The Ties that bind

The Ties that bind

A Poem by Poetic82


The Ties That Bind
When you see a rope knotted, small and unassuming, you can never know its true strength until you use it. A rope can pull heavy loads and it can secure our most precious items during a move. Its fibers are braided to increase its strength, and it’s those fibers that create the bond. A Family is a bond, braided with fibers. Each separate fiber is as important as the next, because when you start to unravel a rope its strength diminishes. The fibers of the family are just as important. There is a saying that a family that prays together, stays together. The importance of a family reunion is to reinforce the bond that holds us connected.  It is to renew and refresh our family unit by adding the new fibers to the already existing bond. What would happen to a rope had it have never been braided? It would only be string. Separate we are one single string, intertwined we are strong enough to hold the most heavy load.
 We must come together and remember why family is so important. In this world money comes and goes; careers come and go, and sometimes even outside relationships. But family, is forever, even when we don’t care for each other and choose to not speak, we can never stop the blood that runs through our veins and connects us. We are connected and as long as our fibers remain secured; our bond will carry us generation to generation, becoming stronger and stronger with every new fiber we add to our family unit, creating a better and stronger family. So remember through Love, Family and Unity, our bond is stronger than anything. That is our Legacy.

© 2008 Poetic82

Author's Note

Written for my family reunion to inspire the family of it's importance. Our reunion Theme. Love, Family, Unity....The ties that Bind

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oh you touch upon a very delicate thing..a family is one wonderful thing ..its our strength when we falter ..we always know there is a support somewhere..and i extend that to friends and people we know ..the more good we are..the greater extension we have among others ..its like one big tree the more its good shelter and shade to others ..the more will come to gather around her..she is a beauty ..but with all the lovely faces around..the laughter ..the joy the stories spread around all the while it gives a great meaning for tells how good we are how deeply rooted to earth and love to all..a love that could embrace the whole world..then we will shine so beautifully to others..this was one great writing ..i really enjoyed it poetic it is just like the name tells..

Posted 16 Years Ago

Your writing style is truly beautiful and inspiring.
:) I love your ideas about family

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is a beautiful p oem, almost a pr ayer ab out keeping the t ies str ong between families, keeping the l ove and r espect y ou have for e ach other str o ng a nd s incere. With f amily y ou know t here is s tr ength to sur v ive anyt hing. You g ive n e ver e x pe cting or l o ok ing to re c ieve but in ev itably you d o.

My f am ily's scatt ered t oo - like your o ther rev iewer, but w e kn ow we're alw a ys ' there' for each other a nd in e ach ot her's pr ayers, t h oughts and d reams.

You r post s ays it all.

Posted 16 Years Ago

You are truly blessed, not only to have this kind of family, but your way of thinking is pure and inspires one. Well done! Holly

Posted 16 Years Ago

*starts singing family reunion and dancing extremely offbeat*

i liked it. you broke it down very nicely. the string/rope metaphor was extremely effective. it reminded me of the straw that broke the camels back. one single straw couldn't bring down a get the point. good write. and i hope your family reunion goes well (or went well).

Posted 16 Years Ago

I got a tear in my eye. My family is scattered all over this country and we are not close at all. The thread that held us together was our parents who were close.

This is a strong write and very inspiring. I got a feeling of longing in reading this very positive word.

Posted 16 Years Ago

You are absolutely right about the importance of family. I know that I rely daily on the love and support of family. Thank you for writing this and giving a reminder.


Posted 16 Years Ago

Very true, yet so often a forgotten theme in this world we live in today. The insistant demand of today's society that one be one's self only divides families further and further apart.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is so beautiful and so true,

"We must come together and remember why family is so important. In this world money comes and goes; careers come and go, and sometimes even outside relationships. But family, is forever, even when we don't care for each other and choose to not speak, we can never stop the blood that runs through our veins and connects us."

I love this!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
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Added on July 12, 2008



West Covina, CA

I am a writer by nature. It flows from me like water. I find that my greatest joy and peace comes from my words and creations. I find wonder in what becomes each time my pen hits the page. I never kn.. more..

Reflection Reflection

A Poem by Poetic82

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