![]() chapter 8 - Our Separate WayA Chapter by Eisho Shu![]() Chapter eight of Ascension of Dimension Legend![]() As we are walking down the road to quest house, a lot of people
look at us as if we are some endangered animal. I try to understand why by look
at us and them in detail. Ah... Our clothes stand out too much. After we meet
up with Kir and others, we should probably borrow some money and buy new
clothes. ...... ... We are now in front of the quest house. It actually looks like a
guild house in several games I have played. When we are about to enter, the
guard ask us to wait.
Guard: "Wait a second, I need to give you four something
Jack: "What is it?"
Guard: "I heard about you guys'... interesting position.
Due to a law passed from the 7 star council, we are obligated to give you
After saying that, he gives each one of us a bag. When we look
inside, there are coins in there.
Guard: "Five copper coins equal to one silver rimed copper
and ten copper coins equal one hollow silver coin. Five hollow silver coins
equal to one normal silver coin and ten hollow coins is equal to one gold rimed
silver coin. Then ten gold rimed silver coin equal to one gold coin. That is
how our currency works here. Each standard meal cost about 3 copper and a night
at the inn cost around 8 coppers. Some inn may also include a meal but don't
expect anything nice. Do you guys understand everything?"
We nod and check how much money is in here. There is 3 hollow
silver, 4 silver rim copper, and 10 normal copper coins.
Me: "There is quite a bit in here."
Guard: "yes, but this is Lupher. Some of the daily needs
are higher than other places. Especially when it comes to clothing, some better
clothe can cost up to two hollow silver. Cheaper clothes can cost up to one
hollow silver as well."
Me: "Ah, I guess this will only last us so long if we don't
spend it carefully."
Jack: "Don't worry; we are at the quest house. We can just
take a few quests and earn money, easy right?"
We all look at Jack, include the guard, and let out a sigh.
Yuuki: "Yeah, I guess you will definitely be alright."
Yuuki... I can't believe you just raise a death flag for Jack. I
hope nothing bad will happen to him.
Guard: "Well then, I will take my leave now."
After saying that, he turns around and left. We also turn and
enter the quest house. We can see Kir and others sitting at a table waiting for
us. It looks like they also got some food ready.
Me: "Sorry, we took a while. Well, mostly because of
Dirk: "Because of you? What do you mean?"
Julien: "First thing first, sit down. We ordered food in
case you guys are hungry. We did not have any decent meal during our travel
after all."
I start to explain my situation after we sit and take a few bites
into the food. They are a bit usual looking. Julien offer a drumstick that is
something like a chicken, but the meat is pitch black. I know there is a bread
of chicken called Silkie and its skin and bone are black. I heard the meat is a
bit black but I don't think is completely black. Everyone who has this chicken
looking thing eat it as it is. I guess they are safe and is not poisoned or
anything. ...... ... We finish eating and I also done explaining our situation.
Dirk: "Wait a second, so you badge you got is..."
I took out my badge and show them but Kir, Dirk, and Julien
immediately shove my hand away.
Dirk: "Don't show that to people like that. You will bring
nothing but trouble if people see what you have."
Julien: "You actually have the potential to become a S
class, I can't believe it... Actually, you do have a lot of talent but this
isn't funny."
Me: "S class?"
Kir: "Yes, remember we were explaining the 6 class level?
There are actually two more above that. S class is for people who have reach
combat power of 2000 or higher with ability power of 1600 or higher. After S
class is G class, G class will have both powers at 3000 or above. There is
almost no one reaching this class due to the time needed to reach this is at
least about 70 years of training. The few people that reach G class are mostly
considered as myth."
James: "How long would S class take?"
Kir: "The record right now is someone at the age of 39. He
started training at the age of 14. Usually the minimum time it takes is 30
years but this guy was really talented. Though, those are the record for people
from this world. Dimension traveler like you guys may be very different."
Yuuki: "So we can either become strong very fast or very
Kir looks at Dirk since he is not sure if that is the case.
