When The Dreamer Awakes

When The Dreamer Awakes

A Poem by Marvin Lewis Jr.

An excerpt from "The Language Of My Imagination."


When The Dreamer Awakes


I pray that it may rain like fire for my eyes are dim
and my love is tired.
May the wind blow my treasure in pleasant places
upon the laps of those that believe in me so that in
my search a smile can rest upon their faces.
I have had diamonds but I’ve thrown them to the
there is a horror that replays in my mind that I’ll
never own what I’ve built with my own mouth.
Only the mistakes are remembered the good
intentions are forgotten,
a clouded mind that once took pride in God-fearing
inventions now his eyes are filled with watching
them being judged, mocked, revised, and then
the heart aches for the imagination is rotting even
the stench smells as perfume.
Have you ever seen a thought move?
It doesn’t walk, crawl, or fly but blossoms like a
constellation at night,
at first unknown but familiar like once a
schizophrenic beholds her own smile,
then it floats like prayers from a six y.o. straight
into the nostrils of God.
A place where fear is clothed with the pages of your
triumphant biography and loneliness sits with itself
for the first time...
Seven seconds later it dies.
As the ocean forgets weight depression loses its
it never ends but this is the end of time.
Without a memory of the past days taste better and
you can drink your smiles,
you no longer dream in hours but miles,

forget yesterday for an escape is simply a vulnerable
orison away than you can take your bow.
For you have weathered the storm and are
beginning to see the dry land,
who would’ve thought that gorgeous paintings
could be birthed from cut dry hands and the same voice that
screamed for help speak diamonds?
It is here finally... What kept him awake with tears
asking for death now defines him.

© 2008 Marvin Lewis Jr.

My Review

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I have read this over and over today-thinking it was me that
could feel sooo many emotions while taking in such a breath of
realness, and life. I truly understand what JS means, "my heart weep and smile all at the same time".
The weight of the depictions carried my gut on a roller coaster ride.
The state of my consciousness was overwhelming. I guess that was the richness that
WB alluded to, that makes this another great poem.
In this piece your pictures/vision of time/space amaze me still.
My favorite lines (your amazing thoughts)...

Without a memory of the past, days taste better and
you can drink your smiles,
you no longer dream in hours but miles,
forget yesterday for an escape is simply a vulnerable
orison away then you take your bow.

These are words to live by...
knowing that when troubled, or struggling
through life
all is restored by Prayer(trust).
...for this you need to stand and take that 'bow',
there is no way for one to write so vividly, and candidly
about life without knowing God personally.


Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


"I pray that it may rain like fire for my eyes are dim
and my love is tired.
May the wind blow my treasure in pleasant places
upon the laps of those that believe in me so that in
my search a smile can rest upon their faces."

Absolutely beautiful...the entire poem was, but this set of lines made my heart weep and smile all at the same time. Not really sure if that makes any sense. I love your work.


Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very beautifully written poetry. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on December 29, 2008


Marvin Lewis Jr.
Marvin Lewis Jr.

Trenton, NJ

I'm 19 y.o. and I write lyrics, prose, poetry, and treatments. I'm currently self-publishing my first book entitled "The Language Of My Imagination" which consist of poetry and prose that touch on suc.. more..


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