Lies and Shys ( sestina )A Poem by Emily Dickinson Jr.a poem called a sestina about a pair of lovers escaping the sin and downfall of most relationships on earth by ascending to heaven
Working for a quick release Of worries so shy I can't bring all the lies it's okay when your away From this empty room Because your my magical loom
You'r in the background, you loom You take my pandora and hit release My heart's empty now, for you there's eternal room When we were away There will be no lies
They won't catch us; those lies The bad feelings always loom The doom always stays untill its away That's one thing that dosen't need release With my heart I can't be shy In our pink, heart shaped room
We beat the shadows away, there is no room At the golen gate its truth, no lies Angel please hold my hand, don't be shy No shadows here will loom Here in cloud covered peace is our true release And all the pitchforks are forced to stray, pushed away
Angelics sing all terrible things swept on a wing, away All the giggles will linger, at the end of the singers room There is no anger release Only purity peace and not one lie At the gate are all the sinners, in envy they loom Of our white love, now above, once much to shy
All the cherubs flutter their lashes tis so shy in a white fluffy room But not he nor I, will be taken away by the shyness and lies Now only kindness looms and gallant handsome grooms don't need a release © 2012 Emily Dickinson Jr.Reviews
4 Reviews Added on August 16, 2012 Last Updated on August 19, 2012 Tags: lies and shys ( sestina) AuthorEmily Dickinson Jr.FLAboutIm just a highschool girl. Writing is my hobby and I think Im fairly good at it but I leave you to be the judge of that. :-) my best short stories are: more..Writing