Easy prey

Easy prey

A Poem by Poeticpiers

narrative verse



Easy Prey
A demon lurks beneath his skin.
Although he looks so innocent.
His purpose is malevolent
 to foster sin his sole intent.
Though he may wear a saintly air.
His rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes
his inner wickedness belies
His skill is telling artful lies.
He takes us in so easily
because we do not want to see.
It fills him with unholy glee.
To fool us with smooth sophistry.
Do as you wish, do as you will.
There is no God to punish you
and we accept his words as true
but only because we want to.
He is the father of all lies
and weaves his web of words so well
Encouraging us to rebel
against the rules we know so well
His words appear to set us free
 from any fear of punishment
Indulge your sin do not repent.
Pursue a life on pleasure bent.
He leads the innocent astray.
His well pretended piety
conceals his veniality
 and we respond obediently.
We sin because we want to sin
It is our choice to break the rules
Although we can pretend he fools
 us into becoming his tools.
We know there is a price to pay.
A demon lurks beneath his skin
and we as fools invite him in.
We think to blame him for our sin.
There has to come a quarter day
 when all he debts we owe fall due
 and we are sadly left to rue
 the things we did we shouldn’t do.

© 2008 Poeticpiers

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i liked it.. theres a little devil in all of us i guess and thats kind of what i took from this poem... very nice job and enjoyable rhyme sceme!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

This really has a good rhythm to it, although rhyming poetry isn't popular anymore, I always enjoy it. I'm not entirely clear by the end who the subject of the poem is, is it the wicked? is it THE devil? is it a demon-like figure? I'm not really clear who "he" is, did I miss something? The last thing I might have done differently would be the wording in the third to last stanza, it trips up your beautiful rhythm just a touch. Overall I would say I liked it though.

Posted 16 Years Ago

"There has to come a quarter day
when all the debts we owe fall due
and we are sadly left to rue
the things we did we shouldn't do." I like this piece very much. It is so well written and formed as always by you, but the words have real passion and clarity, something a bit extra I think, the 7th verse really stands out.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2008



Near Durham city UK, United Kingdom

72years, young married. Ex police officer Ex social worker. interests Reading and writing poetry Painting and drawing in coloured pencil avid reader,sci fi fantasy crime. comparitive religion and esp... more..
