I once sat on the streets of gold
helpfully watching the careless humans below. I would wander around in
grass so green that I can't describe the vibrant color of it. It
felt like soft blades of velvet ticked my toes. I wore a dress so bright
white that it was almost blinding. Now things have changed. Things
are much different.
I have been sent as a spy to the one place that everyone begs not to go
to. I came here because I was asked. I had a choice in the matter,
and agreed to help for a soul was stolen from us. It was captured and not
allowed its rightful place of eternity. How could I say no? I
wouldn't want to be trapped here forever especially if I was wrongfully taken
to the place that only the foulest of the foul are tortured endlessly with it
never ending. Why this soul was sneakily stolen, I don't have the
faintest clue but none-the-less here I am.
I am walking the streets that are black as coal and they glimmer from the river
of red hot lava that flows on either side. I now am draped in a black
leather skirt that hits my ankles and a red lace top that has long
sleeves. I have to watch every move I make for if I slip off one of
the side I will burn forever. I know my Father could fix me, but I have
an assignment to finish first. The biker boots are heavy and weighing me
down. Why on earth would human want to wear these clunky things?
They are so hot as well. The only colors I see are that of fire and
smoke. If the color doesn't fall in those two ranges then it isn't here.
I have been lucky so far and have avoided confrontation with any of the
creatures that reside here calling this place home. If I am found out
they will torture me until one of my fellow winged spies can rescue me from the
fiery pits of Hell. It isn't a dry heat down here. It is moist and
damp. It clings to your skin making you agitated and miserable.
These are two things I have never felt until now. The sweat is pouring off
my body in buckets and my hair is completely drenched in sweat. Come to
think of it I have never sweated a day in my life before. It has a
somewhat salty taste to it. A few drops ran down my lips and into my
mouth when I took a breath of the moisture saturated air.
Quickly I had to duck behind a stalagmite to hide from one of the Evil
Ones minions. You know them by their huge red and black striped horns
that protrude out of their heads, and they all resemble reptiles. That is
probably why the heat doesn't bother them, they are cold blooded, and in more
than one way. You don't want to know the torturous ways they get even
with spies like me.
I'm not sure what the 500 word group is, but I thank it for this story.
Your imagery is so dead-on I could swear I was in hell right next to the narrator.
I wish there was more of this story (and maybe there is, again I'm not sure what the 500 word group does), but I also like filling in the gaps on my own.
Great work, keep it up.
love it, you could continue this my friend i can see a hole story. ( this sounds bad but i was saying well this is where i would go and i would take this here.lol habit i guess because of our project,lol)
Ha ha, I really love this. It's amazing in detail that the imagery is almost tangible. I feel like I am sweating just reading it. Another thing I love is how it talks of the sweat and how she feels it for the first time. This gives the reader the insight that she has obviously been non-human her whole life. The way you laid it out made it an easy and flowing read. This is good work, I love it.
I'm not sure what the 500 word group is, but I thank it for this story.
Your imagery is so dead-on I could swear I was in hell right next to the narrator.
I wish there was more of this story (and maybe there is, again I'm not sure what the 500 word group does), but I also like filling in the gaps on my own.
Great work, keep it up.
First off I'm on here to post my writing to have an outlet for my emotions. You will find a variety of poems. If you like take a moment and stroll through this poets mind.
Secondly be kind to each .. more..