Daytime Chaos

Daytime Chaos

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Sometimes the world is too loud
As chaos from noise consumes
The air vibrates with mixtures
Of congested sounds that vary

Voices scatter across the day
In all different vocal tones
An assault on ears that listen
As they ascend with rapid fire

People move with crazy ideas
In a manic state of hustle
That propels them at rushed speeds
Life pushes them with grand force

Too much fast paced commotion
Tramples the bright daylight hours
As it blinds the world with routines
That distract from needed peace

A top that spins too quickly
It goes around in circles
That make the stomach queasy
From the motion that sickens

Silently the brain screams within
As time ticks by in disarray
While the world bellows its need
To achieve a multitude of things

The mind patiently waits for night
When the octaves are lowered
To a tolerable volume
That the spirit can handle

© 2024 Poetic Beauty

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the spinning top is a grand metaphor for your point. seems no one stops to smell the roses anymore. i hate when i'm driving and someone behind me is in a hurry and gets angry at me for not going faster because they are in a hurry to go nowhere. just because they are doesn't mean that i am. as my muse wrote long ago, "I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion." - Thoreau

Posted 3 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


3 Months Ago

If alcoholic beverages were magically forced to be half the percentage I'm confident that we would s.. read more
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Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Absolutely Pete. It’s a time for quiet thoughts and reflection


I completely agree!
I prefer my solitude...when I do entertain friends (or go visiting) it is with a small group. The loud, fast paced scenes are not relaxing nor enjoyable to me (my job provides all the stress and chaos I can handle).
Great work

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

I have moments that I enjoy large crowds but the world on a day to day basis seems so frantic and ch.. read more
Existence for the westernized human has become strange. Most information comes with advertisements now. And that information comes at us like a fire hose now. Reality has become too "social" now, we socially evolved for relatively small group interaction. Now we get to hear what everyone has to say all the time if we want to... and because of the adrevenue, there is huge financial incentive to keep us thinkg "we want to". Now it is chaos. Financially incentivized chaos. This sight is doing the same thing... it's just that nobody gives a s**t about poetry so it's stuck in the myspace format.

Posted 3 Months Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

One strong and meaningfully emphasised poetry there, I can audible feel the trauma those noises inflict on our conscience, it draws an exhaustion of its own, there are numerous symbolisms I found here perfectly fitting the picture of the shared ideas,

I can tell how much peace we require after dealing with the world heated with their rush to get past time, get their way with and their emotions getting in the way well, the need for an escape such as a peaceful night as you mention here, makes it all very relatable, sometimes the winds at night are very vocal with stories only heard in silence.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

The noises at night seem to be lower in tones and not as screaming. There is time for reflection and.. read more
Now THAT'S What I'm talkin' 'bout! A REAL poem, Saying what needs to be said and stamping a foot for emphasis.
No wasted words, never off point... I love it! Back in the firs tten years of this century that was one of my constant themes. Sensory Overload and a deer in the headlights stare from the public!
Someday, I'd like to buy you a beer and talk about stuff...

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

I get overloaded with chaos and noise and people always in a hurry to go from one point to another. .. read more

3 Months Ago

I did a paper back in 2002 about how we got here. One of my sources talked about a psychological in .. read more
i relate to this big time, Ms. Beauty! thanks for sharing ... so much over instant input from so many circles and volumes ... oh my ... i click my sandaled heels together but never get back to Kansas
:((((((((((((((( love this very prose like creative write .. we need places in the day light that give us rest and comfort eh!? ... night time is more quiet if one lives in the cities but in these woods ... crickets, frogs and all the night creatures come out to play ... it's all good eh!?

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

I love the hours from twilight on. It is quiet, reflective and gives me peace. I love the night time.. read more
Einstein Noodle

3 Months Ago

yes they are!! :)
You capture so well the overwhelming nature of modern life, where constant noise and frantic activity assault the senses and leave little room for peace. Here is a longing for the tranquility that night brings—a time when the volume lowers and the spirit can finally breathe.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Ahh yes that is exactly the feeling
I wear digital hearing aids with programmes for various situations. Just you wait there will be aids for feelings soon as well. I enjoyed this.
The surprise will then be gone. But not in this poem.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

True day is too rushed in our time and society. I choose to find peace in withdrawing to nature and the night. Too much rush to find nothing too many people in a frenetic dance that only ends in exhaustion and death itself. Beautifully described in this poem is that agitation and push.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

That was the exact feeling when I wrote this poem. Overwhelmed by the frantic nature of people rushi.. read more
nothing like quiet, peaceful get away from the chaotic days that seem to explode into confusion as to what is right what is wrong and the routines that get us in trouble.
I am listening now....the volume is quite low...but I still hear the murmuring of spirits
that pray for us to come to our senses.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Very well said. That is my exact feeling and idea I put into this poem. Daytime can be TOO MUCH!! Th.. read more
having moved to a large city recently I can identify well with your complaint of chaos - I sit at a traffic light and stare at all the cars all the people all the " world bellowing its need" and think - why don't you all go home where are they going as "Life pushes them with grand force" slow down your moving too fast - "got to make the morning last - stop kicking up the cobblestones, life is for fun and feeling groovy" - I miss my small town and dead end street and quiet neighbors. thanks for the post appreciated your anxiety - carl

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

So I live in a smaller town but there is a tone of traffic because we are by two major highways and .. read more

3 Months Ago

You have depicted your life scene very well - enjoyed the read

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29 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2024
Last Updated on July 2, 2024
Tags: Chaos, daylight, fast, noise, world


Poetic Beauty
Poetic Beauty

corn country, IL

First off I'm on here to post my writing to have an outlet for my emotions. You will find a variety of poems. If you like take a moment and stroll through this poets mind. Secondly be kind to each .. more..


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