ChoicesA Poem by Photochicka poem about phases of and choices in life
I am the one who makes the food
six eyes peer at me while I lie in bed The feline pair blandly blinking where will this day end up the start always the same these days each day different and unpredictable beyond that point Each website, newspaper, phone call, list, whim, direction changing fascinating this phase on one level at least the not knowing unnerving on at least one more predictably unpredictable 2 jobs down, how many to go? when will one be mine? some days I cry I am lost in a torrent of the unknown I can't move forward there's no going back don't spend a penny you never know when you'll make another each red cent your husband's blood sweat and tears alone this is the way it is why do we find ourselves in this position? just the way life goes sometimes all about choices choices made choices avoided the time is still mine mine to do with a I please but mainly to do as pleases others if I know what is good for me Feline eyes blandly blink again the time is unpredictable let's see what today brings
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