Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Heather Maria

Chapter 5



Laura woke up Tuesday morning at six thirty not understanding why she set her phone alarm so early. Then she remembered her jog date so she pushed the snooze button, jumped out of bed, got dressed, ate a banana, drank a glass of orange juice and headed out the door. “One day I’ll lose my massive amount of energy and won’t be able to do anything.” Laura mumbled to herself.

“Good morning.” Adam smiled waiting for her at the dormitory entrance.

“Morning.” She replied cheerfully and began stretching.

“Are you always perky at six thirty in the morning?” He raised an eyebrow and she smiled at him.

“I don’t understand it either. I always have a ton of energy and I don’t need coffee, but I drink it.” Laura answered him and he just shook his head.

“Wish I had that. So, how many miles are we going today?” Adam asked.

“Not six! How about five?” She answered ready to run.

“Five it is.” He stated and they took off.

They finished their five miles by nine and Adam suggested they go for breakfast.

“Sounds fantastic!” Laura beamed always happy to be fed.

“Don’t get too excited we’re just going to eat in the cafeteria.” Adam laughed.

“I don’t care as long as it is hot and has calories!” She replied.

“Calories? You never cease to amaze me.” He chuckled at her.

“Hey do you mind if I take a shower first? I think they serve breakfast until ten and I won’t be that long.” Laura asked.

“Sounds like a good idea I’ll meet you down there by quarter till’ or do you need longer?” He questioned before they parted.

“You know what I’ll make it a challenge and be down there by nine thirty!” Laura winked and headed off to get ready for the day. She decided she wasn’t going to do anything fancy with her clothes or hair. She found one of her cute denim skirts that came to the knee and put on a pink oxford shirt. Her socks matched her headband that she put on after she scrunched her hair quickly. Laura looked at her watch and saw she only had five minutes so she threw her books in her bag and headed out the door.

“I’m impressed to say in the least.” Adam gave her a shocked look as she walked up to him in the line.

“What can I say, I’m just that good.” She took a plate and went to get her food.

“So tell me a little about yourself Miss Laura Williams.” Adam stated with a twinkle in his eye.

“Well…wait how did you know my last name?” Laura quizzed him.

“I put two and two together. It wasn’t hard to figure out that you wrote yesterday’s front page article. First you said you had an interview with the Daily and then you asked Jennifer questions about the party. Your name is Laura and I don’t know any other Laura’s interested in the Daily. So, I made an educated guess and used the science of deduction. Whatever you want to say, but it wasn’t hard.” Adam explained.

“That makes perfect sense to me. Anyways, I come from a small township in the boundaries of Cincinnati, Ohio. My father is an established lawyer and my mother is the social philanthropist of the family. I have no siblings and a golden retriever named Watson.” She described her family with enthusiasm.

“A Normal Rockwell painting and of course your dog’s name is Watson!” Adam laughed.

“So what about you?” Laura asked enjoying her new friend’s company.

“I have a younger sister and an older brother. We grew up here in New Haven, Connecticut with our aunt and uncle.” He stated.

“That’s it? I get two sentences?” Laura chuckled “Guys are so not into details.”

“Well what can say I lived a simple life.” He smiled at her.

“Yeah right.”.

“Well, I think it’s about time for class. Do you want to jog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Tuesday and Thursday?” He asked picking up his stuff.

“We’ll do Tuesday and Thursday.” Laura answered putting it into her calendar.

“Alright. Well if I don’t see you later today, I’ll see you tomorrow in class.” Adam said and headed off to class.

“Only twelve hours and you are already replacing me.” Henry said flatly behind her as she was walking to the door.

“Henry!” She jumped “Good lord, what on earth are you doing?”

“I was going through line to get a light breakfast before heading to class. What were you doing with Adam Cronley?” He sneered.

“I was having a nice breakfast, because he’s my friend. Am I allowed to have friends Henry or do I need your permission to talk to someone?” Laura asked dramatically walking towards her math class.

