A small boys viewA Poem by Poeticpiersstory poemA small boy’s view. The air raid sirens wailing cry. Search lights criss crossing in the sky Searching for the enemy That we can hear but cannot see. When they are caught in the cross beams They’re targeted by ack ack teams. Who aim to score a hit or two. I’m glad to say they often do. The gunners know if they get through the damage that their bombs will do Fast fighter planes join in the fray And show no mercy to their prey. The bombers can’t evade the lights. The gunners have them in their sights. Streams of tracers mark the flight of shells which hurtle through the night. To bring the bombers down in flames. Part of the nightly fun and games. We watched instead of taking cover We stayed until the raid was over. Then went to bed quite happily. Where we were supposed to be. Sleeping peacefully in safety Instead of sneaking up to see. The gunners showing off their skill Although we were forbidden to. We disobeyed as children will. The skylight gave a perfect view We drew the curtain to one side. And watched the battles in the sky. But we were wise enough to hide The evidence, we did not lie I’m sure my father never knew. That we got up to watch the show. Every night brought something new. During the war so long ago. I can remember vividly. The damage that the bombs had wrought. When morning came and we could see. The results of a battle fought. By deadly foes high in the sky. Too young to understand the war We never thought to question why Or what we were fighting for. When I look back it seems unreal. Almost as if it happened to. somebody else. It makes me feel. It could not possibly be true. Wednesday,01February 2012http:/blog.myspace.com?poeticpiers © 2012 Poeticpiers |
2 Reviews Added on February 4, 2012 Last Updated on February 4, 2012 AuthorPoeticpiersNear Durham city UK, United KingdomAbout72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..Writing