Chapter 2- First Log-in

Chapter 2- First Log-in

A Chapter by NG-S

Chapter 2- First Log-in

Opening my eyes for the first time in this body I find myself seated on the throne I set my spawn location to. This throne is actually really nice and comfy and it's mostly made of gold. If times ever get tough I could sell this throne.

After I'm done inspecting the throne I get a feel for this body. I open my wings, stretch out my tail, feel my horns, and check my equipment.

It's simply so stunning that I have to pinch myself. This game was designed with hyper-realism in mind and it doesn't fail. It feels like I'm actually here, my skin and hair feel like my actual skin and hair. Every time I take a breath I can feel it like how I normally do. My eyesight is just as good as in real life.

What they did with the wings and tail is revolutionary, no other word comes close to describing it. They feel like muscles I actually have. I don't know how the developers managed to trick the brain like that, but it works. I'm sure as time goes by I'll be able to use my wings and tail off instinct like my other limbs. Right now I have to put more focus on them to move.

As for how they feel, well that's harder to describe. It's not like there are real dragons to base this off. The scales feel a bit cold and hard, the underbelly of my tail is warm. I assume the texture is based on reptiles like snakes, but I wouldn't know which kind.

My wings are giant and bat-like. It's fair to assume bats were the main inspiration for the wings. It's clearly a European based dragon wing design.

My wings have a bit of scales, but not like my tail which except for the underbelly is completely coated in scales.

My horns on the other hand don't move at all. To be honest I don't really feel them that much, but that only makes sense. Afterall, do you feel the bones in your body with every movement? I'm not actually sure what my horns are made of. I'd assume calcium, but they're purple and feel as tough as my scales. They don't have the same texture as my scales.

As for my equipment, it all seems just as realistic as the rest of me. This robe feels like it's made out of real fabric. The crown on my head is metallic, but lightweight. I hardly notice it. I pull the sleeve of my right arm down. There wrapped around the lower half of my arm is the chained kunai. The chain isn't directly touching my skin, the lower half of my arm is wrapped in black cloth. I can't feel the chain or the weight of the kunai against my arm. Touching the chains with my left hand I notice that it definitely feels cold and has some weight. I suppose it was designed to not act as a hindrance to the equipped limb. The skull ring is hardly noticeable.

Finally looking around at my surroundings I notice a few maids cleaning in this wide and open throne room. They're completely ignoring me, I suppose that's only proper for NPCs.

As I stand up the maids stop whatever it is they are doing and turn to face me. They give a slight bow with their heads and remain in that position. I must've activated something by moving. I should probably say something.

"Resume your work."

They never look up at me, instead going back to cleaning as I walk out the throne room.

It's very bright in this sky fortress, but I suppose that's only natural for it being up in the clouds with gigantic glass windows evenly spaced out among the walls.

That makes me wonder how this fortress is up in the sky. Surely it's not because of an engine, there shouldn't be any of those elements here. I wonder if the skill Hover isn't somehow being applied to the entire fortress.

Regardless, I should find a way out of here. Looking both ways I don't see a clearly defined exit sign. I don't want to use my teleport skill yet, it consumes a lot of MP and at such a low level I won't have any left. I could smash a window, but I just got this place and I don't think it regenerates.

I should just pick a direction and start walking otherwise I'll be standing here all day. As I thought this I heard a timid voice behind me.

"My… my lady?"

Turning around it appears one of the maids has approached me. Did I stall too long and activate some kind of condition? Should I say something now?

"You… you appear to be lost? Is that… correct?"

Before I even had time to say something the maid continued talking. "Yes. Don't mind me, I have a map."

I got taken in by the realistic like graphics of the game and forgot I even had a map, another gift that came with the fortress. This particular map that I pulled out of my inventory is specific to the fortress.

It tells me the entire layout, the position of all the NPCs, locations of any intruders or guests which at the moment there are none, and the map also tells me the status of The Sky Fortress- Gardonia.

The fortress was at full HP, an impressive 125000/125000. For comparison, my Draconic Breath skill only deals an average of 35 damage. Even if I used my skill the fortress won't take any damage from any attack of 1000 damage or less. Although there are critical points that if attacked even my Draconic Breath would deal massive damage, but those are mostly deep in the interior.

After I finish checking the map I return it to my inventory. To do so I just think it there and concentrate on those thoughts for a few seconds, a safety feature so someone doesn't accidentally throw something in their inventory in the middle of using it.

"Well, I'll be off. Get back to work now."

The maid stood there motionless the whole time I was checking the map. I guess the system A.I. isn't that advanced yet.

"Why, yes. Thank you, my lady." The maid left.

I wonder if her timid nature wasn't because of my Intimidation skill, a passive skill. I can't turn it off even if I wanted to. Checking that maid's level I see she's only at level 5.

Normally you can't see the stats of other players, Monsters, or NPCs. All a player can see is a target's HP and level. As owner of this base I have full customizable control over the NPCs operated inside it. I can alter them anyway I see fit, fun for some other time.

Right now I should explore this world a bit. Flapping my wings I can feel the urge to fly freely in the sky.

I head toward the closest exit to the outside, a balcony from a bedroom. The map labeled this as "Guest Room". The room itself was big and luxurious. If this is the guest room I can't wait to see my room.

Well, it's not like I'll be spending any time in either room. Instead I jump off the balcony, flapping my wings and catching a nice breeze.

I can't help but smile. I know this is just simulated, but it feels like I'm really in the air. Simply incredible!

I think I spent the next half hour doing air acrobatics. I'm glad no one saw me for that.

Using my wings to fly lowers my stamina more than activating my flight skill, both have different feels. Using my wings feels like an exercise both mentally and physically while the Flight skill feels like I'm being dragged around. Hover makes it so I stay in one place in the sky without having to move my wings.

Speaking of flying, Taking in the view of the entire fortress makes it feels like it's a real structure. I think I could spend days or weeks exploring it. There's so much to do in this world, I want to see more and know more.

Where should I head first? Maybe I should find the game's Hero before visiting the Lich?

© 2023 NG-S

Author's Note

I'm basically writing as I go. Still world building, hang with me. The adventure kicks it up a gear next time.

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Added on March 9, 2023
Last Updated on March 11, 2023



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