![]() FateA Chapter by pinky1500
Ella was the daughter of one of the riches men in Ports. Mr. William Bolton kept his daughter locked in they house, she was only allowed to go outside to their rose garden. Ella was a smart, pretty seventeen year old.
"Ella", "it's time your breakfast", called one of maids. Ella finished brushing her black hair,she than looked into the mirror, everyone said she looked her mother. Ella had blue eyes and her hair touched down her back just like her mother's did when she was younger. She than spanned in her violet dress and took one last look before running down stairs. "Miss please slow down before you fall", called a maid down the hall way. Ella ran into kitchen ,"Cassie" said Ella happily while running to hug her. "Oh Cassie I had wonderful dream", said Ella. "Oh child what was it about this time, aliens, or flying, said Cassie shaking head . "Cassie", said Ella puffing her cheeks. "Okay child I'm listening". "I dreamed about seeing the world", said Ella while throwing her hands into the air with a huge smile. Cassie didn't say anything because they both knew that wasn't ever going to happen, Ella then sat on the bar stool and watched the chiefs and maids work. To night her father was hosting a important party so everyone in the mansion to make sure everything went prefect for to night. Cassie then bought out a plate pancakes, eggs and bacon with apple juice for Ella to eat, when she was done she stood up and went up stairs to her room. When she opened her door she saw a red box on her bed , she slowly then lifted the top off and read the little square card attached to it. To; Ella From; Your father Wear this dress to the party and be on your best behavior! Ella then looked through the white wrapping paper to find a blue topped dress with a black bottom, she than sighed and walked over to her her couch under her window and looked outside too see a women holding a baby with brown hair laughing and smiling. Ella really wanted to get out of Ports, her thoughts got suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. "Ella it's time to get ready for the party, and your father will be here in a minute", said a maid. Ella then took a shower and brushed her teeth when she got out she went into her closet and reached the top and grabbed a black box, she then opened it to see black heels. Ella then slipped into her dress and strapped her heels on. When she finally came down stairs the ball room was filled with people, when she finally spotted her father she made her ways towards him to see him with a women. Ella continued to make her way towards her father until a man bumped into her . "Excuse me ", said the man with a deep voice. Ella then looked up to see a pair of light green eyes starring at her, he wore a black suite that made him look uncomfortable , his hair was black with a hint of red. The man then moved around Ella and walked away, as Ella also walked to where she was headed. "Sweet heart", said Ella's father while smiling, her father was a tall man with blonde hair and hazel eyes. "Oh Elesea I heard so much about you", said the strange brown hair lady beside her father. "Mm nice to meet you Ms...", said Ella. "Volmont" said the lady with a smile covering her entire face. "Right, well Ms. Volmont please call me Ella, she said. Ella then turned to walk away into the living room, her father didn't care what she did as long as she made an appearance at the party's he held. When she walked into the living room she saw the man form earlier.No guest are allowed in here thought Ella to her self as she hided behind a wall watching him. "All right mates the loot ours", said the man as she slowly closed the safe and pulled a painting of Ella's father back over where the safe was hide safely. He then stood up and the moon light flashed over his peach skin where Ella could see him clearly now, he had a gold ear ring in his ear. "He's a pirate ", said Ella excitedly because she never saw a actual pirate in person. "Ah excuse me , can may I please have an autograph", asked Ella in a polite tone? The man than looked at her in shock, he then walked up to her till they were face to face and grabbed her arm. "Listen women I don't know who your are but...", said the man angrily "Elesea, Bolton", said Ella. "Huh",said the man confused. "My name is Elesea, Bolton", said Ella. " Look, women or Elasea, whatever your name is I don't care, you outta just turn around and act like you didn't see anything", said the man. Just then someone came into the room and screamed. "Elesea",screamed a voice Ella soon recognized was Cassie's. Ella then looked at Cassie then to the man as he cursed under neath his breath and smiled, Ella wasn't sure why but after a few seconds people came rushing into the room. Her father just looked at her he didn't even try to save his own daughter. "Nobody move or she gets hurt",said holding one on Ella's arm behind her back and a knife to her neck. Yes, that would be nice at lease then I could escape this place thought Ella. She then closed her eyes and prepared for her fate, as she felt the man whisper his warm breath into her ear. "When I say hold on, you do so and don't let go",he said. Then after a minute the man grabbed Ella's hand and ran towards the glass window. "Hold on",he yelled as he pulled her close as they fell to the ground.
© 2013 pinky1500 |
Added on November 10, 2012 Last Updated on January 3, 2013 |