![]() Chapter 12 - Chaotic Day of Becoming EliteA Chapter by Eisho Shu![]() Chapter 12 of The Legacy of Dimension Legend![]() Me: “Ouf…”
At the end, I had to carry Miyu to my room. I can’t just leave
her in the bath. If someone like that one girl shows up, I don’t know what will
happen to her. I had to change her into new clothes and it was hard to carry
her to my room. She may look like a skinny girl, but she is actually a bit
heavy. It may be because I’m a girl now but who knows.
A moment after I lay her down on my bed, someone knock on my
Me: “Who is it?”
Woman?: “I am from the elite student assistance team. Since your
rank have become within top 50, there are a few things I need to go over with
Elite student? Well, I remember El is an elite student. So elite
student means that person is within top 50. I never bother to check to ranking
at all. Maybe I should’ve care for the ranking a bit more. After thinking for about
a minute, I open the door and there stands a woman who is in a military uniform.
Woman: “Hello Miss Hajiura, I am Aika Honkin. I will be
explaining a few things to you, is that alright?”
Me: “Yeah, but come in first. Take a sit anywhere.”
I walk to the side and prepare tea for her. When I look back,
she is just sitting there waiting. I guess she is the type that will not show
any interest and do her work properly.
Me: “Here is some tea. You can start any time you want.”
Aika: “Thank you.”
She takes a sip and then begins explaining.
Aika: “First, I must congratulate you in becoming an elite
student. Becoming within top 50 is not an easy task. Sure, the year has only
started not too long ago but you are a transfer student. To be able to rise up
this fast, it is not easy.”
Me: “Well, I guess I got lucky. I wasn’t expecting Germ to go
down with one hit.”
Aika: “Yes, I have heard of your achievement. Even if it was
luck, luck is still important. As I was saying about the elite status you gain,
there are three privileges along with it. First is your meal and basic medical
need will not cost you money. This is the minimum all academies have to offer.”
I nod in respond. I guess when someone become strong and that
person can possibly make the academy more famous, it is a small price to pay.
It is same in this world, everyone are always looking for a way to gain
advantage over another.
Aika: “The second one is you can choose to skip tests from your
classes. You won’t gain or lose any points for doing this. There are quite
amounts of student who are better at fighting than studying. This is to prevent
them from losing too many points from certain tests.”
Me: “I guess the privileges are nothing special. They are all
something that can be deal with easily.”
Aika: “I agree, but the last one is different.”
She takes out a small glass bottle filled with transparent
Aika: “Now, may I have you drip a drop of blood into this
bottle? I need it to complete the process since it looks like you have already picked
one out.”
Me: “Pick what? Well, I guess is fine.”
She hands me a dagger and I poke the tip of my finger with it.
This actually hurt more than I thought, but I manage to squeeze out a drop of
Aika: “Thank you very much; I will now start the ceremony.”
She walks over to Miyu and drew a symbol on her chest with that
bottle of liquid with my blood.
Me: “What are you…”
Before I finish asking, she makes a short chant and the symbol
flashes for a second. Miyu look like she was in pain for a bit but as the
symbol disappear, her facial expression recovers.
Aika: “There, all done.”
Me: “What?”
Then Miyu slowly wakes up. After looking around, she is surprised
by something. She closes her eyes for a few second and then looks at me with a
sinister face. Then Aika suddenly cut in between us.
Aika: “You should be honored to be chosen by Miss Hajiura.”
She said it with a mean face. She was smiling at me the whole
during our conversation. I can’t believe how different they treat people like
Miyu. Then Aika turn towards me with a friendly smile.
Aika: “Can you verify the slave seal is in order?”
SLAVE SEAL!! Don’t tell me that thing she did to Miyu is the
slave seal. I can’t help but show a surprised face at Aika and Miyu.
Aika: “Yes, I am aware of the process being very fast. This is
actually a new type of slave seal.”
