Synopsis  for Bro orlando

Synopsis for Bro orlando

A Poem by Poeticpiers




A member of an alien race
I mingle with the populace.
There’s not a lot of difference
 except I have an extra sense.
I can read minds quite easily
and what I learn displeases me.
Few care about their fellow man.
Most do not give a tinkers damn.
Soon I must submit my report
I’ve given it a lot of thought,
I do not think the human race
is ready yet to take its place.
In the stellar community.
 They have not reached maturity
They’re well developed technically
 but are retarded morally.
It makes me sad but it is true.
They are not as yet ready to
 be considered civilised.
They have not even recognised.
That they are kept in quarantine.
Just as they have always been.
 By races wiser far than they
who make quite sure that they can’t stray.
From their small island galaxy
 to spread their brand of anarchy
at will across the universe.
 I can imagine nothing worse.
Perhaps I have been here too long.
I must admit I could be wrong
I see them as a hopeless case.
A fierce barbarian warlike race.
Another thousand years or so.
Might be enough to let them grow
beyond their adolescent stage
 their flashes of insensate rage.
If they are thwarted in their aims
 Like children play their nasty games.
I think that we should leave them be
 continue watching carefully.
For any shred of evidence to show
 they’ve learnt sufficient sense.
To treat each other honestly
communicating mentally.
Although they broadcast and receive
 they can’t control it. I believe
 that their aggression stems from fear
Which hopefullywill disappear
 when they can use telepathy.
 Communicating openly.
Its been a strange experience
 to realise the difference.
Between races who cannot lie
and men who lie instinctively.
My tour of duty’s nearly done
 and very soon I will be gone.
Back to where thoughts flow mind to mind
and leave this wretched world behind.
Although they have my sympathy.
 It can’t come fast enough for me.

© 2008 Poeticpiers

My Review

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Such powerful and forthright words here. I can empathize with the narraror's feelings towards the human race - seems we are still within our infant stage - barbaric for sure in so many ways. Wonderfully expressed. Great meter and flow here as well. Thank you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 2, 2008



Near Durham city UK, United Kingdom

72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..