“When you’re having breakfast alone with Adam Cronley you do.” Henry replied firmly keeping up with her.

“We may be dating, but do I look like a piece of real state propriety to you? You do not own me. So no, you don’t!” Laura went into her classroom without a second thought. “Shew, what crawled up his butt and died? We had a half way decent night last night, became official, and now he’s a control freak.” She thought taking out her textbook.

“Miss Williams!” The professor yelled her name and Laura jumped.

“Yes.” She replied weakly.

“Would you mind to give me your answer to question 27?” She asked and the class chuckled.

“What page are we on?” Laura questioned feeling like an idiot.

“See class this is a prime example of what happens when you don’t follow along. It would do you good to pay attention in class Miss Williams.” Professor Krueger warned and went on.

“There wasn’t a question 27 on page 110 which was the homework for today.” A girl next to her explained.

“Of course.” Laura sighed, “Stupid Yale with their ‘small class sizes’.” She thought and made sure she paid attention the rest of class.

“Hey, do you want to meet for lunch?” Ellie asked her in a text message.

“Miss Williams, may I have a word with you?” Professor Krueger asked before Laura walked out the door.

“Sure, Professor Krueger. Sorry about today!” Laura apologized.

“I understand that it is only your second day at Yale, but we expect students to come prepared to class and that includes mentally. Now, I just wanted to give you some advice and make sure you focusing on the real reason you came to Yale. Not just extracurricular activities.” She replied with smile.

“Yes ma’am it won’t happen again.” Laura said and texted Ellie back.

“Sure. Where are you at?” Laura asked heading towards her dorm.

“I am heading towards the food court. I haven’t been there yet and thought I would try it out.”

“On my way there. See ya soon.” Laura replied and decided to call her parents.


So how was class today?” Ellie asked once her roommate once they sat down in the food court and started eating lunch close to noon.

“It was horrible. I looked stupid in my math class. It was so bad that the teacher called on me after class.”

“Wow! Honestly, I’m shocked. You seem the type that’s always paying attention no matter what. What happened to you today?”

“Well, it’s Henry. He’s being a little up in my face. We just seem to argue over every little thing.”

“No offense, but for you guys to be dating, ya’ll have a lot of drama going on already. You haven’t even been together for a week yet.”

“Yeah, well, whatever. I don’t really feel like talking about my problems at the moment.”

“That’s fine. It doesn’t hurt my feelings any. So, are you done for the day?”

“No. I have Intro to Writing Journalism at 1:45. What about you?”

“Yeah, I’m done. I had Science at nine this morning, and my labs are on Thursdays. So Tuesdays are pretty much free days for me.”

The girls were having a good time hanging out a little bit when they were interrupted.

“Hey, ladies. How are ya’ll this afternoon? Do you mind if I join you?” one of the twins asked.

“Uh, Laura, do you know which one he is?” Chanel leaned over and whispered to her roommate.

“Hi, Alex, sure you can join us. I was getting ready to leave and get ready for class anyways.” Laura smiled.

“How could you tell which one he is?”

“I’m just good. Just kidding. I already saw Henry today, and I remember what he was wearing.” She told as she got up from her seat in the booth to allow Alex to sit next to her roommate.

“Ha-ha. My brother has a winner on his hands.”

“Yeah, well, make sure you let him know that yourself. Ok, I gotta go. I’ll see you back in our room. Have fun you two.”

“How are you, Chanel?” Alex asked as soon as Laura had left.

“First off, you can call me Ellie, and I’m good. How are you today?”

“I’m great. I just wanted to come over here and apologize for yesterday. I was coming on way too strongly. I told you Sunday night I was a cool guy, now I have the image of a creeper. I promise I’m really not that type of guy. If you don’t want to go out with me on Saturday night, that’s completely alright and I’d understand.”

