Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Property of Kent

A chapter written by Kent. Let us know what you think.



Demons, the scum of the earth, swarm around me. Everywhere I turn, one of

Hell’s abominations awaits me, waiting to destroy me and move on to my

ward. I don’t have to hear them, their eyes are watching, ready to exploit any

weakness I exhibit. I won’t let them! I can’t let them! As a guardian angel, it is

my duty to protect my ward from these beasts and destroy them. My grip

tightens on the hilt of my sword, waiting for one of these filthy lizards to make

a move. The feathers on my wings begin to prickle as I summon more power,

feeling it rise as if it were the first burning sparks ready to ignite into a blazing

fire. I focus it into my blade, watching it glow a blazing blue. In response to

the power of my entire being. I turn my focus to the Hell-spawn in front of

me. “Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come at me?”, I ask in

snide defiance.  Off to the left, I see another one of them ready to out flank

me and jump out at my left. With speed only achievable by one such as I, I

turn and face the threat head on. As he launches himself into the air, his scaly

skin glistens like blood. His claws, which are no doubt sharper than human

steal are unsheathed and his human muscle-laden form coils as his black eyes

set on me. I swing my sword in his direction, letting all the power that had

built  up inside it lose. The powerful wave of blue energy slices through him,

cutting him in half and he dissipates into a black mist. This seems to signal his

comrades to come out of stupor. They all launch themselves at me, lizard

faces drawn into snarls, inhuman growls escaping their throats, tails twitching

in anticipation.  “It’s about time.” I grin. I launch myself at the evil beings,

sword at the ready. I meet them, slashing, stabbing, and utterly destroying

them. I know it’s a sin, but I relish in the glory, the gore, the ecstasy of battle,

but most of all I relish in the fact that with every demon I kill, I save my ward

from an uncertain future full of pain. I may not be able to save her from other

humans or herself, but I can save her from the horrors that these entities plan

to exact upon her. I can save her from a world full of more pain and agony

than she cam bare, from tortures beyond even the strongest man’s compare. I

swing my blade forward, slicing the throat of the last demon, watching his

lifeless body disintegrate into evil sludge and black mist. Among the trash and

dirt, there are no other demonic life forms.  I fold my wings in and lean

against the wall behind me as the excess adrenaline leaves my body.  I hear

movement on the street in front of me. When I peer out, I see a dark haired

girl in an Asking Alexandria T-shirt, a Jack Skellington hoodie, black skinny

jeans and a pair of black converse walking down the sidewalk. Anna Harper a

beautiful girl with a horrible life. A life that I wish I could have protected her

from. I was created at the time of her birth to be her cherubim, her guardian

angel, and I’ve been watching over her, fighting for her for all of her

seventeen years. Her head is down as she walks towards me, she doesn’t

notice the dark clothed, ivory winged, sword wielding angel in front of her,

nor did I notice just how close the gothic beauty of my ward was to me. It

wasn’t long until she bumped into me. “Oh, sorry.”, she says when she notices

me, “I didn’t see you there.” “It’s okay.” I reply, “I should have been watching

where I was going.” I silently note the sudden warmth her touch brought to

my skin and the way my heart was racing. “You should probably get home

though.” I suggest to her with what would appear to be a pat on the shoulder

but it’s actually a way for me to establish a connection that allows me to give

her a nudge in the right direction. All guardians can do it. “Okay.” She says, as

my hand leaves her shoulder, taking a load of built up tension with it. She

begins to walk then turns back. “Thanks again, and sorry for bumping into

you.” “It’s quite alright.” I say to her. “Just get home safe and we’ll call it

even.” I add with a wink. “Sure, I’ll do that, bye.” She adds sheepishly. With

that, she walked off towards her home. I sigh, wondering why I had such

strange feelings around her. I shake my head and sheath my sword, thankful

that it, as well as my wings, and the clamps on my wrists, and neck that were

powered by my halo were invisible to humans. The clamps allow Father to

find us wherever we are and know what we are doing. The halo powers the

clamps and allows us to return to Heaven.  Before Anna can look back, I

channel power through the clamps to my halo. In a burst of light, human time

slows as a vortex opens. With a powerful downward stroke of my wings, I

launch myself into the vortex, ascending to Heaven, my home. I fly straight

up, passing through Earth’s barrier into purgatory, the mid-world between

Heaven and Hell. I unsheathe my sword as I land. Purgatory is a breeze for

souls, but not for ones such as I. This is a place where angels fear to tread.

