![]() Rutlish times pt1A Chapter by nigrum homonculus![]() based on my experiences and memories at school. a very nostalgic write....came close to shedding a tear...jeez i need to man up.![]() This one is based about my time in an all boys secondary
school. So I was about 11-12 when I started rutlish and on my first
day my mum thought it would be funny to pack my bag as if I was about to trek
to mars. The thing was bigger than me and it held everything. My P.E kit,
books, lunch….everything. My initial thought was this before I actually got to
school; “heh heh heh I hope I’m in class with some bangin ting. Might
be a potential wifey(girlfriend to normal people) Now….you could understand my feelings of confusion, disappointment
and horror when I found out I was in fact locked in a place for 6 hours a day
surrounded by BOYS. No p***y in sight. It was so uncomfortable. How the hell
was I going to survive this? I knew no one so come lunch break I was just
wandering round the place like an old person who lost their nurse. This was
only for the first few weeks though. Made a couple of friends and that’s when
everything started kicking off. I knew from that point I would love and hate
this school. We didn’t even fear the teachers…. LOL JOKE. We were all p*****s. Especially against an R.E
teacher called mr twitchell. This guy was in the Falkland war. He saw his
friends die, he….i think killed a couple of guys but that’s not confirmed. But seriously
he was scary. Had the voice of thunder. If he shouted at you it was felt in the
soul, this guy did not f**k about. I say that but really all his R.E lessons
consisted of him talking about his times in the war and how he has seen it all
and that…..heh if that means we get no work we do not give a monkeys. Ah one of
my favourites though was miss Heffernan. You know you fucked up as a teacher
when the students start singing the imperial march while you walk past them
(the song is in the description, recommend you listen to it before reading on.) seriously she was a raging c**t bucket, she
was old and looked like a blonde witch. She would make you miss break if you
did not copy everything from her white board WHICH she rubbed out every 5
seconds. Stupid b***h….. But nothing compared to the 12 minute runs. See in rutlish….the laws of time was a myth. a 12 minute run was really 1 hour of just jogging around a field….and in winter…this was just
killer. I had a proper fat a*s P.E teacher called MR gormally , he looked like
peter griffin in a tracksuit. This raised a question…which I’ll get to later
but back to the 12 minute runs. See these runs lasted an entire lesson and you
could NOT walk. If you was caught then captain bellend and his megaphone would
tell you to speed your a*s up. If your lesson was before break or lunch….well
you’re pissed as you are getting F**K ALL. Now onto Mr gormally. This guy….he was so….large. it was
amazing. How the hell do you get to that size and still walk? He looked like a
hairy plum. The scary thing was….because he was fat didn’t mean he wasn’t fast.
This guy could BOOOOOOOOOOOOT . he was like the result of usain bolt being
dropped in a pool of bleach and eating burgers out of depression. If he ran
after you….you were likely to get caught and grabbed like a hoe when she disobeys
her pimp…. Oh but that wasn’t the worst… There was a teacher who was black….who was racist to….BLACK
PEOPLE. I am not messing you about, he was a f*****g bounty. Black on the
outside, white as snow on the inside. His name was mr pryce and he was a C**K. he
also had the same name as me…phillip and wore glasses so everyone kept calling
him my dad…*sigh*. This guy was tense though. He was tall, lanky and whenever
he got angry some vain that resembled the river thames would pop up on his
forehead. He shouted at me for sneezing….. Yes…he was that much of a dickhead he shouted at me for an
involuntary reaction. These are exactly the words he said (I remember well
because I started crying straight after LOL) “is that the best you can do…..IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?
DO?” You’d think if someone got this angry from a sneeze just
imagine him when you don’t do the homework he sets you….he flips s**t, and
talking back? Oh my god….don’t…if you value your eardrums…just don’t. But there were perks to going to an all boys school….. See there were some BANGIN female teachers. One of them was
mrs Baptist. Now she only taught me once but my god….oh man….i swear she would
flirt with the boys. See I remember asking her for help and her b***s are
pretty much on the big side. So she leans on my table to look at my work….shes
opposite me these times so I have got a face full of glorious cleavage. The temptation
to look was….seriously….ah man. I’ll continue this in pt 2! © 2012 nigrum homonculusAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() nigrum homonculuslondon, surrey, United KingdomAbouti have been away from this place for.....lord knows, something like 3-4 years? so i guess all the things i have experienced in that time have to come out somehow you know? so here we are. you're readi.. more..Writing
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