The Court

The Court

A Chapter by pinky1500

Kasey and Rick broke apart after three minutes , in awkward silents before Rick's quiet voices whispered something that only he could hear. Kasey rubbed his hands together  to keep them warm because the temperature was dropping, Rick saw Kasey and took off his black jacket and gave it to him with a side smile.
"Ww-well I guess I'll be on my way , I'll see you tonight", said Rick turning to leave.
Kasey watched him  walk until he could no longer see him any more than he headed to Rachel's house to get ready for their first live gig. When Kasey arrived at Rachel's house she answered the door before he even had a chance to ring the door bell.
"Whoa , what happened to you diva ", she asked?
I groaned"rather not talk about it ", said Kasey as he went inside her house and upstairs to her bed room.
"So what are you wearing to night",said Rachel as she sat on her bed.
"I'm more worried about what happened to your room", said Kasey as he looked around and picked up what looked like green pizza, he quickly threw it back down and made a disgusted face.
"What I forgot to throw it away", she said as she shook her head,"anyways aren't you gonna go get dress she asked?
"Yeah,yeah he said as he ticked out his tongue as he went into Rachel's bathroom with his shopping bag. Rachel's bathroom was neat and clean unlike her room she had a shell print pattern with light blue towels hanging up. Kasey striped quickly and when he came out Rachael gasped.
"Awe you look so cute" she said as she ran to huge him.
After she let go Kasey looked at him self in the mirror he had his white jacket on with his gray shirt ,  white tie and  white hat with his ripped black jeans. "Nah I don't like it I'm gonna change he said as he headed back into  her bathroom. This time when he came out he got the thumbs up form Rachel. Kasey went to look at him self again this time his blonde brownish hair was tied up in a bun with his bangs over his right eye, he wore a red white bottom up shirt with a black tie , ripped skinny jeans and wrist bands  with black and white shoes. "Yeah this is one one he said as he spanned with a smile." Okay its your turn",he said, Rachel nodded and went into the bath room when she came out  she was wearing a blue tutu with a black shirt and striped tights and combat boots.
"Hot", said Kasey making a sizzling sound.
"clam down boy ", said Rachel playfully.
"Okay now that all fun and games are over we gotta get ready to go", said Kasey getting up off Rachel's bed and heading down stairs where he said go bye to her mother and walked to her van.Rachel came out not to after and unlocked her van and started the engine they then drove to pick up James and Rick who where out side of Jame's house looking miserable until they saw they pull up, they both then loaded the equipment into the back and climbed in. On the way to the Court the ride was loud with cheerers and laughter.
When they arrived at the Court the parking lot was packed so was inside, Kasey started to feel like he was way over his head in many ways now, what if he missed up then their dreams would be crushed he thought to himself as he slipped a  bottle of deer park that one of the stage crew gave him. Relax Kasey he told him self until a man on stage called his band on stage,Kasey felt his hands start to sweat and his heart beat going Bump,Bump,Bump over and over again. When he got on Stage a huge crowed looked at him as the music started to play but Kasey didn't sing.
"Dude snap outta  it "whispered James .
Kasey was about to run off stage until he saw Ikuto in the crowned with  a hat on with a black jacket starring at him. Kasey didn't known why but something burned inside of him like a flame and when the music started to play again he started to sing perfectly every word towards Ikuto direction , when the sung ended everyone cheered at their performance.   
"Now that's what I'm talking about ", said the stage Man as he walked on the stage.
When they got off stage  a man with a gray coat and sunglasses shacked their hands and gave them a card for a record deal , the gang them crowed around and cheered, they then started to walk out of the building to celebrate their victory . But before Kasey had a chance someone pulled him to the side and covered his mouth. Kasey bite hard on who ever tried to cover his mouth the person pulled away with making a noisy, that's right creep you gone learn today he thought. Kasey looked closely  at the person and saw it was Ikuto.
"Ouch" he said as his hand began to bleed.
Kasey was shocked "I'm sorry he said as he bend down beside Ikuto and tor off a piece of his fabric and wrapped his hand in it. Kasey started to blush he felt stupid for biting a man , I mean usually guys punch but he bit.
"Ikuto saw Kasey getting lost in his thoughts, he though that it was cute how hard he focused on something, he then lend his head on Kasey's shoulder.
Kasey didn't know what to do in this situation, but for some reason he keep looking at Ikuto  pink lips and he wondered how they would feel on his. He slowly kissed his forehead and Ikuto eyes flicked open quickly.
"O the princess can't become the prince ",he said as his face covered Kasey's.
Kasey had no idea what he was talking about all he knew is that when their lips made contact his heart was  beeping faster than lighting. Ikuto soon pulled away form Kasey but Kasey reached for his neck and pushed his lips onto his again. Earth to Kasey he has a girl friend remember" , said that little voice inside his head. Kasey soon pulled away with a sad look, he never wanted to be with some one in his life like he did with Ikuto.
"Ikuto",said Kasey bushing.
"Yes", said Ikuto as he pulled him onto his lap.
"Yy-you have a girl friend don't you", said Kasey looking down.
Ikuto busted out laughing "wait, wait  you don't think that I go out with Anna and she's my aunt", questioned Ikuto.
Kasey felt dumb why hadn't he just ask Ikuto himself, Ikuto then lifted up Kasey's face and panted a kiss on his soft lips.

© 2013 pinky1500

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it is different a good different

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 21, 2012
Last Updated on January 1, 2013





Fate Fate

A Chapter by pinky1500

Fate Fate

A Book by pinky1500