Desperation's Call/Faith's Answer

Desperation's Call/Faith's Answer

A Poem by Andrew james

When you have a feeling of desperation try to look at things another way


Desperation’s Call/Faith’s Answer


Desperation is calling me

In quiet moments of my thoughts

The tales she tells into my ear

Are things I now am taught


The lessons she imparts to me

With them what should be done?

These lessons break the heart you see

Each and every one


At times she whispers soft and low

Her words ring ever true

They take the very life in me

Draining the Will of what to do


At these times I cry out loud

Looking for relief

But there she is draining me

Then fills me full of grief


With this she grows stronger now

Every moment that goes by

Telling the Will to lie and rest

To the point where it will die


Other times she shouts loud and clear

Demanding audience from me

Her voice I hear within my ear

But her face I never see


At this point I question her

Do I give up now and die?

She never answers back to me

Which path now should I try?


Weakened now the Will falls down

As if bowing at her feet

This game she knows she can win

Her victory sad but sweet


At this point a voice I hear

Telling me to stand against the tide

Saying if you kneel and pray to her

Then your Will shall surely die


What can be done I ask the voice

For my eyes have lost their site

And desperation calls to me

With words I feel are right


If you give in, the voice responds?

What will these fears then do?

Could you reach down even further?

For the truth still lies in you


What is truth, I ask this voice?

The space within has nothing there

An empty shell I feel I am

A space that’s simply bare


Yes this space seems dark to you

You think nothing lies in there

Stop looking now with eyes closed

You must see the ones who care


Your strength is weak this I know

It has been taken from your heart

What can be done for you to see?

 Where is it you should start?


Why do you ask this of me?

For I know not what to do

This place within is very dark

And nothing is in view

So you see nothing there?

The voice then asked of me

Has this place been always bare?

This place you think you see


Not always was my reply

Once there were many there

Then who were they within this space?

These ones who once did care


What has become of them?

Have they simply gone away?

Or did you turn your back on them

These ones you thought would stay


Those who were within you once

Where is it they did go?

Seek the answer with your heart

The truth you’ll come to know


Why should I care where they went?

They have left me don’t you see

For I stand alone inside myself

Within there is only me


Yet you say the place is dark

And empty all inside

Is the ceiling high with wall so wide?

That you can’t see from side to side


Why ask these things of me?

In what direction will this go?

For me what can these questions do?

What is it that you know?


Who are you to ask such things?

As I am weakened in my grief

Have we met sometime before?

Would you bring to me relief?

You feel the space within you now

Is a cavern deep and wide

But venture out beyond yourself

Who is on the other side?


What do you mean I asked the voice?

These questions bother me

I told you before the place is dark

So within I cannot see


Yes I know, the voice replied

This place seems dark and wide

Would you know the truth right now?

Or from it will you hide?


Why would I hide from the truth?

It’s what I wish to know

Tell me now the truth you see

So outside I then can go


The truth is the space within

Is neither deep nor ever wide

The space within is small and tight

You use it now to hide


Hiding there from what I asked?

From hope the voice replied

You choose to hide within yourself

Hope’s light you have denied


Look without and see the world

With love your site is true

See the others all around

Then you will know just what to do


Hiding there within yourself

Listening to desperation’s call

Is not what you were meant to do

You have created prison walls

Look around you’re free to go

To leave this space in you

For you to leave this space right now

There is something you must do


Are you ready to go outside?

Leaving desperation to the past

The journey of a lifetime lies

In front of you to last


Yes I am, but I am weak

With no strength to go outside

Then grab my hand I will help

And pull you to the other side


Once there, look all around

For many things you now can do

But focus then in front of you

To have a better view


All the friends you thought you had

Long ago now in your past

Still are there to greet you now

For love does ever last


Desperation calls and you listen

You turn within and do not care

What do you gain by doing this?

What are the benefits and where?


Desperation calls to everyone

She knows just what to do

You hear her voice and respond

When your focus is on you


So look without and see a world

Of love now not of hate

If the world does not respond

Desperation need not be your fate

For love to be the thing you see

There is one thing you must do

Be the love you wish to see

For others and for you


Who are you I then asked

To help me with your hand

To show me now this world you see

And give me strength to stand


My name is Faith was her reply

I am love’s daughter don’t you know?

Call on me when you have need

A better world to you I’ll show


If you listen to my words

The peace within will grow

My father will be at your side

For love you’ll come to know


Keep him there at your side

You will walk now without fear

Share him now with your world

Desperation’s call you will not hear


So the point came to me

After faith had lent her hand

The choice is yours to choose each day

You may kneel or you may stand


The choice you make will decide

The direction you may go

Desperation’s call you will hear

If love you do not know


But if love you know for everyone

This means for you as well

What bright future waits for you?

Only faith can ever tell


So have faith my friend, you will see

Love is the only way to go

Then desperation’s call to you

Is a sound you’ll never know


© 2013 Andrew james

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Added on December 27, 2013
Last Updated on December 27, 2013


Andrew james
Andrew james

Jacksonville, FL

I am a 56 year old married grandfather. I write what some may think of as poetry, I myself see thoughts written down in a some poetic pattern but not quite sure it is poetry. The meaning is what is .. more..
