do you know
what it is
that keeps us here?
do you know
how you are to change it all?
in time
and space
there exists a moment
when all we know
shall come to an end
when the stories we tell
and the laughter we share
will cease to exist
and the ringing echo
will die out in a flash
a sudden burst of silence
that leaves not even
a ringing in our ears
a tremor in our hearts
it will come without knowing
without singing
or telling
and surprise us all
as the memories we love
no longer come to mind
as the stories we share
never more pass our lips
and we will look at on another
and wonder what happened
but only for an instance
before we, too
cease to be
and quickly as our stories
our laughter
our joys
we too shall vanish
like magicians smoke
like dying laughter
and never question what it was
that brought on our demise