Searching for Salvation

Searching for Salvation

A Chapter by Property of Kent

Centuries have passed and now, the vampires are lead by a teenage pureblood covered in scars. See how he takes the reins.




Searching for Salvation


        The centuries have passed since then. Even more has happened than our capture and enslavement, but also our escape. Oh, now that was a tough time. I mean, what slave in their right mind would defy a king and set his kind free? But, it had to be done, so I did it. And, like anyone else who would’ve led such a revolt, I got my scars for it.

        “Darius, what is it,” a voice with a thick Russian accent calls behind me. I turn to see Viktor Veltrovich standing there, that ever present worried look on his face. “Is something wrong, my friend?”

        “Nothing’s wrong, Viktor,” I say, “except you worrying about me right now. I’m trying to use that extra-sensory ability I discovered to find us a place to rest before daylight. Don’t want the turned to light up like dried kindling.”

        Viktor looks over me with his concerned black eyes as the wind tosses his blonde hair around. As the oldest of our kind since the period we call the Extermination era, he feels obliged to teach about our kind’s glorious past, what we were able to do. Through those lessons, he revealed that purebloods were the most powerful beings on Earth, especially Dracula. We had telekinetic, telepathic, illusionistic, and magical abilities in our blood as well as many more. Our blood spawned human Blood Magic in the old days, and our psychic powers were far superior to any other psychic being.

        Ever since then, I started training myself to use these powers, me being a pureblood and all. After a while, Viktor caught on and started to help me hone them to super fine skills. I now can read and control any mind, make an illusion so well that it seems real, and sense anything from a dangerous entity to a place for shelter.

        “Are you still experiencing the….symptoms?”

        Suddenly, I’m brought back to when I first started to tutor myself. The “symptoms” Viktor’s talking about were that I would push my mind so hard that my nose started to bleed. That’s where he intervened and had me go to certain extents, or else I’d push myself to where I had streams of blood pouring from both nostrils!

        “No, Vik,” I exasperate. “I’ve actually mastered this one pretty fast.”

        “You are certainly a powerful one, malo Drakuly,” he says. “But please, do not call me ‘Vik’. My name is Viktor, just Viktor.”

        I smile as I brush my black hair from my face. “Whatever you say, Viktor,” I say in a smart-alek tone.

        He slaps me on the back of the head and moves on to make sure everyone else is ready to move as soon as I find a spot. The nickname Viktor gave me means Little Dracula. He calls me that because he says have the potential to be as powerful as Dracula was, maybe even stronger.

        Enough of that, I scold myself. You’ve gotta find a place for everyone to stay for the day.

        With that thought in mind, I close my eyes and focus all my energy to the core of my being. There, I feel a burning ball of power rise up to meet my consciousness. I focus on extending my senses farther than regularly possible. While that’s happening, I can see things miles away, feel them, hear what’s going on in and around them, smell them, and even taste if there’s blood there, fresh, old, spilt, still carried, whatever. It’s actually really cool. It’s like I’m exploring the country without even moving from my spot or leaving the clan, the Legacy, as we call ourselves.        

        Within a few minutes and a few miles away, I find a small, abandoned shack behind a little store. It’s not much, but it’s just big enough to fit everyone into. Perfectly set at three miles away, we shouldn’t have too much trouble getting there.

        “Alright everyone,” I say. “Let’s pack it up. There’s a place we can stay at that’s just three miles east of here.”

        The big group of vampires behind me all shuffle about, preparing to depart. Sometimes it amazes me how so many vampire trust me with their lives, even though I’m just a teenager. Vik tries telling me that it’s because of my level of maturity for my age, how I sacrificed my life for them, how I set them free. That may have something to do with it, but there has to be more to it than that. I mean, does one become the leader of a clan over night?

        An hour later, we’re on the move towards the shack I found. Everyone’s moving smoothly, but I still think something’s wrong. When I look up, I see what it is. Dawn is approaching fast!

        “Viktor! Get everyone moving to that shack, NOW!”

