Survival InstinctA Poem by Poeticpiersrhyming quatrainsSurvival instinct If any sound seems threatening. Then he reacts instinctively. It takes him back immediately. To when he faced the enemy. As harsh experience taught him to. Without a thought he dives for cover. Though his fighting days are over. His instincts quickly take over. Such flash backs happen frequently To men who fought in freedoms cause Veterans who stayed the course. But still have feelings of remorse. For things that they were forced to do. Merely in order to survive To leave no enemy alive By any means they could contrive. Though he survived he suffers still A sudden noise can take him back. To when he was under attack A victim of sudden flashback. Civilians do not understand. Why he reacts defensively To any danger there might be And never will most probably. Friday, 09 March 2012 © 2012 PoeticpiersReviews
4 Reviews Added on March 9, 2012 Last Updated on March 9, 2012 AuthorPoeticpiersNear Durham city UK, United KingdomAbout72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..Writing