Dirk: "Kir, you really studied a lot didn't you. Anyways,
the answer to that is yes. Originally, you guys came from a world with dead
system, I thought it will be hard for you guys to grow stronger but... That
doesn't seem to be the case."
Yuuki: "So we are faster than average then?"
All three of the nods in respond to Yuuki's question.
Me: "Oh where is the academy? I was told that I should go
take the practical test for the academy. I think it is probably a good idea
Julien: "We can take you there; we are going back to the
academy after this. But what are you three going to do?"
Yuuki: "I'm kind of interested in magic right now so I
might go too."
James: "But that will make you into something like a
soldier right? I don't want that..."
Dirk: "You got good muscle, why don't you go into the labor
force? They pay pretty well if you can do the job well."
James: "I guess I can try that. Where do I go?"
Dirk: "Just go over to the help desk, they can help
James: "Thanks, I'll go now."
Me: "Well then Jack, what are you going to do?"
Jack: "No idea, I think I'll go to the help desk and see
what there is for me."
Yuuki: "I hope you find something nice."
... Yuuki does not hold back. This is the second time today she raise
such horrible flag for him. Jack have been the most unlucky one but the way she
said it, just horrible.
Me: "Yeah... Good luck."
JacK: "Luck is always on my side."
After saying that, he walks off to the help desk. I guess we
should get going too. We had agreed to come to the quest house every now and
then since it is also a hangout place for a lot of people. ...... ... Me, Yuuki, Kir, Dirk, and Julien are now in front of the academy
gate. Dirk goes in and explains me and Yuuki's situation so we can take the
piratical test. Kir and Julien wish us luck and went on ahead. They are second
year academy student so I guess they don't have that much time to spare, it is
a school after all.
After about 10 minutes, Dirk along with two other people come to
greet us. The one in front is a man who looks like an old classic businessman
in his 50s.
Dirk: "This one here is Ron Franstin, he is a magic exam
evaluation officer. He will do help you with your practical test, Yuuki. Since
you already know magic, I thought a magic test is better for you."
Ron: "Nice to meet you miss, it is a honor to help a
dimension traveler."
Yuuki: "Nice to meet you, I'm Yuuki Fumino."
Ron: "Shall we move to the practice area? We can conduct
your test there."
Yuuki nod and follow Ron. Then the next person, she looks like a
uptight knight. Though she is not as old as Ron for sure, but she should be in
her late 20s. She does have some good fashion sense and despite the aura she gives
off, she is quite beautiful.
Dirk: "This is Marin Tonwa. She was a royal knight at a
early age but due to an injury, she had to withdraw from her position. She
served at Kamin, one of the 7 star council member,so don't disappoint
Me: "I think you are overestimating me. I am not very
strong at all."
Marin: "At least you know your place. People like you who
also seek power, surely are not weak."
I don't think I will get along with her very well.
Me: "If you say so. Anyways, I'm Naomi Hajiura."
She gives me a small nod in respond then turns the other way.
Marin: "Follow me."
Me: "Okay." ...... ... We are now in front of the changing room.
Me: "Why are we here?"
Marin: "To get you some proper gear."
Me: "But I am not even a student yet."
Marin: "We are going to spar and you will need to wear
something to protect yourself. I'm not very good at hold myself back."
Me: "Oh..."
I am a little bit scared when she says that, but I will just do
my best regardless. It would be lame if Yuuki manage to pass with flying color
while I just fail horribly.
As I am
changing I tried picking up armor pieces that would fit me. I can't use heavy
ones very well since that would slow me down. So far, all my practice is not
fitted for heavy armor. I start picking out some light armor instead. The armor
is not a perfect fit no matter what I choose. There is female one but those
have skirt. I am not going to wear those even if those skirt length are almost
covering my knee, I will not wear them. As I am about to finish changing into
the male armor, Marin come inside to check on me. Marin: "Do the armor we have fit you?"
