Wow, what a unique form of poetry. o= I'm gonna have to try this sometime. XD Anyway, this poem was fabulous and your language captured the inevitability of time going by, regardless of what goes on around it. Great job & I love the title too! :)
you are always near
when words are in rhyme
and silly things are sometimes said,
and mostly philosophical shorts are you:
teaching that you do;
that poetry which is always raw,
and this minute,
I appreciate to learn and to smile, at the end, the tempo of the
Aabb Ccdd Ee Ff
(you'll have to teach me that in more depth someday, as to the notes, what they mean, their placement in not the poem, but poetry- like the tap, tap, tapping of the foot, the rhythm made not even from rhyme, but from the lace of words chosen, to live)
and those notes, keys,
made me giggle a little
as you're silly,
in a good way,
and I am a fan of your work.
72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil
avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..