,
In the back alleys with your crew,
Drench ears with spittle:
Paradoxical riddles;
Radio quality rhymes about life,
Flee at the sight
Of blue and red lights
Attempting to avoid early tombs,
While masked goons
Spread gloom like Ben-Gay �"
The stench of gray haired grannies
Thrown to the ground
Bound with back pain?
Flash bang grenades
Rivalling the shock of pace makers
Before flash-lights search in vein
For the faces of the bank capers.


Rank fakers in political drag,
Politically mad,
Dressing us up in political rags
Attempting to justify
The bullet riddled dads.
“Bullet riddled dads?”
Yeah, and their bullet riddled lads.
It’s just an attempt to justify
All that bullet riddled crap.
Lapped up like a pound puppy
Suckling his mothers teat:
Society gorged on lies
Blind to the truth within these streets

© 2015 John Meisenheimer

My Review

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oh yeah.I almost forgot.
on my personal scale you score 87/100

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This poem has teeth - and tit bites. I like the rhyme scheme you used and how it has that "street-hussle" feel . It is rare that I see it in poetry and its always welcome . Good job

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2015
Last Updated on June 8, 2015
Tags: black, crime, misunderstood, cops


John Meisenheimer
John Meisenheimer

Kenosha, WI

I'll get around to completing this later on. :) more..
