Bright Star

Bright Star

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

For my Niece Kay

Oh, little bright star
That shines so bright
Why can you not
See your own light

It beaming with rays
Brilliant and white
Glowing beautifully
A stunning sight

A twinkle that glows
Dancing with glee
A shiny speck
For all to see

Oh, little bright star
That shines so bright
Why can you not
See your own light

It’s filled with love
A warmth aglow
A sparkle at night
That always shows

It silvery gleam
Beams in the night
That lights a path
With bright white light

Oh, little bright star
That shines so bright
Why can you not
See your own light?

© 2024 Poetic Beauty

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This was such a motivational read. The star is the epitome of brightness and yet it is sadly unable to appreciate its own power. A deep metaphor that was treated beautifully here, it reminds me of those who give light to others inspite darkness looming within them. This is a very noble quality but not always good for those who posses it. They must be reminded of their light, their beauty and goodness. It also reminded me of a loved one who lost her life convinced there was no light in her though she was the brightest and best. A poem that speaks to the reader deeply and has beautiful wording, flow and rhyme.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

My niece is struggling and is receiving treatment for her depression at the moment. She is a hyper-i.. read more
Ayvid N

3 Months Ago

I understand the pain of depression. I'm sure her family and loved ones are telling her how much she.. read more
Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Thank you kindly. Depression is definitely a struggle and I hope she will soon be back to her normal.. read more


"Why can you not
See your own light"

i dont know why but these resonated with me so much, i mean, so many people around you feel insecure and less worthy of getting anything positive. you begin to think why is it that they you can see thier bright glow raditing form all corners, yet they fail to notice it??

on a side-note, loved the poem, and they way you worded it, honestly!!

Posted 2 Months Ago

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

Thank you. There are many in this world that don’t see their own light. I’m glad you liked the w.. read more

2 Months Ago

your welcome
I like this. Stars and candles only burn by consuming the fuel they need. Even the universe has a hierarchy of existence and the light of today pales before a brighter tomorrow. But tomorrow is not today and we must wait, we must endure, we must survive the night if we are to witness the dawn.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Star are amazing
A very finely penned allegorical write. It is very rare for any human being to see their own light. Other people's inner light may be visible to them, but not so their own. We rarely acknowledge the power we have within ourselves, but marvel at the power we see in others. We seldom believe in our own strength but never fail to be amazed at the strength we perceive in others. We are made of the same 'stuff' as the stars, yet we see and revere their beauty, but do not concede to our own. Lovely poem and depiction. Thank you for sharing, dear poetess...

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Thank you for you insightful and kind review

3 Months Ago

Most welcome always, dear poetess
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I know a few who struggle with self worth, lack of self esteem and no matter what said to them they will not or cannot change, quite sad. I will screen shot this to show to a friend if okay with you.
Good morning

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

That is perfectly fine with me. I don’t mind you sharing my poem with someone else. And thank you .. read more

3 Months Ago

Tis now framed in her office
Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

I am glad she liked the poem and hopefully it will give her a daily reminder that she shines even if.. read more
A very beautiful poem,
I liked how warm and smooth flowing this poem is..
Nicely inked.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

I wrote this for my niece. Sometimes she doesn’t see how brightly she does shine.
Amy R

3 Months Ago

Totally get that, very nice.
A poem that reads as a song. Motivational and inspirational for all those that do not see their own value such a great metaphor. Star light is small but still their and like us when added together with the light of others it makes a great difference. Very nicely worded and with such a nice flow.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Thank you!! I wrote this one for my niece
Your poem was a pleasure to read. It effectively captures the metaphor of a bright star, prompting contemplation on self-recognition and inner radiance. It beautifully explores the journey of self-discovery and self-appreciation.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Thank you for stopping in to read my poem. I’m glad you like this poem about the bright star!
A beautiful lullaby for your niece Kay. I enjoyed the dance of words and thoughts my friend. This would be wonderful verbal poetry. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Thank you!! I did a hand written copy for her and gave it to my sister to give to her.
Coyote Poetry

3 Months Ago

A wonderful poem and you are welcome dear poet.
its filled with love, a warmth a glow
were my favorites
excellent ideas to put into writing

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

3 Months Ago

Thank you. I am fond of those lines as well

3 Months Ago

u are welcome and thanks for sharing :)

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19 Reviews
Added on June 19, 2024
Last Updated on June 19, 2024


Poetic Beauty
Poetic Beauty

corn country, IL

First off I'm on here to post my writing to have an outlet for my emotions. You will find a variety of poems. If you like take a moment and stroll through this poets mind. Secondly be kind to each .. more..


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