After she said and looks at me, she sighs.
Marin: "Why are you wearing something that doesn't fit you?
Take it off!"
Me: "Wait! I have a good reason for this."
Marin: "I know your reason so change into this!"
Me: "Wa... WAIT! Time out!"
I try to escape but she easily stopped me and when I try to
struggle, she tied me up. I can't win against her at all. All I can do is let
her change me into academy's female light armor. ...... ... She finishes changing and takes me to the sparing yard. Even though
I know I am wearing a skirt, but the feeling is as if I'm not really wearing
one. I keep trying to hold my skirt down even though it nothing is happening.
Marin: "Will you stop that? Your skirt is not going to
disappear or anything."
Me: "Alright, so we are sparing here? Please go easy on
I ready myself as I say that and Marin looks like she is ready
Marin: "Don't worry, it is only a simple test to see if you
are worthy for this academy!"
As soon as she as she finish talking, she dash into me. I could
barely see her movement at all. We were at least around 20 feet away but she
closed in in a blink of a eye.
I manage to receive her upward slash but I was pushed about 3
feet back. I can feel my hand getting numb just from that one attack. If I want
to pass this test, I must show what I am capable of. I jump as far back as
possible and while I am landing, I decide to use Iron Edge.
Me: "Iron Edge!"
But Marin just cut open my Iron Edge and nothing happen to her.
Marin: "So you know how to use Iron Edge, not bad. If this
was a normal entrance test I would have pass you now but too bad this count as
transfer practical test."
After saying that, she dash into me again like last time. I
thought she might do this since this is a test after all. I side step and parry
her attack then go for another Iron Edge. I thought I can do something to her
this time but she flip her sword backward and block the attack.
Marin: "Nice try I can give you a passing grade I supposed
but you can do more can't you?"
Me: "I guess sword skill like Iron Edge won't do anything
to you at all."
Marin: "Who say that attack just now have no effect?"
She then points at her shoulder. It is ripped slightly, not
really noticeable unless one takes a closer look. Though even with that, she
still intends to keep this spar going. I guess I have to use Mana Bomb with
Iron Edge together. But there is one problem, Mana Bomb projectile speed is not
very fast and I need to detonate it. I never tried this but I guess I can try
making it detonate on impact.
Marin: "That Iron Edge just now must be at least level 3. I
bet you have other sword skill but that is impressive."
Me: "Yeah, Iron Edge is not the only skill i know! Mana
As I said that, I shoot out the mana bomb I have been gathering
mana for the whole time. I fire the bomb at her feet hoping to at least disturb
her vision a little. I charge into her with my Iron Edge right after I fire it.
I put every ounce of strength into this attack.
She instead dash forward to meet with my sword. Marin does not
look like she used a sword skill but she is able to meet my Iron Edge head on.
She is just too strong. On top that being her combat power possibly be a high B
class, she also have a lot of real combat experience. Compare to me, me being
able to cut her clothe even by little can be considered as lucky.
Before I can think about what to do next, she launched me with
her sword. I fall back onto the ground. I guess this is as far as I can go.
Marin: "You can use magic as well?"
I answer her after I get back up
Me: "Did Dirk not tell you?"
Marin: "That smart head didn't tell me that at all. You did
however surprise me there but you should've shot it directly at me instead
trying to blind my vision."
Me: "I thought you knew so I decide that might be better. I
even try to make the bomb go faster and trying something new."
Marin: "That speed and power should be at level 2. You can
definitely enter this academy with that strength. This academy year only
started a month ago so you can be considered as slightly ahead as of now."
Me: "Really?"
Marin: "Yeah, from what I see from our little spar, your
combat power should be at least around 250. On top of that, you are able to
utilize your skills nicely. I think I can give you 30 placement points."
Me: "placement points?"
Marin: "Don't tell me Dirk didn't explain that either..."
Me: "No he did not"
Marin: "That guy always misses out on some of the fine
details. Well, in each academy, there is placement system separated by years.
