Proof positiveA Poem by Poeticpiersstory poem
Proof Positive
I gaze into my crystal ball
I concentrate to still my mind.
At first I see nothing at all
I know not what I seek to find.
I only know I have received
a summons which I must obey.
In this I cannot be deceived
my farsight then comes into play.
I see strange ships I recognise
as Vikings making for the shore.
They hope to take us by surprise
as they have often done before.
But not this time we are forewarned
My chieftain placed his trust in me.
The little man the warrior scorned
will prove to them that he can see.
Despite the darkness of the night,
the movements of the enemy
Although he is too weak to fight
he can ensure their victory.
The chieftain rouses his war band.
Each warrior prepared to fight
the fierce intruders on their land.
Who will be dead by morning light.
They are intent on plundering
as they have always done before
But they will die wondering
just how we knew they’d come ashore.
To make quite sure they can’t retreat
The chieftain sends some handpicked men
who will set fire to their fleet.
These Vikings will not see again
The rocky sides of home fjiords
Their longships laden down with loot
They will have died beneath our swords.
The boot is on the other foot.
They came to loot but died instead
thanks to my ability
to foresee things that lie ahead.
We celebrate the victory.
Quiescent now my crystal ball
reflecting only candle light.
The warriors have no doubt at all
that I am gifted with true sight.
© 2008 Poeticpiers |
1 Review Added on March 9, 2008 AuthorPoeticpiersNear Durham city UK, United KingdomAbout72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..Writing