Hawk and SalmonA Poem by pink polkaPoem about hawks and salmonThe hawk is a bird
Brave and mighty The salmon is a fish With scales so shiny The hawk has a call Like a horn, loud and clear The salmon is silent, Like a song no one hears The hawk has feathers Dull colored, but soft The salmon has scales That light reflects off The hawk sits on top Of a tree very tall It spots any creature No matter how small The slmon always returns To its birthplace, They travel quite fast As if it's a race The hawk may be predator, The salmon is prey But they both help each other In some little way. © 2008 pink polkaAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on July 24, 2008 Authorpink polka*****, LAAbouthttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=qo2QmlcbxuAnYU0WXPYPdg_3d_3d I love twilight. more..Writing