There is a placement board in the main school hall. I think the current top
have total of 86 placement points."
Me: "Wait then isn't 30 a bit too little then?"
Marin's facial expression change when I ask that. Did I just ask
something I shouldn't have? I hope that is not the case.
Marin: "That guy is using people to gain points. He is the
son of marquises so he often use that power to buy his wins. I should explain
how student can earn placement points shouldn't I. If a student fails a test, that
student loses 3 placement points. A pass will give no points but won't lose any
as well. An excel will give 2 points and a perfect will give 5 points. For
exams, fail will lose 5, pass is still no change, excel will gain 3, and
perfect will gain 8. Another way to earn points is through supervised duel. The
amount loses and gain will be different per match but the minimum gain is
always 2 points. Though we did have two weak cool down period between the two students
but it doesn't stop this guy."
Me: "I see... I guess judging by the number of student in
this academy, it must be easy to find new target.
Marin: "Yeah, that is why we are really puzzled. Every few
years, there will be student like that. Well, there are about 800 first year
student in this academy, I'm sure someone will be able to stop that pampered
Marin said it while looking at me with very keen eye. It is as
if she is tell me to do it. I really don't want to get involved in this but if
he comes to me, I won't hold back. ...... ... After we are done, we change back into our normal clothes and
went into the headmaster room. Though right now, I am more interested in how
Yuuki did in her test. I decide ask the headmaster right away.
Me: "Oh by the way, how did Yuuki do?"
Headmaster: "That girl actually has really high magic
potential. Ron offers her to be in a school that specializes in magic. That
place does not have wide variety of class people can choose like this one but
in term of magic, they are slightly superior and she took the offer."
Me: "I see..."
Well, it’s not like we won't see each other’s again so I am fine
with this.
Headmaster: "Now, I am Kuron Triskor, the headmaster of
this academy. Our academy has 4 required study days instead of 3 every cycle.
Since you are a dimension traveler, I will explain how this work. There are
total of 7 suns in this world. Each sun has different energy and they rise once
every 7 days. Fist sun symbolizes creation, second sun symbolizes life, third
sun symbolize end, fourth sun symbolize environment, fifth sun symbolize war,
sixth sun symbolize love, and seventh sun symbolize renewal. That is how the 7
sun cycle works."
I guess instead of Monday through Sunday, they have different
way to separate the days.
Kuron: "As I was saying, we have class under every first,
second, fourth, and fifth sun. The other three sun are free days. Now, the most
important part is our placement system."
Marin: "About that, I already explained that to her."
Kuron: "In that case, we are done here. Please prepare a
room for her."
Marin: "Understood, now let's go."
Me: "Wait a second, how do I sign up for classes?"
Kuron: "You just have to go, the recording crystal by every
room in this academy will mark your attendance. All you have to do is make sure
you go to four classes that you are allowed to take every cycle and you won't
lose any points. If you enter a class you are not qualified to be in, a voice
projection will warn you. You can ask the instructor to be in the class but not
all will allow it."
Wow, how this world operates can be considered more advanced than
my old world. Though the amount of entertainment is not as much but at least
some part is convenient.
After some more minor explanation, we end our conversation. We
bid our goodbye once again and we head over to the dormitory. ...... ... Marin: "This is your room; we already prepared your uniform
and some basic daily need. Your roommate is Dia Ademi, she is a first year
swordsman. Her placement point is actually lower than yours right but that
doesn't mean she is weaker."
Me: "I know and thanks." When we reach my room, she hand me my key and left. I open the door but there is no one in there. I guess she is out since this is a free day right now. There is an hour until the cafeteria start serving food. I think I am going to take a short nap, it has been a while since the last time I sleep on bed. © 2016 Eisho ShuAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Eisho ShuChicago, ILAboutI love games and anime. Then I pick up visual novel and eventually that got me into some Japanese light novel and Web novel. That is what brings me here to try and start my own story. My pen name is a.. more..Writing