“Ok, look.  I’m an honest person, so I’m gonna be real with you right now. When I saw you Saturday night at the freshmen party, I thought you were the finest guy I have ever seen, plus you’re a good dancer too. But then you just started creeping on me, and that was a complete turnoff.  However, I’ve never had a guy that interested in me the way you are, and in some type of way it’s kinda nice. So, I’ll give you another try and go out with you this Saturday.” She smiled.

“Great! I promise I’ll back off. I don’t want to freak you out any more than what you probably already are.”

“I can live with that. Here’s my number,” she wrote her cell number down on a napkin and handed it to him, “text me when you’re ready or whatever. I’m actually looking more forward to it. What are you about to do?”

“Nothing really. I don’t have classes on Tuesdays or Thursdays. So I really have nothing to do with my spare time. Why? What’s up? Do you need help with something?”

“No, I was just wondering.”

“Now, who’s stalking who?” he joked.

“Ha-ha. You’re really funny. I didn’t know I was going on a date with a comedian. I hate comedians, so I doubt this will work out.” She playfully pushed him before continuing, “Look, I need to go to Walmart to get more supplies for school and my room. Want to go with?”

“Sure. What else am I doin?

“Ok, cool. Let’s go.”

As they walked throughout the store, Ellie started to realize how cool Alex James really was. He was playful, yet he was still a gentleman.

“Do you know how beautiful you really are?” Alex whispered as they walked down one of the aisles

“What are you talking about? You’re so random.” She chuckled.

“Have you not noticed that more than half the men we’ve seen have been staring at you non-stop. It’s crazy.”

“Just pretend we’re together. Not even trying to sound cocky or conceited, but I get hit on by lots of guys, especially by these black men. And most of the time, I’m not even interested. Just pretend it’s nothing. I don’t want any of these guys saying anything to me.”

“Hey, Shortie, now you’ve gone over to white breads now, huh?” a big strange black man walked up behind the friends and questioned.

“Actually, yeah, because stupid black men like you can’t slice the cake for me. So continue on stepping on, jerk-off.” She went off on the stranger.

“Whoa! You don’t know me like that little girl. I will tear you apart.”

“Yeah, and you don’t know me either or my boyfriend here,” she shot back and pointed to Alex.

“Look, man, it’s not even that serious. We just came here to shop, we’re not looking for any trouble. Can you please leave her alone?”

“Shut up, white man! When I ask you to speak then you can speak, you got that? Otherwise, I’m talking this trash of a girlfriend you have.” The man walked up into Alex’s face and pushed him.

“Ok, you won’t disrespect her like that. Now, I’m not gonna ask you again. Leave us alone or else I will have to hurt you.” Alex shot back standing up in the stranger’s face.

The big man was tired of listening to this white kid telling him, so he decided to punch him in the face. Unfortunately, it didn’t bother Alex too much. He swung and punched the guy back. Then he put the man in such a bad headlock, that the man eventually passed out. He was out long enough for the cops to come and take him to jail.

“Oh my gosh! I had no idea you could fight like that.” Ellie expressed with a little bit of fear once they arrived back on campus after riding back in her in complete silence.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I swear I’ve never hit a girl. I have too much respect for her.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself. But thanks anyways for standing up for me back there. I owe you one, especially with that hit.” She touched his right jaw.

“Yes, you do. He had a hard hit, but I took him down fast and in a hurry. Can I ask you a question?”


“Why did you claim me as your boyfriend?”

“Because…it was the first thing that popped into my head. You got a problem with that?” she placed her hands on her hips.

“No, no, no, not at all.”


Laura woke up to lightning in the middle of the night gasping. “It was just a dream.” She told herself rubbing her eyes and sighed it was only three in the morning. Laura couldn’t shake the uneasiness inside of her and decided to get a glass of milk. It took her two hours to go back to sleep and she almost missed her morning class.

“Good morning.” Adam said brightly as Laura sat down next him.

“Hm…yeah.” She grumbled at him.

“Late night?” He asked not commenting on her wrinkled jeans, hoodie, and ponytailed hair.

“I woke up during the storm last night and couldn’t go back to sleep.” She murmured getting out her book.

