Well, now for my usual guesstimate at the hidden meaning in this one!
So, if it pleases the court your honor (I heard that in a Columbo episode), let's look at the evidence the accused has willingly provided us, shall we?
You see your honour how she speaks of delicate curves and intricate fancy ripples to try throwing us off the scent, with not a single "I need a grown up" warning in sight!
Can't you see the invisible smirk on the accuseds face, as she has the audacity to sully your good court by turning up wearing that nuns outfit with a saintly look on her face? I mean, when have you ever seen a nuns outfit it wipedown leather, with stiletto boots and leather prayer beads?
And the fragrance of the last verse that actually states it is about a black velvet cake!
I think we can all see the subtle hints and indeed know what this is about a love egg, ribbed for her pleasure!
That took me about half an hour to write because I had to stop and wipe my eyes from laughing so much!
And I finally get to read one of yours where I don't need a proper grown up with me or getting all flusterated and raspberry faced!
Now I could really go for munching down some of that sweet velvety goodness and ARGHH! I knew it! I've caught innuendoitis! (It's like the sexy version of seeing everything through Rose tinted glasses. I think they call it nymphomonacles or something similar! 😃
So very well done PB. Now go get hosed off and make your way to the not so naughty step!
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
When I said I would write a poem about chocolate cake just for you I never said it would have a PG r.. read moreWhen I said I would write a poem about chocolate cake just for you I never said it would have a PG rating lmao 😜 PS I sure hope the cake wasn’t made with pleasure eggs 🤣🤣🤣
1 Month Ago
And I will have you know my glasses are tinted violet purple and crimson red with a hint of sky blue
True, you did not. I half expected it to be one of those rudely shaped cakes people are always posti.. read moreTrue, you did not. I half expected it to be one of those rudely shaped cakes people are always posting their ire about on that interweb thingy... I thing they call them something like chocolate bildo cakes, but come to think of it I think they spell chocolate without a C! 😃
1 Month Ago
You have vurpleroo glasses? Mine are only the rose tinted variety, which takes me back! 😃
1 Month Ago
I use to have rose tinted glasses but unfortunately life has and it’s many trials has change the t.. read moreI use to have rose tinted glasses but unfortunately life has and it’s many trials has change the tint of those lol
Ok……I have read and reread a few of your poems, it’s 2am and I am packing a duffel bag and gassing up the car and heading out for corn country, IL. Your writing overflows with a sensuality that beckons like a dog in heat.
Posted 2 Weeks Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Weeks Ago
Many of my poems are like that. They are extremely sensual.
It's good to have fun doing what we love. It gives us the ambition to do more. I'm all about food. I.. read moreIt's good to have fun doing what we love. It gives us the ambition to do more. I'm all about food. I love to cook and create. I have homemade oatmeal/raisin cookies in my pantry too. ;) They're right beside the doughnuts...all things in moderation. Everyone here (except me) is sick. I guess I'll make them chicken soup.
1 Month Ago
I love to cook and bake as well. I need to be better about the moderation part but I’m slowly gett.. read moreI love to cook and bake as well. I need to be better about the moderation part but I’m slowly getting there lol
I may just be a fly on the wall but I feel like a gooseberry .. sorry for sneaking past the net curtain .. p.s .. I feel sure there's a job lot of wasps not far behind me 🐝🐝🐝🐝
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
This is actually written about chocolate cake. I wrote it because of some friendly banter with Lorry.. read moreThis is actually written about chocolate cake. I wrote it because of some friendly banter with Lorry lol
Powerful imagery. Great setting of the mood and scene.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Thank you. Who doesn’t love a delicious sexy chocolate especially when you are trying to watch you.. read moreThank you. Who doesn’t love a delicious sexy chocolate especially when you are trying to watch your calories lol
very decadent indeed, making my mouth water, even sexy in it structure…I could take a sweet bite out of all of them, so tempting…quivering lips wait their turn for scrumptious sweets ……and the. black velvet cake you saved for last abd for good reason….. lovely
Warmly, B
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Thank you. This started out as banter with Lorry and I decided to actually write one about chocolate.. read moreThank you. This started out as banter with Lorry and I decided to actually write one about chocolate cake. It was a fun write. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I do believe we’ve all drooled over some cake in our lives
quite the sweet tooth. how come i never see this at any grocery store or bakery? i'm in need of a napkin to wipe up the spilled crumbs. probably some bad news at the next dental visit.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
I’ve seen cakes like this before but they are typically specialty cakes not something a grocery st.. read moreI’ve seen cakes like this before but they are typically specialty cakes not something a grocery store would carry
1 Month Ago
let me know where. it's been a long, cold winter.
