The truth can Hurt

The truth can Hurt

A Poem by Poeticpiers

narrative verse



The truth can hurt
Some writers write infrequently
 and others write prolifically.
What matters is the quality
much more so than the quantity.
Good writers by their words display
 their thoughts in a coherent way
Describing things they have observed
and garner praise that’s well deserved.
But some think anything will do
 and they pay no attention to
 the rules successful writers use
they will not learn: point blank refuse
 to accept well meant critique.
They much prefer dishonest praise
 from so called friends afraid
 to speak the simple truth lest they dismay
their friend by speaking honestly.
So naturally they take offence
when other people criticise
 that which seems perfect in their eyes.
True writers take this in their stride
they know their work is not perfect.
 But what they know is they have tried
and that is all you can expect.
New writers lack experience
 but everyone must start some where.
The wise ones do not take offence
when other people show they care
 enough to offer some advice.
Because they can remember when
 they too were just a new novice
to painting pictures with their pen.
27 feb 08

© 2008 Poeticpiers

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You are blessed to offer both quality and quanitity, so you have it over the rest of us. We do our best with the tools we have. I know my work is mediocre at best, but it is what comes to me, so I share it the only way I know how. When you are gracious enough to share your knowledge with us as well... then we become blessed. Thank you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I am always interested to read poetry about poetry. I especially agree with the quality versus quantity remark. I often see people posting poems on sites like this almost on a daily basis and I don't believe, if they are writing so prolifically, the writing can be their best quality. I like to take time over my writing - sculpting it (trying not to sound pretentious). I would much rather have a collection of poems all worthy of reading rather than a few good ones and a collection of fillers. Too many people are afraid to give honest criticism, fearing that if they do their own poems will not receive such high praise. But what is the value of knowing you are only receiving good praise because someone is returning a favour? I also agree that it is important to understand the 'rules' of writing, but not necessarily always follow them, as some great writers challenge the preconceived notions of what is correct and what is not. As long as this is done with awareness and intelligence; not just for the sake of it. As writers we never stop learning and improving our skills no matter how long we may have been writing. This is something that we should embrace rather than find offence in.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 29, 2008



Near Durham city UK, United Kingdom

72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..