“Got it.” Adam nodded knowing there was more.

“Good morning class, please get out a piece of paper we are going to have a quiz over the reading.” Professor Gillingham stated flatly.

“On the second day of class? Today is not my day at all!” Laura moaned and got out a piece of paper but couldn’t find a pen.

“Here. Did you forget to have your cup of java this morning Miss I’m always full of energy?” Adam chuckled.

“Shut up and thanks!” Laura took the pen and the class began the quiz. “Professor Gillingham was not nearly as exciting as he was on Monday.” She thought to herself while taking notes.

“Alright class, we are going to do something different. My assistant is handing out a packet that contains a case that happened a few years back in Maine. The man was a serial killer who seemed to be your ordinary mailman. Who actually knows their mailman?” He asked and not one raised their hands.

“What’s he getting at?” Laura whispered to Adam

“That is what I thought. I would like you to study the case and the biography of this man while looking over the questions I provided on the last page. Your final research paper that is due at the end of the semester will be solving a murder mystery. We will talk more about the paper when it is closer to the due date. Also, think about what makes a serial killer. See you all on Friday!” Professor Gillingham ended his class.

“Ok. So what’s up?” Adam asked walking with her after class.

“Nothing that should have me so flustered. Honestly, it was a nightmare and then the storm and I can’t get this uneasiness out of my stomach.” Laura expressed to him and it made her feel better.

“Let me buy you coffee. Are you done with classes?” He asked giving her a friendly side hug.

“Yes, until 2 and then I have band at 3.” She answered.

“Ok let’s go off campus. I know this great local coffee shop that is totally way better than Starbucks. It’ll make this rainy day seem like the clouds were rolled away and the sun was shining.” He replied in an exaggerated advertisement tone.

“You should do their commercials.” Laura laughed as they walked off campus. “Can I ask you a personal question.”

“Shoot.” Adam answered not sure what she was going to ask.

“What is with you and Henry James?” Laura questioned as they headed towards Main Street.

“Henry James.” Adam sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah we’re dating and he freaked when he saw me with you.” She replied.

“You’re dating? Should have figured.” Adam shook his head. “We need to get on the trolley and take it further into town.” He stated stopping at the corner.

“What does that mean?” Laura raised an eyebrow.

“Henry and I were roommates our freshmen and sophomore year. Well…let’s just say that you get to your roommate pretty intimately.” He replied sarcastically.

“So…what did he do, cheat with your girlfriend? You’re not exactly giving me any answers.” Laura pried.

“More like he cheated on my sister.” Adam answered as he stood to get off the trolley. “This is our stop.”

“That sucks!” Laura stated surprised and followed him not sure where they were.

“Alright, so we are here.” He smiled brightly as they stood in front of cute café. The café was something out of Paris with iron window flower pots. A cobblestone pathway led to the front entrance and to the back outside patio garden.

“After that you weren’t friends anymore?” Laura was giving the third degree.

“You sure are a reporter!” He laughed as they stood in line.

“Yes…what is good?” She asked him taking a quick look at the inside of the cozy café. It was a medium sized building that was brick on the inside. The décor was vintage 1800’s with a touch of contemporary. Laura was impressed with it as a whole and loved the warm feeling that it sent off.

“Everything!” Adam grinned.

“Of course you would say that Adam.” The barista winked at him.

“Laura this is Ashley my sister-in-law. Her and my brother, are the proud owners of this amazing café.” Adam beamed introducing them.

“Oh, hi. This is a really chic place you got here!” Laura replied embarrassed that she looked a complete mess.

“Thanks, I really suggest our mocha special. I can’t tell you what’s in it but it is wicked!” Ashley smiled at her and Laura liked immediately.

“Sounds awesome!” Laura ordered her drink and a muffin to go with it.

“I’ll have the usual Ash.” Adam said and she got their stuff.

“Let me know if you want anything else.” Ashley stated and they went to sit by the fireplace.

