Social Groups

Social Groups

A Chapter by Robert

Social Groups

There are plenty different social groups one will experience in a life time. Some of them seem very basic but within these social groups so much is said about what we think and how we act. For instance I was into a punk scene for several years, this means I listened to hard music and did stupid s**t a lot. But beyond that the why that makes me different is that I do not like authority, I believe that we as people should have more freedom, and that I most likely don’t have much money. Also on top of this my father is somewhat southern, now this is different from the earlier example in one key way. This group wasn’t learned necessarily but I was put into it. Since my father is this way I have a temper, I work hard, and I can be very stubborn. This is all important because what life comes down to and how you live is who you know. I f*****g hate the types of guys that join frats, but you know what? That’s just who they are. They get to bang the really hot cheerleader girls. I get to bang the really hot punk girls, its whatever. But when a frat guy sees me, this punk on his property the first thing he does is punch me in the face. That is just some people though, that’s just the learned behavior his life has taught him. It’s like when you are walking down the halls at school and you see that nerd check out the hot girl walking by. He knows he will never sleep with that girl, but god does he want to. That hot girl, she saw the guy look at her and she loves every second of it. It gives her that little boost of energy to keep going, something to make her smile, brighten her up. She might even bring it up with her friends later on and say how annoying it was because she knows that it will make her look really fab or whatever those dumb asses say.
What I really don’t understand though is how you all can sit there and do these things, how can you bash that kid for no reason? Why can’t we all just get along, it’s f*****g lame at this point. When I walk down the street minding my own business and a mother pulls her child to the side, like I’m some murderer. How can she have the nerve to do something like that without even a thought? Most people in life I feel just never give anyone a chance. They are just like “Oh your you, that’s cool I’m me…” and that’s it. What if that person you just said hello to could help you out with something? What if something you say to that one person could change the world? Don’t you think that’s how we should be thinking? Rather just blowing someone off...
The strange thing about all of this stuff is, is that we are really the same. I mean just because he’s a jock doesn’t mean he doesn’t have feelings. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like my music; it’s just someone else’s. It’s not that he doesn’t like my clothes; he just likes what he likes. It’s not like nerds are weird they just are really interested in things which is totally cool. How do you think we got to the moon! Why do you think the iPod exists? It’s because nerds made it happen. We just kind of don’t really think about that part so much and take it for gradient and spit in their face. I feel like when we start putting names on things that it causes us to think of things in a different way. Kind of like when you see a chicken, it’s not important until it’s your chicken. Otherwise it would just be some animal. When someone looks at me and says I’m whatever I am at the moment they instantly will have that picture in their mind. That is who I am to them. It’s really difficult to change someone’s opinion on something on that. On the opposite side though we call ourselves things as well but that just gives us a path to take really. You just follow what other people in that social group are doing or what they did.

The reason that everyone does the things they do is to make themselves more acceptable or unacceptable

You might be wondering “Sure this seems like something I should think about, but why would I ever care about what other people think about me?” Well the truth here is that this is never the case. Everyone always wants to make a good impression, everyone wants to be loved by someone, or at least be accepted. This is what starts us on the path to becoming someone else. Instead of becoming what we actually are we focus more on who others are what they are like. Instead of doing that which makes “popular” we should spend some time with ourselves, doing what we like, listening to what we like. This is the only way that you can truly know yourself, the only way that we as a people can become original.

We as humans are all the same at our base, when a child is born they are the essence of innocence. It’s when that child is spanked by the doctor that the innocence is broken, the first interaction with others. Throughout our lives we survive many “spanks” some without even realizing it. In suffering these interactions we are made into different people, every single time. It’s a lot like a book if you think about it, every time you turn a page the book becomes something different. First you look at the book, much like a new born looks at their mother. Then you open the book, at this moment your initial thought on the book is changed. What you had thought from the cover was one state of being; the next is a completely different state. The book has stayed the same but what it means to you has changed, even if it doesn’t mean anything. It’s the same way with people, every time we talk to someone it’s like looking at that book. Every time we do that we change who we are, our ideas change sometimes even our morals change. What this has to do with social groups and society is relevant in the fact that we as humans are always changing. I at one time was punk, now I’m not. What changed? Well what happened was that I changed. Through meeting different people, experiencing different things, learning different stuff, changed what I am. I of course was oblivious to this, as matter of fact it seemed natural. It was as simple as turning a page, my life is still there but I just opened a different chapter.

In order to understand society we must first understand these small details that make us who we are. This can be important to yourself for several reasons, the most vital is that if you know what you want to become you can be able to realize what makes us who we are, and thus we can find ourselves. Social groups unify us and distance us, we can escape it or let it take us, either way we are still grouped. When you think about others it is easy to forget that they are people with thoughts and memories. They are similar to you in many ways but what make them different are very small labels. Certain labels that we all are quick to indentify but don’t look to what it means. If I were for example to be walking down the street and see an athletically built young man with a Hollister shirt on, it would be safe to say they are a jock. However keep in mind that that label is only one small section of that person’s personality. If we think back to the book example I used earlier and think of the cover of the book, the first impression. If I were to say hello to the person and open that book things could take a very different turn to what I originally thought of the person. This is probably the most useful thought to keep in mind because in realizing this and taking mental notes and checks of the person, we can start to understand them. We can find their weaknesses and strengths. What they love and hate, and finally how all of these things affect the person. When we have taken this information into thought we can learn better how we interact with that person, and learn how to separate who we know and who we surround ourselves with.

I feel one of the most important things in life is to know who you truly are. Knowing this can account for much more happiness overall in life. With socials groups and the inevitable grasp on humanity you can’t forget about the little things that is where hope is. It’s those moments when everyone you are standing next to looks at each other, and there is just silence. It’s when everyone is connected and on the same level. That is life, that is youth, its bliss, or its shame, it’s so many things that all add up to the pages of our lives. It’s that which is invisible for the moment forever present in time that shapes our destiny. Can our different cultures be one? Can we instead of being this or that, just become people. Can we grow up a little bit and embrace everyone for their mistakes and misfortunes. Everyone has their problems no matter how big or how small. They all need help sometime and that is what keeps up separated we need to unite as people to solve things. But that is a topic for another time; social groups are just another phrase to distance us as people. Its just words to group us like sheep in a field. It can be used to shape us and direct our money into people pockets. If you think about it all we really are is just another number, just a statistic in the overall scheme of things. It’s when you overstep these groups that we start to build something worth talking about. It’s something to do other than just write, something to feel, and something to play. Everyone is human and everyone can notice someone in help, all you really have to do is ask.

© 2011 Robert

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Added on February 24, 2011
Last Updated on February 24, 2011



Kansas City, MO

im a 19 year old poet out to change the world more..

cellar door cellar door

A Poem by Robert