        He looks at me in confusion at first, but then he sees the sky brightening, as well. Without hesitation, he starts barking orders, moving every vampire towards the shack. The vampire who was my brother since the day he was turned by my father, Dorian Vasquez, is helping him. The shack comes into my view just as the sun is starting to peek over the horizon.

        We just might make it, I think to myself. And it’s true, that is, until I hear a thump behind me followed by an oof sound. I turn around to see that Dorian has tripped over a tree root.

        “Dorian, come on,” I shout at him.

        “No,” he shouts back at me. “It’s a little too late for me, hermano. You keep an eye on them.”

        Just as he finished his sentence, the sun hits him and he bursts into flames! I let out a cry and try to get to him before he’s disintegrated to ashes, but something holds me back.

        Looking up, I see Viktor holding me by the shoulders. “Enough, malo Drakuly,” he says. “His time has come.”

        “Let me go, Viktor,” I lash out. “That’s my brother out there! I can’t just stand here and watch him die!”

        “If you go out there and try to bring him in here, the intensity of the flames will reduce you to cinder as well,” Viktor countered. “There are vampires here who need, vampires you can help. Don’t abandon them.”

        The flames continue to consume my brother as I stand there watching, helpless before the power the sun has over my kind. I let out a silent prayer along with a cry of anguish at the loss of my brother, my friend, my comrade. Then, I let Viktor’s words sink in. I do need to stay here and help these vampires, and I can help them, so I most definitely won’t abandon them.

        “Is everyone settled in,” I ask him once the shock wears off.

        “Yes, everyone else is safely inside. They’re adjusting to it quite well already. You should get some rest, too.”

        I turn to him with a smirk on my face. “But I haven’t checked the perimeter yet. Gotta make sure we weren’t followed now, don’t we?”

        I leave Viktor to tend to the others while I go and see if we truly are safe here, at least for now. The last time this happened, we were followed by a unit of sub-human/demonic assassins and we almost lost two valuable warriors. I can’t let that happen again! If I do, who knows how many we could lose this time.

        I also take this time to mourn my brother. Sure, technically he was only my half-brother, but we never saw it like that. He’s the reason I’m still alive, come to think of it. When Rashomen’s blade and Garrow’s claws were tearing my face off, he was the one who distracted them long enough for me to wound them both and get away. I owed him my life, and now I’ll never get the chance to settle that debt.


        After a few hours of mourning and scouting, I return to the shack to check on everyone and possibly get some sleep, when I see a human approaching the shack!

        Using vampiric speed, I rush over and pin her to the ground, holding her down so she’s looking directly at me. By the look in her eyes, I can tell that the scars on my face are doing their job and that she’s not a Vanguard. Vanguard’s eyes are filled with disgust at the sight of one of us, hers are full of fear.

        I push my mind into hers and find out that she can tell that I’m not human. I let her up and look her in the eyes. “I know what you’re thinking, and I won’t lie to you. I am not human, but I’m not the villain either. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just want to stay here a while with my clan, to ensure their safety. Do what you want, but if you expose us…..” I think a moment on what to say. I guess that she lives in the shop-house combo ahead so her family’s there, too. Why not use that? “I will have no choice but to kill everyone inside that little shop.”

        As if finding the courage to speak to me, she opens her mouth to respond. “I’m not afraid of you,” she says, probably with false courage. “But I’m not the villain either. You keep danger away from my family and we have a deal.”

        I consider this for a moment. Wasn’t there something Viktor said about mind-wiping humans? I can’t risk trying that only to have it fail. Besides, I keep this shop safe, my coven has a place to stay.

        I slowly outstretch my hand and, as she takes it, I wonder if I just made a deal with my executioner.

© 2013 Property of Kent

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I love it. keep writing. This is just so amazing. I need to know what else happens. Please get more up soon.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 30, 2013
Last Updated on April 30, 2013


Property of Kent
Property of Kent


Hello everyone. This page was formerly Kent & Katie's co-authored stories, but circumstances have changed. This is now a temporary page until I can transfer all of these to my personal page. The reaso.. more..
