![]() FateA Chapter by pinky1500Daich stared at the door as it begain to open he knew than that we was about to die."Hey kid are you all right, asked a man with blonde hair and blue eyes? Daich was shocked he had thought he was the only one left alive but there were severn people standing right infront of him, then the man's voice bought him back to reality "kid are you ok", asked the man again?" Yy-eah ", said Daich as he stood up "Can anyone tell me whats happening", he asked? "Sorry not now kid everyone gather around he gota find a way outa this town",said the man."Mmm can i aleast known all of your names", aske Daich.Daich later learned the man name was Ankia , he also learned everyone else name to. 2;30pm
During this time everyone decied on a plan and got some sleep, they took turns on watching out for any moster's,their shifts went inorder form Ankia,Rin,Eri, the rest got good sleep because they where going to need it for when they were going to ecape the town.
4;48pm Yuki didn't like being in a group with a whole bunch of people but she would make an exception for these people besides non of them seemed like bad people except this Daich person the moment when she saw him something didn't sit right with her.She stood up and walked over to where Rin was sitting stareing of of the window and layed her head on his shouder's and closed her eye's.
As crazy as it might have seemed Rin enjoyed the view form Daich's apartment, he could almost see the whole town.He then looked down at his shoulder and saw he quiety sleeping her brown hair was all over the place, if Rin didn't known any better he would've thought she been in a fight, he than laughed to himself.
Hanna woke up with her head on her borther lap, she was still tired but she had to wake up the other because they had all ready been in Daich's house to long and she didn't want to risk the chance of a ton of monster's abushing them in a small place. Hanna quikly woke eveyone up.
5;02pm Everyone woke up and gathered there belong's "Here", said Ankia throwing a sword at Daich,"I would have gave you the gun but you don't look like you've handled one before". Daich nodded it was true he never had handled such a weapon, he thought to himself but before he could finsh he had a flash back of him standing over some one 's body.who he thought to him self what was that. "Ok ready to head out everyone", asked Rin as everyone nodded except Daich. "Ahh wait a minute i gota get something" , said Daich as he rushed to a bed room and grabbed a pill bottle out of his dresser."Alright I'm ready now ",said Daich as he ran after the other's. The group then walked out of Daich's apartment to find. © 2012 pinky1500 |
Added on October 5, 2012 Last Updated on October 9, 2012 Author