“Adam, you could have told me that your sister-in-law owned the place. I look awful!” Laura exasperated once they sat down.

“It is impossible for you to look awful.” Adam chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah.” She rolled her taking a drink of her mocha. “This is A-MAZING!” Laura squealed.

“Told yeah.” He smirked.

“Alright, I want the rest of the details.” Laura stated seriously going to back to their previous topic.

“You’re not going to let it rest are you?” He smiled slightly, amused at her determination to get the information she wanted.

“Well, I am dating the guy and I enjoy your company. I don’t want to make an irrational decision about either one of you.” Laura explained herself.

“Makes sense, but you do realize that there are two sides to every story….”

“You make me feel like I’m livin’ a teenage dream, the way you turn me on..” Laura’s phone rang interrupting him.

“Katy Perry, nice.” Adam smiled glad for the interruption.

“This is Laura.” She answered while rolling her eyes at Adam.

“Hey, this is Jennifer Baldwin. I am calling to extend an invitation to be the freshman staffer at the Daily.” Jennifer announced on the other end.

“Really? Yes, I would love to be on the Daily!” Laura squealed and Adam quirked an eyebrow.

“Great! You are to report at the office at 4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” She replied.

“Wonderful, I will see you then.” Laura stated and they hung up. “I’m a staffer!” She squealed.

“Congrats! That is something to celebrate about.” Adam held up his coffee mug to her and they toasted.

“You are not out of the hot seat yet, but I have to call my dad first and tell him!” Laura stated dialing her dad’s number.

“Of course not. I figured you wouldn’t give up that easily!” Adam smiled at the beautiful, upbeat girl in front of him.

“Alright, so I guess that really ticked you off when he cheated on your sister.” Laura commented putting her phone on vibrant and into her purse. “Now I won’t be interrupted.” She thought smiling.

“Just a little.” He stated obviously. “After I caught him with one of the girls down the hall he made up same lame excuse how he never saw Jazz because she was at Harvard. It was a load of crap! I told him to tell her or I would, but Jasmine caught him before he could tell her. To say that it was reoccurring thing is an understatement.” Adam explained

“Wow, he did not come off as that type of guy.” Laura downed the rest of her mocha not sure what to say.

“You can’t always judge a book by its cover.” He replied.

“What happened to your sister, did she find an amazing guy?” Laura questioned cheerfully.

“Um…not exactly she went missing that winter.” Adam stated and Laura’s eyes got wide.

“I think we better going.” Laura said and they headed back to campus in silence.

“Look, Laura. I’m not telling you who you should date or not, but just know who they are.” Adam squeezed her hand and she headed into her dorm room. She got out her phone and saw she had a missed call from Henry. Laura put her phone back in her purse and went to get a to-go lunch from the cafeteria. She stopped by Henry’s room on her way back and he answered the door surprised to see her.

“Hey babe. I didn’t expect to see you since you didn’t return my phone call.” Henry stated leaning against the door.

“Well, I’ve been busy and I thought I stop in person on my way back from grabbing lunch.” She held lunch in her and he nodded.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang Saturday night? We can have a ‘normal’ date.” Laura smiled sheepishly.

“Oh, are we on speaking terms now?” Henry smirked.

“I’m trying to apologize for yesterday, but I don’t feel like I should have too.” Laura replied confidently.

“Alright you want normal then we’ll do a normal. Pizza and a movie. Is that boring enough for ya?” Henry nudged her playfully.

“Yes. Talk to yeah later I need to eat and head to class.” Laura gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went to her room. “Life is going to be interesting!”

© 2012 Heather Maria

Author's Note

Heather Maria
Sorry for the length! Give your feedback. As always it's still in the first draft without revisions.

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Added on July 30, 2012
Last Updated on July 30, 2012
Tags: young adult, fiction, romance, drama, mystery, adventure, suspense


Heather Maria
Heather Maria

Hello, I am a senior in college and an amature writer. I enjoyr reading and performing while creating new stories for my friends to enjoy. more..