1 Month Ago
You’d probably have to call an actual bakery and have one made or go to Paris lmao
1 Month Ago
everyone's a damned comedian. not funny when all i have is milo on my couch or bed with me to keep .. read moreeveryone's a damned comedian. not funny when all i have is milo on my couch or bed with me to keep me warm.
1 Month Ago
Well I’m alone 95 percent of the time and there is only one person who I’ve allowed in my room. .. read moreWell I’m alone 95 percent of the time and there is only one person who I’ve allowed in my room. I live with my mom and her husband because I don’t want to live alone. My only child is out on the east coast and not married or have an actual boyfriend so I get it
1 Month Ago
being alone does have its benefits but those times when we focus on it and crave to be with someone .. read morebeing alone does have its benefits but those times when we focus on it and crave to be with someone it can be unsettling.
1 Month Ago
being alone does have its benefits but those times when we focus on it and crave to be with someone .. read morebeing alone does have its benefits but those times when we focus on it and crave to be with someone it can be unsettling. i thank god for music and dogs. with my music i don't have to be alone.
1 Month Ago
I like my solitude when I want it. I work second shift so the house is quiet when I come home at nig.. read moreI like my solitude when I want it. I work second shift so the house is quiet when I come home at night and I have my own room to read or write or watch tv if I don’t feel like being social but I get too lonely if I’m completely alone
1 Month Ago
i used to different shifts as a security guard at a hospital when i was in college. third shift wa.. read morei used to different shifts as a security guard at a hospital when i was in college. third shift was the worst - trying to stay awake, plus it screws up your body's natural day and night clock.
I’ve always been a night owl. My natural rhythm seems to be the nocturnal hours.
1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
I get my best sleep typically from 3:00 am to 9 am. I’m more awake after Noon and I’m anxiety is.. read moreI get my best sleep typically from 3:00 am to 9 am. I’m more awake after Noon and I’m anxiety is lower after 3 pm. I write the best between 10 pm and 3 am
Well, now for my usual guesstimate at the hidden meaning in this one!
So, if it pleases the court your honor (I heard that in a Columbo episode), let's look at the evidence the accused has willingly provided us, shall we?
You see your honour how she speaks of delicate curves and intricate fancy ripples to try throwing us off the scent, with not a single "I need a grown up" warning in sight!
Can't you see the invisible smirk on the accuseds face, as she has the audacity to sully your good court by turning up wearing that nuns outfit with a saintly look on her face? I mean, when have you ever seen a nuns outfit it wipedown leather, with stiletto boots and leather prayer beads?
And the fragrance of the last verse that actually states it is about a black velvet cake!
I think we can all see the subtle hints and indeed know what this is about a love egg, ribbed for her pleasure!
That took me about half an hour to write because I had to stop and wipe my eyes from laughing so much!
And I finally get to read one of yours where I don't need a proper grown up with me or getting all flusterated and raspberry faced!
Now I could really go for munching down some of that sweet velvety goodness and ARGHH! I knew it! I've caught innuendoitis! (It's like the sexy version of seeing everything through Rose tinted glasses. I think they call it nymphomonacles or something similar! 😃
So very well done PB. Now go get hosed off and make your way to the not so naughty step!
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
When I said I would write a poem about chocolate cake just for you I never said it would have a PG r.. read moreWhen I said I would write a poem about chocolate cake just for you I never said it would have a PG rating lmao 😜 PS I sure hope the cake wasn’t made with pleasure eggs 🤣🤣🤣
1 Month Ago
And I will have you know my glasses are tinted violet purple and crimson red with a hint of sky blue
True, you did not. I half expected it to be one of those rudely shaped cakes people are always posti.. read moreTrue, you did not. I half expected it to be one of those rudely shaped cakes people are always posting their ire about on that interweb thingy... I thing they call them something like chocolate bildo cakes, but come to think of it I think they spell chocolate without a C! 😃
1 Month Ago
You have vurpleroo glasses? Mine are only the rose tinted variety, which takes me back! 😃
1 Month Ago
I use to have rose tinted glasses but unfortunately life has and it’s many trials has change the t.. read moreI use to have rose tinted glasses but unfortunately life has and it’s many trials has change the tint of those lol
There is something special about a decadent chocolate cake. I haven’t had any for quite sometime e.. read moreThere is something special about a decadent chocolate cake. I haven’t had any for quite sometime either
1 Month Ago
it's the dark chocolate bars that i buy and let the squares just melt in my mouth .... drooling happ.. read moreit's the dark chocolate bars that i buy and let the squares just melt in my mouth .... drooling happy 😋
1 Month Ago
I love to let chocolate melt in my mouth there is something about the smooth silky texture
First off I'm on here to post my writing to have an outlet for my emotions. You will find a variety of poems. If you like take a moment and stroll through this poets mind.
Secondly be kind to each .. more..