![]() Guide 2- DungeonsA Chapter by NG-S
Guide 2- Dungeons
Dungeons are locations filled with monsters, traps, and treasure designed for players to level grind. Dungeons can be split into three categories. These categories are Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. A Beginner Dungeon is best suited for players level 5-200. An Intermediate Dungeon is best suited for players level 25-400. Finally Advanced Dungeons are designed for players level 100-600. The levels a dungeon is designed for does not bar entry for players not in that level range. A level 5 player can still enter an Advanced Dungeon while a level 700 player can still enter a Beginner Dungeon. The level range for a dungeon signifies the recommended level a player should be between to gain plenty of experience in that dungeon and also signifies the minimal level a player must be to progress successfully through the dungeon without instantly getting a game over. The rank of a dungeon also signifies the complexity and size of a dungeon. A Beginner Dungeon has a simpler design to it than an Advanced Dungeon. All dungeons are labyrinths with passageways designed to confuse and make an explorer lost. Dungeons grow harder to progress through the deeper one proceeds inside it. The monsters and traps within a dungeon are comparable to how deep one is within the dungeon. To this extent a level 100 player would have a better chance near the entrance of an Advanced Dungeon while a level 550 player would have better results from deep within an Advanced Dungeon. Dungeons are primarily filled with monsters and traps. Practically every type of monster may be encountered in dungeons. Traps included in dungeons may activate without warning or they may be noticeable before activation. Monster corpses typically disappear after ten minutes. Monsters and traps will reappear, however they may not reappear in the exact spot or they may be slightly different. For monsters if a level 100 monster was killed a level 105 or 95 monster may appear to take its place. That replacement may have different skills or be a completely different type of monster. Traps can reappear stronger or weaker once activated or in that trap's place may be a completely different trap. Boss monsters are also stationed throughout dungeons. When a boss monster is defeated a special reward is granted to that player who defeated it. This reward may be a new skill, gear, or item. Just like with other monsters boss monsters respawn, but the special reward can only be claimed the first time they are defeated. Boss monsters will always respawn exactly the same, with the same skills, level, and appearance. Boss monsters may have beast-like minds or A.I. programs capable of conversation and complex strategy making. Dungeons also contain treasure chests. Every treasure chest is located behind a locked door. The material of the door will always be made out of a substance the dungeon walls near it are not. The door will have a random type of lock. The materials of the door may be inconsistent throughout the whole dungeon. Once treasure is claimed the room will disappear. There is no guarantee on what may be in a chest. When a chest is claimed it will not respawn anywhere in the dungeon. There will be no replacement treasure chest nor will that item be able to be found in that dungeon again unless it was already in another chest or it is dropped in the dungeon. Although treasure chests do not respawn the rooms they are contained in will randomly reappear where no player is located. The room will instead contain a Treasure Mimic. Treasure chests will only be generated in a dungeon if an item is left abandoned for 10 minutes. That item will be relocated to a newly generated treasure chest. Dungeons are located as cave entrances or pits in the ground. Not all holes in the ground or cave entrances lead to dungeons. A dungeon's interior may be made out of the naturally surrounding materials. It may also be made out of other substances like crystals or brick. Some dungeons could have plant life growing on the walls or change the material that they're made out of part-way through. Every dungeon is a maze of interconnected passageways, making it easy for one to get lost and few are lit which makes it hard to see. Deep within every dungeon is a Dungeon Core. A Dungeon Core is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a dungeon. If it were to be destroyed the dungeon would collapse. As of the launch of World Calamity Dungeon Cores serve no other purpose. Destroying them does not grant a player any reward, a player can not possess ownership of one, they serve only to maintain the dungeon and there is no way to create a Dungeon Core or rebuild one. According to game lore dungeons are viewed as unwanted death traps, where only the brave or foolish enter. They are not mined for resources by nations or guilds. It's viewed as suicidal to enter a dungeon. It is only with the appearance of players, known as "Chosen Ones" by NPCs, that dungeons can finally be explored. Players respawn when killed, meaning that beside a death penalty there is no danger to sending them into dungeons. © 2023 NG-SAuthor's Note
Added on March 20, 2023 Last Updated on March 20, 2023 |