Liar Liar

Liar Liar

A Story by pinkstarpilot

Just a random one-shot

    "I'm a lot of things, Anna, but I'm not a liar." Dom says.
    "Well, neither am I." I retort, feeling the anger burn in me as I stalk down the empty high school's hall, heading for the front exit.
    "No, you just don't tell the truth." He replies sarcastically. "You can rant all you want to me, and say how you hate it when people are being fake or stupid and you don't have the guts to tell it to their faces. You pretend to be friends with people who want to make you rip your hair out and you're with a guy you don't love--"
    "I love him." I reply back stonily, my jaw set and nostrils flaring as i round on him.
    "Love him or in love with him?" He asks, stopping.
    "What's the difference?' I demand with acid.
    "Loving someone is caring for them." Dom say. "Wanting them to be happy and feeling like they belong in your life the way a family member does. It's an action, not a feeling."
    And then, without warning, Dom leans forward and his lips crash against mine. His kiss is fast and hot and furious and filled with passion--nothing like the delicate, innocent, sweet kisses that Cody gave me. This is raw and real and just...right.
    Like the last kiss Dom gave me, it sends my heart rocketing to the moon, leaving my stomach feeling jelly-like, floating around in outer space. There's a tingling feeling between my thighs as his arms wind around me crushing me closer to him and he deepens the kiss.
    Suddenly, Dom pulls away, but keeps his face close to mine. He's out of breath, his eyes burning with emotion.
    "And that," he says, "that's what being in love feels like."
    I'm still trying to catch my breath and my head is spinning and I want nothing more to stay here in his arms forever, but I push Dom away. "Well, I'm not in love with you." I lie. "And I have no clue where you got that idea."
    "Bullshit." Dom spits angrily. "You're just running away."
    "You don't know anything." I retort. "About me or how I feel."
    "You let me in, Anna." He says. "You wanted me in your life, but you wouldn't tell me a thing about it. And that's fine, because I found out things on my own, but you were angry at me for that. You wanted to tell me things, but you didn't because that would ruin you, wouldn't it? At least if I found out on my own, I could be credited for the heartbreak instead of making you seem weak. Do you want to know what I think?"
    "I think that somewhere inside you, Anna, I'm there. The fact that you couldn't ignore my existence got you scared. The tingling and butterflies terrified you. You didn't know what could and couldn't happen. Call me crazy but i think you're with Cody because he doesn't have the same effect on you, like I do. Every kiss means nothing, and you hold his hand just to look cute. But me, I think I mean a lot more to you than meaningless kisses and empty feelings. I don't think you can runaway from that feeling forever. I think you're just going to eventually have to be okay that i make your stomach flip and your heart skip. Eventually you'll realize that it's the best feeling in the world, maybe when you realize that I'm not going to just give up and bail on you. Hopefully it doesn't take too long."
    The whole time Dom had been speaking, my eyes had been locked on his. He had been looking at me in a way that made me think that he could see right past my body and into my soul.
    But now he turned and walked away, leaving me standing there completely stunned.

© 2010 pinkstarpilot

Author's Note

I used some of my favorite quotes for parts of the dialogue.

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Added on April 6, 2010
Last Updated on April 8, 2010
Tags: love, romance, drama, teen, kiss, passion, feelings, weak, scared



Pearl City, HI

i'm a 15 year old living in hawaii. i've been writing since i was 12 but i'm not sure if i've improved much. most of my writing says something about me that almost nobody knows, but you'd probably hav.. more..