I look at Miyu but she look away. Wait a second; don’t tell me
when Miyu look at me with that face is because it shows up on her stat. I close
my eyes to check if that is the case.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Naomi Hajiura Original Name: Naoka Hajiura Sex: Female Age: 18 Title: Dimension Traveler Class: Spell Swordsman Combat Power: 448 Ability Power: 190 Health:115/120 Stamina:50/50 -Stats- Strength: 8 Dexterity: 5 Intelligent: 5 Agility: 5 Constitution: 6+2 Luck: 5+5 -Status Effect- -Dimension Traveler: +2 Constitution, +5 Luck -Spell Swordsman: Health and Stamina recover 20% faster
-Special- Lv7 Slave Seal: Gain ownership of Miyujioni
Tianro Fo Koriepher -Ability- Lv1 Beauty: Your appearance is better than average Lv3 Cool Headed: In most cases where people may lose their cool,
you are able to still think clearly as long as your life is not in danger. Lv2 Multilingual: You are able to read and speak in different
language Lv3 Medical Knowledge, you can identify common injury and perform
first aid treatment well with some herbal knowledge. Lv2 Hampor Geography: You know most of the countries and major
locations on Hampor continent. -Skill- Lv3 Breath Control: You know the basic of breathing technique for
combat. Lv2 Sharp Vision: You are able to notice every movement if you
focus hard on it Lv3 Sword Mastery: You are a swordsman. It is possible to learn
grade D or lower sword skill. Lv3 Iron Edge: Capable of launching shock-wave at your target.
This attack can do good damage to unarmored enemies. Lv2 Mana Manipulation: You are able to control the mana and
manifest it in basic shapes. Lv4 Mana Bomb: Create a bomb that is made from Mana
Manipulation. This Bomb and be detonate manually or by impact. It is also
possible to control the explosion. Lv1 Magic Theory: You understand the very basic existence of
magic. Lv2 Footwork: You know not only the basic footwork for combat,
but you are able to change and utilize them effectively. ----------------------------------------------------------------
I didn’t ask for this! Aika really made Miyu into my slave.
Me: “Yeah I see it but…”
Miyu: “Stop, this is going to happen sooner or later.”
Aika: “Good, at least you understand your position.”
They really treat people like Miyu as some kind of trash. Just
because she is an orphan, it doesn’t make sense for her to be a slave.
Aika: “Good thing the church raised you correctly. By the way, this
seal is a combined technique with an ancient curse magic and church’s Binding
Seal. To remove this, the only way is with Royal Purification Tear.”
Me: “So it is something only royalty can remove?”
Aika: “Yes, so you don’t have to worry about your slave breaking
the seal. However, there are chances that someone stole the tear and selling it.
I would keep a leash on her if I were you.”
My head is starting to hurt. This is all happening out of my
control. Well, I could have stopped her but I had no idea what she was doing to
Aika: “Now, if there no more questions, I shall take my leave.”
Me: “Alright, I don’t think I have questions right now. If I
come up with any, can I find you?”
Aika: “No problem, you can find me at the student management
office. It is located at the same hall as the head master’s office, you can’t
miss it.”
Me: “Thank you.”
I said while giving her a small nod and she takes her leave. I
slowly turn towards Miyu and give her a deep bow once Aika left.
Me: “I’m sorry; I didn’t realize what she was doing there. I
will find a way to remove the seal for you.”
Miyu: “Does that mean I’m not even good enough for you? Just to
let you know, I still have some pride. Even if I am force to become a slave
knight, I will do my job to the best of my ability.”
Me: “I’m not saying you are not good or anything. I just don’t
think slavery is right.”
Around this time, the door to this room opens. Dia walks in and
is surprised from something.
Dia: “How bold, I didn’t think you are this type of person,
Me: “What do you mean?”
Dia then look at Miyu.
Dia: “You are from the wolf tribe of Granz Forest, right?”
Miyu: “Yes, are you from that area?”
Dia: “Yeah but…”
Dia look at me with a scared, yet hesitant face.
Me: “Is there something wrong?”
Dia: “You said you are from a country in the Far East, the same
area as me. But you say you can’t talk about it because of certain circumstance.”
Miyu’s face changes almost immediately after she said that. I have
a really bad feeling about this.
Me: “Well yeah, I can’t really say no to that.”
The moment I said that, Miru grab my sword, which is right
beside the bed and attack me. However, the seal glows right before the sword
reaches me. In a flash of light, tons of chain shows up and restrain Miyu
Dia: “This is interesting. So this is what they mean by the
slave can never hurt their master unless is purely an accident.”
Me: “Where did those chains come from?”
A moment later, the chain starts to glow purple.
Dia: “Wait; don’t tell that seal has punishment system. Naomi, hurry
up and dispel the chains!”
Me: “How?”
At that moment, Miyu is getting electric shocks. I can’t believe
this magic. No, curse magic can do this. I am actually more surprise at the
fact the church helped making it. The church in this world is very different from
the one I remember.
