Unnatural Foliage for M lady PammyA Poem by Poeticpierstetrameter sonnet
Unnatural foliage
The hedges here are gaily clad
in plastic bags of every hue
This makes me sad and makes me mad.
these cast off carriers spoil the view.
Of all inventions which I curse
created by mans fertile mind.
I cannot think of one that’s worse
than plastic bags folks leave behind.
They are used once then thrown away.
They hang in tatters from the trees
A sight that’s common place today
waving like banners in the breeze.
I really cannot understand
why they are not completely banned.
© 2008 Poeticpiers |
Added on April 28, 2008 AuthorPoeticpiersNear Durham city UK, United KingdomAbout72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..Writing