Guide my path, show me the way,
grant me the strength to live another day,
cleanse my body, make me whole,
give your love and keep my soul,
create in me a clean heart, teach me so I won't depart,
lead me to that peaceful shore,
feed me til I want no more,
keep my face to the rising sun,
let not my will but yours be done,
redeem me through your awesome power,
watch over me through every hour,
let not my heart be troubled, for in you I have all I need,
help me to have faith so in you I will believe,
wash away my sins, make me white as snow,
without you, what shall I do? wither shall I go?
bring me out of darkness into your wonderful light,
teach me not to stray from you, teach me to do right,
touch me with your divine love, place me in your care,
you said you wouldn't put more on me than I can bear,
open my eyes so I might see, open my ears so I might hear,
with you on my side, whom shall I fear?
My help in ages past, my hope for years to come,
my high-mark that I'm pressing towards, my roots whence I came from,
your eyes are on the sparrow, you're the reason why I sing,
you strengthen me...through you, I can do all things!
Help me to remember storms don't last always,
teach me your commandments, teach me how to praise,
guide me in thy way, when my life is storming,
weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning,
you dried all of my tears away, you turned my midnight into day,
all these and many other blessings I ask...this I pray!!! Amen!