Demons are easy to handle but what lies here is far worse. Wraiths, and soul

eaters, enemies of both angels and demons. They share faith with neither

side. Vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and lost souls, we can handle, but 

wraiths absorb the strength of those they devour, making them the strongest

beings since death angels.  I tread carefully trying to let my presence remain

unknown. At this point, I am thankful that Father has chosen me to be the

next archangel of death, whom have immediate access to Heaven. As I near

the entrance to Heaven’s path, an inhuman, earth-shattering shriek hits my

ears sending a chill up my spine as I drop to my knees. Seconds later, I hear

the rustling of feet that paralyzes me in fear. The wraiths knew I was here! I

stand up as fast as I could, sword at the ready. I see the misshapen forms of

about ten wraiths.  Even from afar I can tell that they are grotesque

abominations. Their forms alone are uneven, caught somewhere between

man and beast, yet they are fully muscled. They draw nearer, revealing their

blue skin and the blue-gray mist that surrounded them. Their razor sharp

fangs were drenched in saliva. Their purple eyes fell upon me as they growled

in hunger. I look behind me, estimating the distance to the safety of the path

home. It’s too great of a distance, I would have to fight through the wraiths to

get back home. I gather all the power I have inside of me. If this is where I

would die, then I would die fighting. No matter what the cost, I need to find a

way to ensure Anna’s safety, even if I must be consumed by a wraith, I would

fight for control from within. The first one launches itself at me and I’m nearly

crushed just parrying its blow. Its face draws closer to mine, a growl escaping

its throat as saliva drips on my cheek. The stench of rotting flesh and death

was on its breath. My knees quiver in sickness  as the stench overpowers me.

“For the love of the Father, what have you been eating?” I gag out. The wraith

tilts its head in confusion. Wraiths have no complex thought process so they

are easy to trick. In its confusion I take the chance to decapitate it, dark blue

blood squirting from where the head once was.  The other wraiths shriek in

anger. The full impact from the wraiths, shrieking in their deafening chorus,

nearly rips me apart. I stand for as long as I can until the sonic force pushes

me to the ground. As soon as I hit the ground, the remaining wraiths close in

on me. I barely have time to grab my sword when one with ram horns hits me

in the side. Then I’m batted to the right by one who has an arm like a sharp,

whip-like tentacle. I’m hit between one monstrous abomination to another.

That is until one makes the mistake of launching me into the air. In a split

second, my wings are out and with a mighty flap, I unleash a huge burst of

energy that destroys three more wraiths. I swoop down, in position to dive-

bomb striking them one at a time. I know it’s not enough to kill them but

maybe enough to convince them that I am too much of a challenge and they

would move on to find easier prey. It works in my favor until the one with the

tentacle pulls me down. Another human- looking one with ears and facial

structure of a wolf approaches me, fangs dripping with saliva, claws

unsheathed, ready to tear my throat out and devour me on the spot. He raises

his hand, ready to deliver the final blow when a blade bursts from the center

of the wraiths chest! With a mighty grunt, the angel behind the wraith lifts

him up and throws him to the side. The angel turns to me, his brown hair

falling over the pure blue eyes that all of us have. He smirks as he offers his

and to help me up. “Getting a little rusty to be beaten up by six wraiths huh

Zachary?” “For your information Ezekiel, there were ten.” I say to my brother.



© 2013 Property of Kent

Author's Note

Property of Kent
This chapter was written by Kent and I've spent the last two days typing up the copy so we are super excited to share it with you and we hope you'll enjoy it. The next chapter, written by me is already in the works and I can't wait to share It with all of you. -Katie

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i am very eager to see the name of the book in best book list some day because it is very fascinating

Posted 11 Years Ago

I got to about half way through on this and almost had to give up, although I did skip to the end to find out how it finished. A single continuous block of text, especially of this length, is difficult to read. There aren't even any line breaks for speech.

I enjoyed the story itself. It had a hint of Charmed about it with the White Lighter protecting his charge from evil. Perhaps Anna has a special destiny that these demons want to prevent her from fulfilling?

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Property of Kent

11 Years Ago

Alright, all fixed now. Thanks for the feedback.
I love it. Tell Kent I said that he did a good job because i bet you will see this before he does. I really love this. I can't wait for more. Keep up the awesomeness you guys

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kent Clark

11 Years Ago

Thanks. I'll make sure to make my next chapter just as thrilling
- Kent

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3 Reviews
Added on November 5, 2013
Last Updated on November 7, 2013


Property of Kent
Property of Kent


Hello everyone. This page was formerly Kent & Katie's co-authored stories, but circumstances have changed. This is now a temporary page until I can transfer all of these to my personal page. The reaso.. more..
