![]() No good TeacherA Chapter by pinky1500There are people with powers that are beyond what humans can understand, only a few no about these special human beans. No one knows where or how this special people came to be, all we do know is that there is one who keeps this humans in check the one they call king controls them and makes the laws that they have to follow. Ever century there is a new king born and without the king the humans and specials would cause a worldwide conflict and all civilization as we know it would be destroyed. Akira woke up on an an air lane plane. Stupid teacher he thought , Akira had only turned sixteen six weeks ago. when he found a note that his teacher left for him saying not to come after him and to go to OmoHIgh School were there was someone else who could teach Akira to control his powers while his teacher was gone. Akira couldn't believe it his idiot teacher really had done it this time, he had no money for a plane ticket nor did he have any family to barrow money from, so Akira spent his time doing several jobs until he finally was able to buy one. Akira than blinked his green eyes as he looked around at the passengers. He really did hate crowed places and noisy ones at that, he than closed his eyes tryed to draft back to sleep. Akira dreamed the same thing over and it was a long never ending dream were he say a small nine year old child with green eyes filled with pain. His skin was pale and his hair was shaggy and black. He was wearing a blue shirt with cargo shorts.The little boy was crying again because a women that was his mother was yelling at him for playing in her rose garden again, the boy only wanted his mother attention because she never payed him any mind.The boy than ran into the house with tears down his family he kept running until he ran into a man with long red hair dressed in a trench coat.The man patted his head while smiling " now ,now Akira your a big boy now you shouldn't cry like this ",said the man in a soft voice. At that instant Akira rubbed his eyes and looked up into the mans big blue eyes "I'm not crying" , " a bug flew into my eye" ,said Akira while making a face "Right" said the man "my apology for mistaking a bug in your eye from crying", he said while laughing. 'Ren" called Akira "are we training again today'" Ren nodded and started to walk down the hall as Akira scrambled after him. After twenty more minutes Akira woke up as the planed was landing. He sighed and then the door opened as the passages made their way to the door. Now that it occurred to Akira he had not planed as far as to where he would be staying or how he would get by without any money or job, all the note had said that he was suppose to go to Omom High School and at the very bottom of the note said, "YOU WILL MEET A GUY NAMED Q WHO WILL BE YOUR TEACHER FOR NOW AND YOUR CARE TAKER " :FROM REN. Akira then looked on the back on the note and its had Q 's address on it . Akira then sighed for the several time as he found him self wondering how he was going to make it to Q's house, it would take him about almost a whole day to walk on foot with three and a half bags. Akira turned as he heard a man and women fussing , the man than stepped up to the women she looked pale and afraid. Akira was about to just mind his own business when he had a little change of heart and deiced to help the women. Akira was fast an of penning down the man ."Stop it don't hurt my bother he's just drunk",said the women pleading down on her knees. Akira couldn't understand why this women would care when her very own bother her.This bought back bad memories and heart ack to his soul. Just then a strange man walked up to them he was dressed in a black suite with a black top hat and a cane. Akira thought to him self that this man was no doubt a physco because it was ninety degrees out side. The man came closer and closer until Akira could see the mans face he was an tall man with silver hair with blue eyes." Excuse me are you perhaps Ren's student?" Akira stood frozen as if he was hearing his teachers name for the very first time.Akira then snapped out of the weird trance when he noticed this man he never had scene before known his name." How do you known my name" , Akira said as he bunched up his face. "How rude now is that any way to talk to your care taker is there" the man said as he put on a smile that said he was the one in control. Akira hated that it made him want to beat this pyshco up. " Your just as Ren described, your a brat with no manners at all", said the man shaking his head. "You think kids these's days would be a little more polite to people trying to help them, then he turned his attention to the women and man i deeply am sorry for the mess the boy has caused said the man while helping the women up off the ground." Come now boy ",said the man walking what he must have thought was slowly but to Akira he had to run just to keep up with the man.They walked in silence until Akira broke it "why he asked?" "I'm sorry i don't understand what your trying to ask", said the man looking down at him. "Why didn't u beat him up or help her", said Akira angrily. The man stopped in his foots steps " Akira take this to heart of what I'am about to tell you the best way to help that lady was just to calm her brother down because no one can help you if you don't wanna be help besides one day that women will eventually grow tired and will stand up to her bother."How do you know this', ask Akira. The man sighed because, "I have the power to see what will happen to one's soul and future", said the man , and right now i only see pain of an innocent child that will drive you mad if you don't learn to forgive and to let go of certain things don't get me wrong" i also see a very bright, smart and kind hearted young man you could become it all depends on how you will develop and find your self but no need to worry I'm sure everything will work out well for you but the way the my name's is Q ." to be continued !!! >0< © 2012 pinky1500 |
1 Review Added on October 5, 2012 Last Updated on October 5, 2012 Author