![]() Chapter 3- The Game's HeroA Chapter by NG-S
Chapter 3- The Game's Hero
I should find the game's Hero. I pull out my world map from inventory. It doesn't have much detail yet, but it does list several key locations and teleportation zones. I should probably explain. The game's Hero is an NPC, not some chosen one destined to save the world. Basically they serve as a mentor to players. It appears that teleporting from my base to the Hero's current location takes no MP. It was probably designed that way so players can get to the training grounds from certain key locations easily. Teleporting there the first thing I noticed is a dojo had appeared in front of me. I suppose the Hero would be in there, they won't be hard to pick out of a crowd as I'm familiar with their face due to all the marketing material I've seen. Walking into the dojo I can see several other players practicing skills or chatting with each other. This dojo is an immortal object and within its walls players take no damage. Most players here have human characters, some are Elves, Dwarves, or Goblins. Most of the players here haven't selected more advanced species like I have. In fact their gear is pretty basic. Most of it the standard starter outfit that doesn't grant any buffs or resistances. I see a few characters in magic robes or armor, but it's mid-tier at best. There doesn't seem to be other players here who have top quality builds like myself, although that only makes sense. I suppose those players are already level grinding. Being the only player present with a top quality build of course I naturally draw the attention of the other players. Some are admiring my build while most are jealous and scornful. "Lousy Ultimate Edition player." "Did she come here just to rub it in our faces?" No one approaches me. I suppose that's only to be expected. If they did, others might look down at them for trying to cozy up to an Ultimate Edition player. I ignore the other players and head for the Hero. He's your typical generic good looking knight. The hero has blonde hair, platinum armor, a red cape, and a holy sword known as "Holy Sword of Light" which has some magnificent buffs. The Hero's name is Arthur, or properly "The Hero, Sir Arthur". He's at level ten which is his starter level. Most players start at level five, Deluxe Edition players start at level ten and Ultimate Edition players start at level 25. The Hero, according to the guidebooks, is supposed to have a more advanced A.I. that is capable of holding a conversation. His stats and skills are also available for all players to read. Reading those stats I'm jealous. At level ten the Hero already has HP that matches mine at a much higher level. Even his skills are broken. These are some top quality cheats. The Hero has a skill that protects him from curses up to double his level. A curse is basically any negative status effect one would get. In the Hero's case his skill- "Divine Protection" prevents any negative status changes from players or NPCs who are lower levels or not more than double his current level. I wonder how the skill works on items with negative status effects? I'm jealous of that skill, but his other skills I'm even more envious of. "Divine Experience" and "Divine Enhancement". The first lets the Hero gain x amount of extra experience based on certain factors along with x amount of extra growth to his stats depending on other factors. The second skill allows the Hero to buff his damage and resistance x amount depending on factors. He's totally broken and the game developers expect him to stand on the side lines? I don't know, maybe after a few months something will happen to the Hero that the developers planned. Instead of just being envious of his skills I decided to walk up to the Hero. He wasn't doing anything besides watching the other players train. "Hero, can you spare a moment of your time?" "You can call me Arthur fair lady. What can I help you with?" No thanks. I don't want to be on a first name basis with this guy. He's not my type at all. "I'd like to go monster hunting. Can you teach me in the forest?" "Certainly. I'm always happy to be of service… I don't think I caught your name, what was it?" "Elsa." "Well lady Elsa, would you like to form a party with some of your friends?" The Hero gestures to the other players. "Training together fosters good team work." Some other players walk forward. Two male knights, a female elf mage, and three goblins. "We'll go out with you." One of the knights said. "No thanks." I replied. "You're all still at level five." "Are you saying we'd only slow you down?" The other knight became irritated. "I'm taking the Hero out to level grind him. We need a stronger Hero so he can help all of you train better." "I suppose… that makes sense." The female elf mage said. "It's acceptable. Bring him back at a much higher level." The first knight said. He seemed calm and collected, I can appreciate that. The other knight however was not so nice. "Damn Ultimate Edition player." He muttered. "Follow me, Hero." "Yes, my lady and please feel free to call me Arthur." Yeah not gonna happen, Hero. I led him out of the dojo. We walked through town. It was mostly filled with NPC villagers and merchants. I'm glad we didn't run into any more players on our way to the forest outside of town. "The town has Evil Warding Charms to prevent monsters from breaking in." The Hero explained as we entered the forest. "This forest is filled with monsters, higher level ones will appear the deeper you go in." He's starting to become annoying. Shut up already, Hero. "Do you have any specific questions about monster hunting?" I stopped walking at those words. My back was to the Hero. I indeed had some questions. "Just one." "Ask anything." I had many questions, but only one was worth asking at this time. "Did the developers ever expect something like this?" I turned to face the Hero. I raised my arm up and reached a hand out for his face. That confused expression he has brought a smile to my face, he has no idea what's up my sleeve. I stab his throat with my kunai. Blood splatters out of his wound as he stumbles over, almost falling to his knees before falling backward. I keep the kunai embedded in his throat. His HP is dropping quickly. I love this game, they went all in on the realism and I have my settings set to the adult setting. Even with all his resistances a fatal wound is still a fatal wound. It's only taking a little longer because he has so much HP. The Hero for all he's worth has no healing skills. I have him secluded where no one will help him. Finally his HP hits zero. The Hero as an important NPC will revive in about thirty seconds. I pulled my bloody kunai out of his throat. The question I asked wasn't pertaining to what I just did, but what I'm about to do. This idea popped in my head when I gained that hidden skill. I held a hand out over his body. "Necromancy, activate." A purple magic circle appeared under the Hero's fallen body. Normally his skills would negate this, but I'm more than double his current level. I'm so glad this skill works on any dead NPC. It was an oversight of the developers to not outright make the Hero fully immune to this kind of stuff. They assumed no one would try it, but I did. I like role playing as the villain. The skill is finished and the Hero lays on the ground, a zombie now. "Rise." Following my command he stands up. The Hero is now my NPC similar to all those maids and the butler of my fortress. I have full control over him. "Why would you do such a thing? You'll never get away with this." "Be silent." His A.I. is indeed more advanced. I don't appreciate the talk back, it's a good thing my words now bind him. "Hand me that sword." He takes his sword out of his sheath and presents it to me. Getting a closer look at it I have a better look at the sword's stats. It's a Legendary-Tier weapon, meaning it can only be destroyed in certain circumstances and the buffs on this thing reach 50%. Simply incredible. I toss the sword into my inventory. It's useless to me now. I don't have light magic so the buffs won't help me and I'll just be a target if I go swinging it around carelessly. "I'm off to visit The Dark Lich. You'll be joining me." I tell the Hero. With that said I activate my teleportation skill. Oddly enough a teleportation zone is located nearby to The Dark Lich's castle. I select there to teleport to and we disappear in a flash of blue light. © 2023 NG-SAuthor's Note
Added on March 10, 2023 Last Updated on March 11, 2023 |