Dia: “You just have to verbally command the seal! Hurry up or
she might die!”
Me: “Oh ehhh, Stop!”
The shock stops right after say stop. This is rather convenient
if one wants to control another person. No no no, what am I thinking? Slavery
doesn’t do any good. That is a fact, which has shown repeatedly in history.
When I look at Miyu again, the chains are still there.
Me: “Can I get rid of the chain the same way?”
Dia: “You should be able to do it. I’m surprise you don’t know
anything about slave seal. Almost everyone knows the basic in Niphon.”
Miyu: “…”
Miyu is still staring at me with the will to kill. I can’t
believe my lie would end up causing more trouble. However, I can’t just tell
them I’m a dimension traveler either. I really wish someone can tell me what
to do right now.
Me: “Chain, release!”
The chains disappear at my command. Then Julien shows up.
Julien: “Can you girls quiet down? I can’t nap when you guys
keep making all that noise.”
Then both Julien and I are surprise to see each other.
Me: “I guess so.”
Dia: “You two know each other?”
Julien: “Yeah, when I was out for the special quest little over
a week ago.”
Miyu: “A little over a week ago?”
Miyu is thinking about something then look at me with a serious
face. Her killing intent seems to have disappeared as well.
Miyu: “You are not from Niphon are you?”
Me: “Well…”
I have no idea how to answer this. If I say yes, she will hate
me and wish me dead. If I say no, then might hurt Dia’s feeling. She was dying
for a friend, I don’t want her to find out her first friend is lying to her
this whole time. While I am hesitant to answer, Miyu continues.
Miyu: “I thought so, you are not from Niphon. You are one of the
dimension travelers.”
Then Dia make the pose of “Oh, so that is it!” How did she find
Dia: “So that is why you lack so much common knowledge.”
I never thought Dia will be doing fine after finding out. I
guess she is stronger than I think she is. Then Julien turns to Miyu.
Julien: “Are you an orphan?”
Me: “Why are you asking her that?”
Miyu: “Yes.”
Julien: “No wonder.”
Me: “Hello? Can someone explain to me what is going on?”
Julien: “The orphans often make their communication network in
this city. Since some are trained as spy, it can be good practice for them.”
Me: “Oh…”
Dia: “Now the misunderstandings are solved, we should hold
another party for Naomi.”
Me: “Again?”
Julien: “Why?”
Dia: “Naomi just becomes an elite and she just become her slave
Julien: “In that case, we should just order all the food we want
and party hard. Let me go tell the others.”
Me: “Wait; what do you mean order all the food?”
Julien walks off and ignore my question. Seriously, why is
everyone around me lately are always in their own pace. I didn’t think Julien
is this kind of person.
Dia: “You can get free food right? It is like a tradition to do
this when a friend becomes elite. I will go tell Ristia and El.”
Me: “Alright.”
After she left, Miyu walk towards the door.
Miyu: “I should leave then.”
Me: “Don’t, you are a friend too. It would be unfair to you if
you don’t participate.”
Miyu: “Are you stupid! I tried to kill you!”
Me: “But that was because of a misunderstanding. So let’s just
forget everything and have fun.”
Miyu: “I can’t believe my master is this kind of girl. I don’t
know if I have the best or worst luck.”
We sit down and talk about our past. Miyu really went through a
lot because of the country once known as Niphon. The remnants seem to be trying
their best to revive the country for the past three years. However, Miyu had to
suffer even more since her tribe was one of the few that were used as
disposable pawn by them. Because of this, everyone is separated and have no
idea who is at what place. As for me, I can only talk about things like classes
in my world and stuff like cars and computers. …… … When everyone is here, I decide to tell Ristia and El the truth
about me. That include the fact I am a dimension traveler. They didn’t like
the idea of having Miyu with us but when I tell them I consider her as a
friend, they seem to have dropped the case. Then, our party starts when all the
food we ordered arrives. The food is enough to feed around 10 people at the very
least. Also, I, Dia, Ristia, and El will have two day straight party now. I
have never done it before, it is fun at least. I just I won’t get into trouble
by ordering such large sum of food. © 2016 Eisho Shu |
StatsAuthor![]() Eisho ShuChicago, ILAboutI love games and anime. Then I pick up visual novel and eventually that got me into some Japanese light novel and Web novel. That is what brings me here to try and start my own story. My pen name is a.. more..Writing